James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Jul 24, 2011 1:11:18pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Jul 24, 2011 1:13:54pm
James M Driskill commented on Rick Ireton's post.
Jul 24, 2011 1:27:56pm
James M Driskill commented on Diane Love's post.
Jul 24, 2011 2:13:09pm
James M Driskill commented on Arlene Martinez Pfeil's post.
Jul 24, 2011 2:25:00pm
James M Driskill commented on Arlene Martinez Pfeil's post.
Jul 24, 2011 2:30:03pm
James M Driskill commented on Arlene Martinez Pfeil's post.
Jul 24, 2011 2:35:08pm
James M Driskill commented on Zelendria Frelix-Robinson's post.
Jul 25, 2011 9:26:36pm
James M Driskill commented on Zelendria Frelix-Robinson's post.
Jul 25, 2011 9:29:59pm
James M Driskill commented on Lora Allen's post.
Jul 26, 2011 9:25:23pm
James M Driskill commented on Stephen Hernandez's post.
Jul 27, 2011 12:31:31am
James M Driskill commented on Stephen Hernandez's post.
Jul 27, 2011 12:32:55am
James M Driskill commented on Stephen Hernandez's post.
Jul 27, 2011 12:34:46am
James M Driskill commented on Monique Rintalan's post.
Jul 27, 2011 7:52:13pm
James M Driskill commented on Monique Rintalan's post.
Jul 27, 2011 8:46:39pm
James M Driskill commented on Suzanne Zavala's post.
Jul 29, 2011 9:20:03am
James M Driskill commented on Debbi Hawkins's post.
Jul 29, 2011 9:23:20am
James M Driskill commented on Debbi Hawkins's post.
Jul 29, 2011 9:27:04am
James M Driskill commented on Debbi Hawkins's post.
Jul 29, 2011 9:27:20am
James M Driskill commented on Shannon Bartley Montana's post.
Jul 29, 2011 1:49:41pm
James M Driskill commented on Ellen Luton's post.
Jul 29, 2011 4:06:20pm
James M Driskill commented on Lisa Kendrick's post.
Jul 29, 2011 4:30:38pm
James M Driskill commented on Joanne Garcilazo Beard's post.
Jul 30, 2011 7:56:28pm
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Jul 30, 2011 8:05:23pm
James M Driskill commented on Ethiem Lewis's post.
Jul 30, 2011 9:56:10pm
James M Driskill commented on Joy Lewis's post.
Jul 31, 2011 8:44:29pm
James M Driskill commented on Shanna Lyon's post.
Aug 05, 2011 11:09:27am
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Aug 05, 2011 11:11:53am
James M Driskill commented on Shanna Lyon's post.
Aug 05, 2011 11:15:40am
James M Driskill commented on Jennie Cervantes's post.
Oct 22, 2012 3:17:46am
James M Driskill commented on Jennie Cervantes's post.
Oct 22, 2012 7:31:00am
James M Driskill commented on Amos Pressley's post.
Group: People For Public Morality
In the post I just placed on this page, "People For Public Morality", within the text of the linked page it states this: @GRUWUP Winter Solstice 2012 + 9 Full Days After It was Said The World Would End and Did It Not! Perhaps something better, a call for some new normal "standard" of peace building achievements of a high pillar virtue standing sound and absolved in all our relations from this day forth. ------- Whatever topic you are referring to here to redefine as Moral Cliff from "New Normal" I see no reference to discussion. My assumption based on terminology and current events that your comment relates somehow to "Fiscal Cliff". If this is not the case, please correct me. But no less important here to your post appearing just before mine made today, Jan 1st 2013 and 11 days past solstice day 2012 aka YULE 2012. This date said to be the end of the world, which of course that was not our human destiny. Perhaps my post is the actual decision of cause and change, Words To Live By, to reach back and hold that passed by truth and to never ever release that hold for these words deserve profound reference in all things acted out and beyond that we call being human. When on the path of GRUW UP discovery from this link to the next, it would be important to understand the comments that I have applied to the article [ allaboutphilosophy : Moral Truth : Why Does It Matter?] that appears on the writings of mine at [ wikiworld : inthemindway ]. No links provided here in this comment. Follow the link from my post. Thank You. Should my post and the following details link provided ban me from this page, that would be a moral outrage! My first request beyond reading would be to find yourself inspired to create your own @origin.org : United Communities Of Spirit profile. That would be a very GRUW UP act. Thank you.
James M Driskill commented on Saul Wagner's post.
Group: People For Public Morality
For anyone who cares to know who I am and where I am right in this very time I write to the world for@GruwUp 2012 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace . My present living situation is currently basically homeless again for the 3rd time in my life staying with a friend from my childhood. The address is the registrant address of @deadhead.org. I reconnected with my friend last August and first visited him here at his place in Aurora Colorado for my birthday September 1st. As of November 1st, I have been living under the roof of my friend's home domain. By performing a whois on the Internet domain, my physical location address can provide the truth to the next statement here. Century 16 Theater Aurora Colorado 14300 East Alameda Avenue, Town Center Aurora, CO 80012, USA This is two long city blocks away or 758 yards direct line distance [measured by Google Earth]. Yep, that is where I am as I write out today Jan 1st 2013. Blessed Be. Can I please have your attention the post on this page "Words To Live By", which is calling for us to bring back some common wisdoms, common reasoning, common enlightenment, and what is obvious to define for the here and now common sense apart from what is described as senseless. The year is 2013 and it is time for all of us intelligent educated humans to be GRUW UP to each other in all of our relations and all of our actions from this day forward. Unconditionally there are no exceptions and no options but to Teach Ignorance To See; or Grief To Smile. Be Gone The Ignorance of Hate. Be Gone The Ignorance of "Others might look to fault a community that perhaps did not pay sufficient attention to the mental health of its citizens". Be Gone The Ignorance of irresponsible Gun Manufacturing where profit interest begets over common good wisdoms. Be Gone The Ignorance of irresponsible Gun Ownership, Sales, Transfers, and improper Safe Storage when guns are not being actively utilized. This to always keep these highly dangerous tools of human creation out of the hands of persons who would use them unjustly or destructively as in these two cases applied here.
James M Driskill commented on Alan Friedlander's post.
Group: People For Public Morality
If one believes all humans are created equal that each human has full sovereignty of one's life and body to make their own individual choices with freedom that this country was founded upon applied, then it must stand as a progression forward. You may not like idea for whatever reason that is. One reason I heard was given that there would be so much "sexual tensions" in the ranks and such things as on the battlefield that these distractions would lead to extra human deaths. . The immorality of the military not addressing the issues of rape between service members, especially male against female, in of itself is a cultural travesty. . Just as gays are now openly allowed in the military and for what reasons this was delayed for so long, the doom and gloom theory that all hell would break loose is not true. The real reasons is obvious. The preservation of male dominance which by whatever ignorance states that a gay man is a sissy and can not be called to defend our nation is so biased against the truth to all these circumstances. So as I have placed this into this discussion, yes they are very much relevant and related. Talking here one to one, if one man or one woman feels it just to override another humans sovereign being for whatever reason, including sexual rape, they should never had been accepted into the military in the first place. Because, when at the time you are ordered to go kill another human on this planet, for whatever reason that is..... you better be just in that act even if one is just following orders. In many ways, the male arrogance standing so untempered by the feminine is what makes our culture in the United states of America hated in many parts of this world. Outside of any religious reference, either you believe men and women should have full complete equal sovereignty or you don't. If you don't, you might consider why. [ http://www.sovereignlife.com/sovereign-individual.html ] . A single quote from this article. . "This transition, which they have termed "the fourth stage of human society," will liberate individuals as never before, irrevocably altering the power of government. This outstanding book will replace false hopes and fictions with new understanding and clarified values." . Also note relevance to the term PT as it would apply to military personnel who really have no true placement of location that could not change in an instant. In another words, in a perceptual state of possible relocation.
James M Driskill commented on Tim Abney's post.
Aug 08, 2015 6:24:59pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Nov 04, 2015 5:52:43pm
James M Driskill commented on Armando Castro's post.
May 19, 2016 2:14:46pm
James M Driskill commented on Carole Elizabeth Ballard's post.
May 27, 2016 5:29:15pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: FreeTrust
Now I told you - - she said that she was not on Facebook - and she is. Let me check my history onto her profile here -- what do you think people these interweaving tools are created for intention and empowered for? It is ridiculous to sit there in silence -- to now I am speaking the truth -- and not become corrected to a promise of change. That is not an option. That is the option that goes to oblivion millions every time. For these actors are are actually MISUSING the tools on Facebook -- -against the Commonwealth -- and they should have their LICENSES of CAREER REVOKED !! But At q minimum interfac+e [ Mark Zuckerberg -- are you listening here? I am sure he is ] -- - Their presence [ Rocky Mountain Cares, Cinamon Romero, Shannon Southall on Facebook should be DELETED and DISAPPEARED Their web presence REVOKED by ADMIN -- for they do not hold the truth side --- for it is this side -- the client side --- that bears witness of the truth. -- for all they put out onto their actions here on fb domain is placed inverse of true moral causes. I know this is in fact the truth. These people cannot defend themselves -- for they know I have caught one hell of a marker denoting CONSPIRACY EXPOSED -- and they know it. You must RESPOND -- unless you ACTUALLY RESPOND -- you have till next Friday -- or else you go the @Fuckeduphuman world order -- and enver shall you be unfound there ---for you cannot hold yourself to be a corrected human -- you are a dangerous pretense -- what else dark deeds are you involved in ? NATIONAL SECURITY MATTERS MAY INDEED BE A CONCLUSIVE TRUTH - FOR THIS SILENCE -- THESE ARE NEVER EVER GOING AWAY -- YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR CONSCIENCE AND COMMIT THAT CHANGE ONTO OUR UNIVERSE NOW PRESENT DAY --- YOU CANNOT LIE AGAIN AND RUN AWAY. ! YOU HAVE BEEN CAUGHT IN TOO MANY DECEPTIONS ALREADY --- GO BE FUCKED UP HUMAN ELSE WHERE --- YOU OFFEND ME --- GREATLY! Insolence -- you should be ashamed -- but you are proud -- you are an agent tresonous to our national country patroic ways. You need you head examined -- some how some way -- to know I am saying no lie -- no lie -- no lie -- even though I do not have direct witness involment of what is up -- there is something fishy going on.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
[ Tenant 112 CLAIMS DECLARES #ConspiracyExposed : Breech Of Tenancy Contract By Lessor ]:
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
[ Spoken Voice Presentation Audio : ]: http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bOrganizations%5d/Tschetter.Hamrick.Sulzer.Attorneys.and.Counselors.At.Law/Tenant112-CLAIMS-DECLARES%20-TRUTHFULLY-DISCLOSED%20HERE-%23ConspiracyExposed.mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
[ as Written in email dated:: [ Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 9:51 AM ] : Ms Romero, you cannot put me into a classification such as you had and negotiate remedies of matters on behalf of the opposing side of a client.in a conflict or issue, --- and that is exactly what you did. You know it. -- Full Email: http://community.gruwup.net/01E/%5bAuto-Reply%5d%20The%20To%20%20persons%20here%20-%20until%20you%20recoginize%20my%20mission%20work%20is%20this2.htm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
[ Spoken Voice Presentation : Audio ] : http://community.gruwup.net/01E/email-LocalHivCommunityLeadership-StandardsOfCare.mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
If you have any absolute thinking on these matters that would in fact argue any kind of defense of these materials against my winning such a discrimination case against these moral responsible agents involved [ to include my case manager Cinamon Romero of Rocky Mountain Cares ] to the level to whcih I know they apply.... this address of direct focus reference onto your "action of purpose" onto my case management that failed is what puts all of this way over the top onto persuative agruments to a jury -- and you have to conclude that is the truth. These are indeed live and health safety issues of not just me but an entire community - for which I remain their spokesperson for they are of the continued mindset of "encapsulated fear factors" to speak up against any of these matters for themselves for it is showing what happens to those who do -- even with the domain set empowerment I hold. http://community.gruwup.net/01D/
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
UPDATED ---- This is a 5 part audio file --- this is broken into the 5 parts here -- these are found in the directory: http://community.gruwup.net/01E/ --- and will not have an user friendly auto-delivery interface to this address
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Respondents to this poll are welcome to add choices.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
[ Spoken Voice Audio ] StandardsOfCare -- http://community.gruwup.net/01E/email-LocalHivCommunityLeadership-StandardsOfCare.mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Starts with : http://community.gruwup.net/01E/RyanWhite-StandardsOfCare(4a).mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Since I WAS CENSORED [ ONCE AGAIN ] --- Giving the Beniifet of the Doubt that I would not be deleted --- I had to place the previous mentioned public omission in this address --- PUBLIC NOW --- In StandardsOfCare Addendum : http://community.gruwup.net/01E/RyanWhite-StandardsOfCare(4f).mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
See Written Copy : StandardsOfCare : http://community.gruwup.net/01E/%5bAuto-Reply%5d%20The%20To%20%20persons%20here%20-%20until%20you%20recoginize%20my%20mission%20work%20is%20this.htm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
ABOVE Posted on NOV 13th was source from the #Kramobone-The.Good Folders --- BUT DISAPPOINTED AND DISCOUNTED --- THIS ADDRESS HAS TO BE REDIRECTED TO #Kramobone-The.Bad/#Darrell.Johnson : http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Bad/%23Darrell.Johnson/%23HOWA2016-DemandOfGoodCharacterResidentHere-CommunityStandards-Neighbors-Helping-Neighbors/Mpatapo%20-%20Demand-CommunityStandards-NeighborsHelpingNeighbors-FullAudioAddress.mp3
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Chesney Kleinjohn Fails #krambone-The.Good --- Therefore it is placed to the memespace #Kramobone.The.Bad as referenced above : http://adinkra.gruwup.net/Kramobone.jpg
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
This is an email that I have sent to my case manager -- Local Community --- Please read [ http://gruwup.net/Meme/Memes/%23Kramobone-The.Good/fadumo.adan@coloradohealthnetwork.org/E-Mail/Gmail%20-%20Important%20One%20Of%20The%20Last%20Updates%20Here%20In%20Denver.htm ] -- This should preview with a emoji of Death.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Demand For Attention : Summarized : http://denvercap.fuckeduphuman.net/darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org/E-Mailsent/Gmail%20-%20Suggestive%20Course%20of%20Correction.htm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Audio Spoken Voice 1 of 3 : http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/%23Sir-Demand-ForAttention/Sir-Demand-ForAttention%281%29-9722d9c7-bf54-44fb-85e7-4f32e9a8fcf5.mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
2 of 3 --- at the proper domain Try this : http://denvercap.fuckeduphuman.net/%23Sir-Demand-ForAttention/Sir-Demand-ForAttention%282%29%2065d618bd-5776-43ad-96d3-b2163ad76f62.mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Part 3 of 3 : http://denvercap.fuckeduphuman.net/%23Sir-Demand-ForAttention/Sir-Demand-ForAttention%283%29-7959a000-6397-4e5c-869c-f99a206bdb5e.mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
#Doctor-Demand-ForAttention : http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org/E-Mailsent/Gmail%20-%20Suggestive%20Course%20of%20Correction.htm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
#WhatKindOfCrazyIsThis : Ok Google : Status of Peacebuilding In The United States 2017, Big Fail! [ 🗣️ 1 hour 18 Min Spoken Voice Narrated ] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/OkGoogle-StatusOfPeaceBuidldingInTheUnitedStates2017-HugeFail-TellMeWhy.mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Mentioned Walk -- Long Walk - Placed With the Interface of Dr. Nancy Madinger, HIV/AIDS Physician In Current Care of James Martin Driskill : This walk was performed in view of not having a community voice, [ being of an Addiictus, tell me why I have had no community voice? ] : http://gruwup.net/alongwalkofbeauty.us/
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
As of today Wednesday August 23rd 2017, Still Not Response Received By Dr. Nancy Madinger. Where is the sanity? #WhatKindOfCrazyIsThis
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Peace building through health initiatives BMJ. 2000 Jul 29; 321(7256): 293–296. PMCID: PMC1118283 Conflict and health [ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1118283/ ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
The QR LINK in this Image is YES THIS IS WHERE IT IS FILED REAL [ http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/UCHealth-Messaging/LetterTo-UniversityColoradoHospital-DoctorNancyMadinger-CaseFail-TellMeWhy-AnEmbarassmentOfDenverHIVAIDSServices2017.mp3 ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
#Kramobone : The Bad Makes It Difficult For The Good To Be Noticed.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
This Image of Angela and Husband Was Posted To Her Facebook Timeline --- A BIG FAT LIE!
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
This is an ALTERNATIVE VERSION OF THIS GRAPHIC --- The QR Link the Original Spoken Voice Text Narrative along with POP MUSIC SELECTIONS of ON FOUNDATION TOPIC THEMES --- also inclusive of gruwup community peace building address #03 and #06. --- This Audio is intended to be played as a work environment or gathering party scene background soundscape. Thanks. THE QR Link Here Plays An Mp3 Audio Playtime 1 Hour 49 Mins 39 Secs [ http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/angela.keady-coloradohealthnetwork.org/Angela.Elizabeth.Keady-You-Have-Allowed-Hate-To-Win-The-Lovers-Lose-The-Haters-Win-%23ConspiracyExposed-%23Sir-Demand-ForAttention-%5bExtended-Music%5d.mp3 ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Main Mpatapo Binding Knot / Reconciliation MemeSpace Folder : QRCode : [ http://angelaelizabethkeady.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] 👁️ 😲 😳 😵 😡 😱 --- The massive mischievous marvel of molding muck has already oblivion [💣] occurred within these documented details of #ConspiraryExposed --- the maligned thoughtless deeds a community in Denver Colorado that has gone awry!!!! This has been seriously derailed from their trust and common senses that as obstinate to accept and change before this mess happened all out here.... they must have it in their powers of circles of influences to consider themselves AS UNTOUCHABLES. This graphics is very much --- FAMILY CONNECTIVITY LINKS MAY CREATE AN EMOTIONAL RESPONSE when none so far has been reached to new direction. Ah Ah Ah Oh Yes, contrary to that non-science / nonsense belief --- YOU ARE NOT UNTOUCHABLES ANY LONGER! Shame on You.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Skip Marley
Group: Denver Locals
This is the online networking assignment folder for Sammie Francher --- [ http://gvonncii.gruwup.net/1st-Knight-Lion/ ] and auto-directs to play on SoundCloud Skip Marley Lions
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Skip Marley
Group: Denver Locals
Direct Soundcloud Link: [ https://soundcloud.com/skip-marley/lions?in=inthemindway/sets/kramobone-the-good]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
Also on YouTube -- Skip Marley Lions [ lyrics ] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6Y7yQIZT4Q
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
lease open and listen to this Audio of the text from Glassdoor Employee Reviews in Spoken Voice Audio: http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/CompanyReviews%20%5b%20GlassDoor%20%5d/EmployeeReviewsofColoradoHealthNetwork-DoesAnybodyHaveABoxOfTissues.mp3
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
I appreciate you ---- along with your content --- if you want to make that content legitimate.... one might want to first open and listen to The Community As A Whole Must Seek To Understand One Another. : http://community.gruwup.net/09/
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
I don;t give away domains --- my fb friend Kenny does ..... but since we just got over one hump... lets wait until we both get back into a trust groove. OK? : http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/TruthVideo/JoeScott-AnswersWithJoe/CanThereReallyBeAbsoluteTruthAnswersWithJoe/
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
There should be no RESTRICTION ON CONTENTS ---- They Are Site Advistor Cleared.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Send a note to your ISP or wherever or whomever is your NETWORK ADMIN you are accesssing the web from right now.... if you are in an internet cafe --- then they have it restricted or you just deceived me. Either way --- THE CONTENT IS CLEARED SAFE.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP : Honor Your Commitments Of Statements --- [ http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/angela.keady-coloradohealthnetwork.org/20770308_10207856804817039_7373009513315203957_n.jpg ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on Salim Positive's post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on Immanuel Sheefeni's post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Dec 23, 2017 8:10:45am
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
If I am going to change my citizenry to a different country, I would consider AFRICA a place to call home. I would need to find a sponsor within the target country for vest results and controlled paths of switching country allegences.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Jan 01, 2018 1:13:11pm
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Jan 01, 2018 1:30:40pm
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Jan 04, 2018 10:03:00pm
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Jan 04, 2018 10:04:45pm
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Jan 04, 2018 10:05:55pm
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Jan 04, 2018 10:07:39pm
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Jan 04, 2018 10:11:40pm
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Jan 04, 2018 10:14:20pm
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Jan 05, 2018 11:00:10am
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Jan 05, 2018 11:04:11am
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Jan 05, 2018 11:19:55am
James M Driskill commented on Rey De Espadas's post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
I want to reply to this post with a new youtube video post that is a public awareness effort to the exposure and accountability of the Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project for their participation and role in #ConspiracyExposed -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt38GyEdN0o&feature=share : #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : Hate Chaos In Ryan White Care Act HIV/AIDS Services Agencies! : The main advise I have is announce yourself as knowing about this #ConspiracyExposed and demand change. There are two service support agencies in town. Rocky Mountain Cares has claimed they have a merger with an out of state agency that is CLIENT CENTERED. This only after I exposed their role and participation in coverup with my ability to bring forward and make adaptive corrections to an 11 month hate and harassment campaign that I was currently under-toe without yet identified the source of this directed hate. The source is showing on Glassdor, but I named the source based on attitudes and actions of Jamie Villalobos of Colorado Health Network before the employee reviews appears on the site of Glassdoor exposing this hate and chaos caddy gossiping staff work environment culture working in place at CHN. There is a special url in place at my domains -- persuasive technology -- the facts are made in the documented pudding : http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net and in the name of my case manager individually named : http://angelaelizabethkeady.fuckeduphuman.net/ If you use either Colorado Health Network or Rocky Mountain Cares for information resources, demand that they place into the record onto any signed contract documents that you may sign, displaying the African Communication Symbol of the Kramobone, The Mpatapo, and the Nyansapo Wisdom Knot bindings - Open Your Eyes : see folder : http://adinkra.gruwup.net😖😪🙃😢😭 they are hate collective actors 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣
James M Driskill commented on Rey De Espadas's post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on Rey De Espadas's post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on Rey De Espadas's post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Denver is a very racially divided region of our nation. It has allowed hate to win --- and I caution you to not trust things are just peachy in Denver.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
My public profile is showing that I am HIV positive. You can google search [ James Driskill HIV ] --- however most people do not have such public persona applied to their health status like I do. It is typically not appropriate to ask persons their hiv status just point blank like that without a reason or need.
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Mar 27, 2018 10:00:06pm
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Mar 27, 2018 10:00:31pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Spoken Voice Narrative of the LinkedIn Conversation Attached To This Post : http://ineedaguardianangel.webdomains.realuphuman.net/linkedin.com/messaging-thread-6355323601637511168/Issues-CommunityConcerns.ogg --- Listen to the narrative closely --- everything disclosed to Shannon Southall --- then she coward out --- recoils when confronted to tell the truth. Rocky Mountain CARES
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Hate is not going to be allowed to win! Why I do not fix into a box or mold! QR Code in this Graphic [ http://sheriff-john-mcmahon.webdomains.realuphuman.net/sbcounty.gov/Gmail%20-%20Why%20Do%20I%20not%20fit%20into%20a%20box%20or%20mold.html ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Peer and Family Advocacy - Introduction : [ http://sheriff-john-mcmahon.webdomains.realuphuman.net/sbcounty.gov/Gmail%20-%20Peer%20and%20Family%20Advocacy%20Introduction.html ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Letter to Defense Attorney : Jonathan Arellano-Jackson : Do You Think I am A Dumbshit? : [ http://sheriff-john-mcmahon.webdomains.realuphuman.net/pd.sbcounty.gov/Gmail%20-%20DO%20YOU%20THINK%20I%20AM%20A%20DUMB%20SHIT.html ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
On LinkedIn --- [ https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6385381472831971328 ]
James M Driskill commented on John Richard Allan's post.
Apr 05, 2018 9:10:42pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Hey --- the approved my two update posts onto their group finally. https://www.facebook.com/groups/POZPLANET/permalink/10155223275677056/?notif_id=1523832636654702&notif_t=group_post_approved&ref=notif
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Post 2 : https://www.facebook.com/groups/POZPLANET/permalink/10155223052497056/?notif_id=1523832999130657&notif_t=group_post_approved&ref=notif
James M Driskill replied to James Martin Houser's comment.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on James Martin Houser's post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on James Martin Houser's post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Read For Yourself : https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Colorado-Health-Network-Reviews-E1718672.htm?sort.sortType=RD&sort.ascending=false
James M Driskill commented on Harold Weisbecker's post.
May 05, 2018 9:07:59pm
James M Driskill commented on a post.
May 05, 2018 11:23:47pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
For A Video On This Adinkra Symbol of Gye Nyame --- Go To [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM9NnxiiFU8 ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
A preliminary introduction email letter has already been directed to the District Attorney's office of Denver County Colorado. This email has spoken voice text narrative interface at it's archived location: [ http://localhivcommunityleadership-denver-facebook.com.coloradohealthnetwork.webdomains.realuphuman.net/denverda.org/Gmail%20-%20PRELIMINARY%20STORY%20FOR%20A%20FILED%20COMPLAINT.html ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
btw, the original appearing reply that I had onsite at LinkedIn has been reviewed and altered by Linked, which is perfectly ok. That original reply comment has been archived along with his now standing reviewed comments that should remain static and visible for the entire world to see.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Part 1 : First Appearing Reply : http://localhivcommunityleadership-denver-facebook.com.coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/LinkedIn-Comments/Colorado%20Health%20Network%20DBA%20Colorado%20AIDS%20Project%20-%20LinkedIn.html
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Part 2: Remaining : Reapplied Glassdoor link to reviews : http://localhivcommunityleadership-denver-facebook.com.coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/LinkedIn-Comments/Colorado%20Health%20Network%20DBA%20Colorado%20AIDS%20Project%20-%20LinkedIn%20%5b%202%20%5d.html
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
The Graphic showing as my avatar in this posting is this direct template image -- you are welcome to apply your name to it if you believe in complete honesty if you like [ http://localhivcommunityleadership-denver-facebook.com.realuphuman.net/@REALUPHUMAN-Banner-Mission-2018%20%5b%20Blank%20FillIn%20%5d%20600.jpg]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
This is a screen recording showing scroll results. https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/vb.1295702360/10211785364731669/?type=2&theater&notif_t=video_processed&notif_id=1526229918572518
James M Driskill commented on a post.
May 22, 2018 11:14:42pm
James M Driskill commented on Sam Graper's post.
May 23, 2018 10:04:35pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
This problem is nationally and systemic. Research the glassdoor reviews for the Ryan White Care Act Funded Social Service Agencies across the nation and there are some startling results. Such as this one from Cascade Aids Project. https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-Cascade-AIDS-Project-RVW8041978.htm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
I have a post article on LinkedIn Introducing the #ConspiracyExposed problem with the Ryan White Care Act Social Service Agencies Nationally. [ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/interfacing-glassdoor-data-onto-linkedin-social-relief-driskill/ ]
James M Driskill commented on Kaitlin May Paulus's post.
Jul 25, 2018 11:53:52am
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
The Problem with Facebook Dividing Our Communities Is Mentioned In This Web Page: [ http://humanetech.com/problem#the-way-forward ] Unfortunately, what's best for capturing our attention isn't best for our well-being: Snapchat turns conversations into streaks, redefining how our children measure friendship. Instagram glorifies the picture-perfect life, eroding our self worth. Facebook segregates us into echo chambers, fragmenting our communities. YouTube autoplays the next video within seconds, even if it eats into our sleep. These are not neutral products. They are part of a system designed to addict us.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
This problem page from HumaneTech in whole is presented in this video: To @FBI Community Cultural Health #DeleteFacebook Combined https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR3MbXBea2g&index=5&list=PL9fplPdaPNx-fvh9D24MZoMfJCdzaTmlG
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
https://www.facebook.com/groups/267091670359848/permalink/567732790295733/ [ This is mentioned so that Angela Can Reference It Directly ]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Detailed FULL REPORT TO THE FBI with LINKS: http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/fbi.gov/Gmail%20-%20FBI%20Report%20---%20Full%20Report%20-%20With%20Links.html
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Review Given In Spoken Voice Narrative: http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/Cascade%20Aids%20Project.ogg
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on Dylan Mikagami's post.
Sep 18, 2018 2:52:52pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
YouTube Search [ Foothill Aids Project ] : https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=foothill+aids+project
James M Driskill commented on Renee Johnson's post.
Group: Namaste
Just alcohol? SURE --- that is not my drug of choice.
James M Driskill commented on Jeffery Brough's post.
Group: Namaste
No -- they make too much money on sponsored ads and other ad content on the web. FREE USE for ad space given to user is the model of their platform. Perhaps they need to change this model, http://humanetech.com/problem
James M Driskill commented on Kelvin Naidoo's post.
Group: Namaste
still my mom's home phone number to this day. this one is easy. I am 53
James M Driskill commented on Bruuk Luna's post.
Group: Namaste
Never! [ http://adinkra.gruwup.net/075-PowerOfLove/075-OdoNyeraFieKwan.png ]
James M Driskill commented on Chibuzor Nicholas's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on Chibuzor Nicholas's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on Jusiana Singarimbun's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on Jusiana Singarimbun's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on POZPLANET's post.
Dec 28, 2018 2:08:20am
James M Driskill commented on POZPLANET's post.
Dec 28, 2018 2:13:49am
James M Driskill commented on Michael Peters's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Dec 29, 2018 9:01:29am
James M Driskill replied to Christine White Dennison's comment.
Group: Namaste
Because your mind is being challenged does not make it hate --- hate is a story like this one --- that has been challenged --- that the haters have been allowed to win --- and that ain't right. Those are the haters that should be reprimanded for their actions not their words. https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10213258668883352
James M Driskill commented on Sakib Mansuri's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on Sammy Greenberg's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on Asjad Ak's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on Tapas Panigrahi's post.
Group: Namaste
You asked for an alternative. I have two things --- it is about thinking, doing, and acting in a perspective --- a change of augmented conscience. The Title Of This is: [ Crazy World Future Words ] This has both written and spoken voice text narrative interface. Written: [ On WikiWorld ]: http://wikiworld.com/wiki/index.php?title=CrazyWorldFutureWords Spoken Voice Audio [ 11min 9sec ]: http://wikiworld.com.crazyworldfuturewords.webdomains.gruwup.net/WikiWorld.com/CrazyWorldFutureWords.ogg
James M Driskill commented on Tapas Panigrahi's post.
Tes Kempner
11 Big, Big World
Group: Namaste
A Song By Tes Kempner Titled: Big Big World https://soundcloud.com/tes-kempner/11-big-big-world
James M Driskill commented on Qayum Kakar's post.
Group: Namaste
My hometown is a terrorist attack of infamy now since Dec 2015. Prior to that, it is the location where McDonalds started just a few blocks down from my High School. Also, the Hell's Angels Bicycle Gang started around here [ the one they model the show "Sons of Anarchy" from. That the county of this city is the largest single county across our nation, larger than the state of Rhode Island. Can you name my hometown city?
James M Driskill commented on Qayum Kakar's post.
Group: Namaste
Your all so chit-chatty but can't handle some intelligence.
James M Driskill commented on Qayum Kakar's post.
Group: Namaste
buaaack bauaaack
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Namaste
The Symbol showing is the Adinkra Symbol for God's Eye Sees All Secrets
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Namaste
Watch out --- he is watching. http://adinkra.gruwup.net/083-GodSeesAllSecrets/OnyakoponAniwa-@Gruwup2.gif
James M Driskill commented on Ro Pete's post.
Feb 14, 2019 11:29:13pm
James M Driskill commented on Abdur Rehman Ashraf's post.
Group: Namaste
12 -- don't forget the regular view of the person on the bottom of the picture.
James M Driskill commented on Qayum Kakar's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: RyanWhiteCareAct@FuckedUpHuman.Net
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: RyanWhiteCareAct@FuckedUpHuman.Net
James M Driskill commented on Clement KingLoocly Molobela's post.
Feb 17, 2019 10:53:19am
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Denver Locals
LinkedIn Post In Spoken Voice Text Narrative: http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/linkedin.com/article-ConspiracyExposedByGlassdoorReviews-RyanWhiteSocialServiceAgencies.ogg
James M Driskill commented on Temple KO's post.
Feb 28, 2019 12:17:27pm
James M Driskill commented on Ibn Selim's post.
Group: Namaste
Sorry but true.
James M Driskill commented on Ibn Selim's post.
Group: Namaste
an apology?
James M Driskill commented on Ibn Selim's post.
Group: Namaste
I have to go take my nephew to elementary school shortly --- when you contemplate your position and holding currently. Thank you
James M Driskill commented on Cesar Jimenez's post.
Mar 09, 2019 12:02:36am
James M Driskill commented on Jesus Carrillo's post.
Mar 09, 2019 1:20:28am
James M Driskill commented on Renee Johnson's post.
Group: Namaste
Masturbate -- or --- suicide --- what do you think?
James M Driskill commented on Ekanem Edu's post.
Group: Namaste
You will find that their is a click of power attitude content moderators that delete at will --- i am about to close it up --- block the url from my mind again -- because on this group we are not one.
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Namaste
Ekanem Edu You don't need to get discourages... it is me that is discourages... maybe someone could convince me otherwise -- deflection never got it real -- try humor. It is all about jealousy I have decided.
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Namaste
My posts stand out -- on purpose == they would rather hide me away -- because I am no humble power here.
James M Driskill commented on Irfan Ali's post.
Group: Namaste
I was going 115 southbound I-5 in California in a White 1986 Honda Crx while I was racing a red [ year unknown ] Honda Crx. I was in the front winning when the cop with lights on passing up the red CRX behind me --- he slowed down of course.... The cop pulled me over to the side of the highway and immedately the cop got out of his patrol car... a crazy cop then took his in hand flashlight and stood right in the middle of the highway and flagged the red CRX to pull to off the road. once the car was stopped the cop came up to my window. he said he couple arrest us [ i had a passenger ] but we were wearing our seatbelts.
James M Driskill commented on Louis Hankin's post.
Group: Namaste
6 billion years before. will we last another 6 billion before the big collapse happends? another cycle of the big bang.
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Mar 11, 2019 11:53:05am
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Mar 11, 2019 11:53:36am
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Mar 11, 2019 11:54:17am
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Mar 11, 2019 11:54:48am
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Mar 11, 2019 11:59:43am
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Mar 11, 2019 12:01:52pm
James M Driskill commented on Mamta Gupta Gahoi's post.
Group: Namaste
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind ------- 8 times so far ---
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: Namaste
Tjhe movie was on crackle for a while
James M Driskill commented on Pearl Queen's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on POZPLANET's post.
Mar 11, 2019 8:49:23pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
** *** RANDOM SELECTED OUTGOING COMMUNITY PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGING : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 *** Click This Link For Random Selection: http://realuphuman.net/URLS/6g2a/RandomMessage.html
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
[ Highly Recommended Additional Content Available For Public Interest Available At The [ Index Of .... ] Link Above. It is stamped and sealed and content placement approved to the mission effort above under this symbol and it's Solomon's Knot applied adjoined meanings ]: http://doctor-eric-tomoni-shigeno.fuckeduphuman.net/%23Adinkra/043-Kramobone.png
James M Driskill commented on Jonathan Rodrigo's post.
Mar 12, 2019 8:59:36am
James M Driskill commented on Aphie Sanson's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on Aphie Sanson's post.
Group: Namaste
James M Driskill commented on Ateba Joel's post.
Mar 16, 2019 11:26:53am
James M Driskill commented on Lcukie Pix's post.
Mar 16, 2019 3:35:01pm
James M Driskill commented on Prince Akila's post.
Mar 16, 2019 4:29:48pm
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Mar 16, 2019 8:45:36pm
James M Driskill commented on Gozi Oleks's post.
Mar 19, 2019 9:24:00am
James M Driskill commented on Josh Black Nation's post.
Apr 02, 2019 5:40:19pm
James M Driskill commented on Regie Ocampo's post.
Apr 02, 2019 9:54:49pm
James M Driskill commented on Regie Ocampo's post.
Apr 02, 2019 10:05:53pm
James M Driskill commented on Jay Walia's post.
Apr 03, 2019 1:52:42am
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
http://jamie-villalobos.fuckeduphuman.net Colorado Health Network - Denver Jamie Villalobos
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: RyanWhiteCareAct@FuckedUpHuman.Net
http://jamie-villalobos.fuckeduphuman.net Colorado Health Network - Denver
James M Driskill commented on Greg Jenkins's post.
Apr 13, 2019 12:16:29am
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Apr 13, 2019 12:17:32am
James M Driskill commented on Stacey Ellen's post.
May 08, 2019 10:26:00am
James M Driskill commented on a post.
Jun 02, 2019 10:26:46pm
James M Driskill commented on Michelle Welker's post.
Jun 22, 2019 12:48:03pm
James M Driskill commented on Marc Anthony Constantine Kleans's post.
Jul 06, 2019 12:55:57am
James M Driskill commented on Nate Green's post.
Apr 08, 2020 12:04:07pm
James M Driskill commented on Justin Thornton's post.
Group: the rainbow warriors.rise up.
Where is rhe link to the bill - so I can read it for myself?
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
INVITE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS MEETING EVENT: [ September 1st 2020 : 12:00pm : 3260 Grande Vista 92405 ] I DEMAND A SERIOUSLY HONEST INCENTIVIZED POLICE OFFICER TEAM FROM THE SAN BERNARDINO POLICE DEPARTMENT TO BE PRESENT AT MY HOME TO CONDUCT AN APOLOGY AND RECONCILLATION EVENT IN AN "ACCORD" PROCEDURE PROCESS TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FROM AT LEAST 3 PERSONS AS A SPART OF REBUILDING TRUST AND RESTORING HONEST RELATIONS IN ALL OF MY NEEDS IN THIS COMMUNITY TO #StopGangStalking : Invites must include: Lieutenant Nelson Carrington, San Bernardino Police Department Sergeant Lanier Joseph Rogers Mike A. Bires, San Bernardino County District Attorney and Wendy Ann Holmquist, County of San Bernardino Can we DO THIS without A Bunch of Bullshit?
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
WHY HAS HE BLOCKED ALL ACCESS TO HUMAN DISCOURSE --- RADICALLY BREAKING MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS -- PERHAPS HE IS A / THE SOURCE OF A HATE CONSPIRACY -- but you will just let the moment pass -- as the haters ponce more and more ounces in me no more I have to bleed. No body cares to fix this so I can have an honorable and honest relationship with an HIV/AIDS doctor -- right -- conspiracy run-a-muck! I D I E !
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
NOT A DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF AFFAIR - IN DIRECT RESPONSE TO DIRECTOR VERONICA KELLEY -- San Bernardino County Departement Of Behavioral Health http://james-martin-driskill.declaration.systemic-goverment-victimization.being-myself-is-not-good-enough.i-want-to-die.no-help.no-help.no-help.hivuntreatable.sir-mike-isocialcop-bires.sbcda.director.doctor-veronica-kelley.dbh.sbcounty.gov.fuckeduphuman.space/NotADontSweatTheSmallStuffAffair.ogg Citizens of San Bernardino County San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department San Bernardino Police Department San Bernardino County District Attorney San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health [ uninked because of BLOCKED - VIOLATION OF 1ST ADMENDMENT ]
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
THE GENERAL PUBLIC -- THE COMPLETE MULTI-VIDEO PLAYLIST HERE BEGINS WITH [ Barbra Streisand - Don't Like To Me ]: http://james-martin-driskill.declaration.systemic-goverment-victimization.being-myself-is-not-good-enough.i-want-to-die.no-help.no-help.no-help.hivuntreatable.sir-mike-isocialcop-bires.sbcda.director.doctor-veronica-kelley.dbh-sbcounty.music.fuckeduphuman.net/Dont-Lie-To-Me/ ABSOLUTELY DOCTOR VERONICA - CATCH YOU ON THE WILD SIDE! "How Do You Sleep When The World Is Burning?" "Everyone Answers To Someone" "Don't Lie To Me!" "You Lied In Me" -- In Your Video !! I have No Access To Medical Care -- TRUSTWORTHY -- I DEMAND NEW COMMITMENTS IN ALL OF THESE CHALLENGES -- IN WRITING! https://npino.com/social-worker/1902211774-ms.-veronica-lynn-kelley/ https://npino.com/npi/1386606465-balbir-natt/ THIS IS UNCONDITIONALLY -- DEMANDED! I have already committed COURSE OF ACTION -- FAXES TO California Department of Justice
James M Driskill replied to Alison Ni's comment.
James M Driskill replied to Alison Ni's comment.
Something also to consider: https://nypost.com/2019/08/21/semen-may-help-prevent-hiv-infection-in-women-study/
James M Driskill replied to Alison Ni's comment.
http://community.gruwup.net/27/ - A Forevermore Dunce -- Admonishment to the Ryan White Care Act Funded Social Services Agencies Involved in #Gangstalking ---
James M Driskill replied to Alison Ni's comment.
James M Driskill replied to Alison Ni's comment.
AUDIO PRESENTATION OF https://www.change.org/p/united-states-department-of-health-and-human-services-replace-cdc-hiv-dir-drmermincdc-immediately-he-s-involved-in-coverup-of-hate-conspiracy PETITION: http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/change.org/Alt%20-%20All%20Us%20Unite%20For%20Commons%20%20-%20CDC%20HIV%20Director%20@DrMerminCDC%20(%20Doctor%20Jonathan%20Harry%20Mermin%20)%20Immediately.ogg #StopGangStalking https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7178134/ Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Apr; 17(7): 2506. Published online 2020 Apr 6. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072506 PMCID: PMC7178134 PMID: 32268595 The Phenomenology of Group Stalking (‘Gang-Stalking’): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences Lorraine Sheridan,1,* David V. James,2 and Jayden Roth1 ----- Since the turn of the millennium, another term linked to stalking has gained currency in the media and on the world wide web—that of ‘group’ or ‘gang’ stalking. Stalking generally involves a single stalker who may occasionally recruit others into stalking by proxy, their involvement usually being unwitting [4]. By contrast, reports of group or gang-stalking describe stalking by multiple individuals who engage in a shared endeavour with a group purpose. For research purposes, the number is taken as three or more, although in many instances those suffering from the phenomenon have reported the involvement of far greater numbers [5]. Despite the experience of gang-stalking being so widely reported and the evidence of its harmful effects on individuals and on society at large, there is a dearth of research into its nature and into the components that constitute the experience. Sheridan and James’ study [5] appears to be the only one to have investigated this central feature of this subject. As with most studies of victim experiences, their study was based upon questionnaire data from self-selected respondents. Whilst the questionnaire included free-text items for describing subjective experiences, its bulk text comprised a collection of information on specific pre-defined data points. Those concerning the types of intrusive behaviour and experiences that constitute stalking were taken from Spitzberg’s [22] meta-analysis, which extracted data for this part of his project from 43 studies. The focus of both the separate studies and of the meta-analysis was on the phenomenon of being stalked by a single individual. As such, Sheridan and James’ study in effect imposed a classification of phenomena on the questionnaire respondents and, as such, may potentially have excluded experiences amongst gang-stalked respondents that did not fit into the standard pattern reported by those stalked by individuals. In order to overcome this problem, we decided to conduct a study of the experiences of those reporting gang-stalking that would allow the components of their experience to emerge de novo from their detailed accounts, rather being shoe-horned into a preconceived framework. This follows the phenomenological approach expounded by Mullen [23] in which subjective phenomena are approached through a descriptive phenomenology, free of the restraints of existing classification systems. The main aim of the study was to identify the phenomena that constitute the subjective experience of gang-stalking, free from assumptions based on the cases of those stalked by individuals. A second aim was to allow the emergence of the psychological and behavioural sequelae of gang stalking deemed most worthy of reporting by those describing their gang-stalking experiences, and which therefore were likely to be the most concerning to them. 3. Results 3.1. Length of Stalking None of the writers of the narratives described their experiences as having ended. All 50 authors stated or implied that they had been gang stalked for lengthy periods of time (e.g., one mentioned being seen by seven psychologists during the period of being targeted, another described having been targeted whilst living in three different countries). The shortest case was described as having begun “in the last few months” and the longest as continuing for “more than 22 years”. 3.2. Reasons for the Gang-Stalking The narratives were examined to establish whether the perceived reasons for being targeted by gang stalkers could be identified. Reasons were found in 20 of the 50 accounts. In all 20 cases, no named person was believed to be targeting the victim. Representative examples of the reasons given for the gang-stalking were as follows: “Why? To drive people to meet-up groups or a psychiatrist so they can be medicated and/or get more federal grants for more mental health instead of training a real police force. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a big seller in the area.” “It is a brainwashing military experiment. Post 9/11, they isolate certain people to stop them acting against government.” “It is part of an overt agenda to create and test mind control. They are creating weaponry tested on us.” “I began driving a friend around to make his pot sales and I started noticing we would get tailed from time to time. I knew this friend had connects in weird places (he knows members of Anonymous, he knows people who work at the Pentagon). I also did a lot of research and was very vocal about being anti-government and anti-corporation. This is what got me targeted. If you are vocal about your positions, then you will eventually run across a civilian spy who will pass the information to their superiors, who will continue to pass the information up the chain of command. Once you’re on their list, your life can become a living hell.” ===== I am a targeted of gang stalking for 15 years -- unstoppable. Conspiracy by the government. http://fuckeduphuman.space/YouTube-SBCOUNTYHS/SBCountyHS%20-%20Disscusion%20-%20Makta%20Pond%20-%20SuppreseedOpinionUnacceptableStandardViolates1stAdmendmentRights%20-%20YouTube.pdf http://fuckeduphuman.space/YouTube-SBCOUNTYHS/SBCountyHS-Discussion-UnapprovedSuppressedOpinionComments.ogg
James M Driskill replied to Alison Ni's comment.
James M Driskill replied to Alison Ni's comment.
WHO I POINT IS MORALLY RESPONSIBLE? http://fuckeduphuman.space/NPINO%20-%20Disqus%20Commented%20-%20Ms.%20Veronica%20Lynn%20Kelley,%20in%20San%20Bernardino%20-%20NPI%201902211774.pdf
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
VIA NPINO TO DOCTOR VERONICA KELLEY -- DIRECTOR - SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ---- http://to-be-or-not-to-be.that-is-the-question.fuckeduphuman.life/Doctor-Veronica-Kelley/NPINO%20-%20Disqus%20Commented%20-%20Ms.%20Veronica%20Lynn%20Kelley,%20in%20San%20Bernardino%20-%20NPI%201902211774.pdf
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
PUBLIC FORUM / PUBLIC OPIONION BEING OPPRESSED / SUPPRESSED IN VIEW OF SPECIAL INTERST IN DEFENDING A HATE CONSPIRACY OF #GANGSTALKING AND A TREASONOUS UNITED STATES POLICY OF UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 21 INTENDED TO COLLAPSE THIS NATION TO DUST: http://to-be-or-not-to-be.that-is-the-question.fuckeduphuman.space/YouTube-SBCOUNTYHS/SBCountyHS%20-%20Disscusion%20-%20Makta%20Pond%20-%20SuppreseedOpinionUnacceptableStandardViolates1stAdmendmentRights%20-%20YouTube.pdf AUDIO: 53min 55sec http://to-be-or-not-to-be.that-is-the-question.fuckeduphuman.space/YouTube-SBCOUNTYHS/SBCountyHS-Discussion-UnapprovedSuppressedOpinionComments.ogg
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
James M Driskill commented on Blake Simpson's post.
The ANSWER in the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health is NO! My First Encounter with the county mental health services with Dr.Chistopher Berger here in SB - #HUGEFAIL - 2 sessions of 2 1/2 hours each -- intensive meeting time - 5 hours total. To have the understanding of what is termed #Gangstalking -- I received from Denver Social Services at the hands of the staff at Colorado Health Network - Denver [ tagged - if it is removed, they can't handle the truth this is a fact! ]. I attempted once more to get a RESPONSE from Dr. Kelly this month -- there is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) document now, defines #Gangstalking. This document would be foundation - conclusive gang stalking is real. Instrumental to explain to doctors the conditions around this perplexing phenomenon. Needs to intervention to the harm being done to individuals and to society.
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
This is a CALL RECORDING attempting to get a MESSAGE and/or TALK with Doctor Veronica Kelley, Director -- I have been emailing tweets for over a. month, no response. The message was given to one of the office Secretaries -- but Doctor Kelley will not CALL ME BACK and SCHEDULE =WITH ME am HONEST OPEN PUBLIC AFFAIRS DISCUSSION ON GANGSTALKING -- when it is apparent one of our San Bernardino County Residence appeared before the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors meeting in Jan 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcBIEy6rEeI&lc=UgzMqpFW5vi0dp1VVa14AaABAg.8bp_EWMZVPe9F489NQAIER&fbclid=IwAR25k7IPxmAj0KCMYR5a1SDtcRnnRAJK2C3x4gt7yBNrJbhBT3Cppqcls78 If I have to appear at the county supervisors -- I am demanding her JOB which then I am going to issue a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT against her and her department for Violation of my Civil rights in the criminal complaint -- for U S CODE Title 18, Section 242. This matter now appears in a civil society valid functioning healthcare document relevant to the department -- she is the one who must bring this into functional review on how to address and police these activities that are harming San Bernardino County Residents -- County Wide -- Gangstalking is flourishing because law enforcement does not enforce the laws that are being broken. They and all consider this a "mental issue" on the part of the TI -- again the readdress for that is on this DBH role here -- but the actual document says that gangstalking is actually happening to target the person by groups of persons -- UNSTOPAGBLE -- this is a DANGEROUS cat and mouse game to who has authorities captured of the ruse or the truth. As this goes on, day to day to day.,... They, the gang stalkers are actually psychologically attacking our members of the community! FIGHT AND GET THIS HATE OUT OF OUR COMMUNITIES DOCTOR KELLEY -- You are the one REASPOONSBLE HERE -- NO QUESTION - How Rude Doctor that you told my mother that you though gangstalking was real but would not be able to hold this subject into view from its prospects I am also DEMANDING ACTION -- PEOPLE ARE BEING HARMED DAY TODAY -- and this is the ACTUAL COUNTY PROCEEDING of one of us TIS -- how RUDE YOU ARE! Can I be any less of ANGRY to have CREATED this FACE GRAPHIC for that dismissal behavior -- you be illing! What the FUCK is WRONG with YOU ?
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
OPEN AND PAY ATTENTION TO THE AUDIO -- THIS IS SO REVEALING http://fuckeduphuman.life/Doctor-Veronica-Kelley/AudioNarratives/This-One-For-Sure-Is-For-The-History-Books.Horizons-Shadow.GOD.I-Have-Done-My-Best.We-Need-A-SuperSize-Lesson.Overwelmed-Bewilderment.ogg
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
I am requesting that the NPINO Record for Doctor Veronica Kelley, Director of the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Be Used To Establish A Viable Forward Discussion. All of the Public is Welcome to Join and Read This Disqus! Empowered Page: https://npino.com/social-worker/1902211774-ms.-veronica-lynn-kelley/
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Another ROUTE into INTRODUCTIONS of these matters is found in the ENTIRE REPLY THREAD on: https://twitter.com/sbdbh/status/1321903115713458177
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
The time is NOW -- Not Tomorrow! To Unite These Concerns for I must CONFRONT in any tool of our CIVIL SOCIETY AFFORDED to me --- The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword -- and I have FAITH to KNOW there are MORE GOOD PEOPLE out here than Haters!
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4LCAewA-bQ The Real Man I Am: Mental Health Services Abuse Old Paradym 2007: #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP 123 views•Apr 1, 2018 "Make Cloudless Skys Rain" -----[ Dreams - Song #1 ] Like a heartbeat drives you mad In the stillness of remembering what you had And what you lost And what you had Ooh, what you lost Thunder only happens when it's rainin' Players only love you when they're playin' When the rain washes you clean, you'll know You'll know You will know Oh, you'll know ----- Do you want to LOSE EVERYTHING or JOIN UNITED WITH ME and CREATE THE FIX for this 30 year policy that you did not start -- but you defend -- and you cannot defend this policy of hate anymore --- DROP IT and MOVE UP into the VIEW of NEEDS here --- and EVERYONE MOVES into a NEW HORIZON --- THE BEST CHOICE.
James M Driskill commented on Ki Ageng Salam's post.
Group: Namaste
Does he have to have a purpose?. Could ir nit just be a work of art? How about an abstract abstract piece of art that's what it is
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Place: Golden Star Motel
I am calling for any and all guardian angels to form thier working miracles - as my life presence on Earth has been ruined by haters that have empowerment ( enchanted political protection ) to always intentionally always win. tweet ro trans-emerge Uber corporate from ride earlier. https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/1360133715746168834?s=19 No one so far has stepped up to confirm thier outside support of a human life ~ i am at.my last final curtain call. I don't want to live in a hate culture any longer. I will not sit down and shut the fuck up abut the happening truth. I refuse!!!!!! I would rather die first. Please be sure to up read the thread complete. Please be sure to forward and follow links. I am expecting somewhere someone to phone my digits to confirm themselves onto actual remedy. Never say never.
James M Driskill replied to Blake Simpson's comment.
Blake Simpson Then move on. When in the end - most deflection outhere to interface to #TheLongForm record - only serves that you did not want to receive the truth. https://m.soundcloud.com/inthemindway/on-blindness-by-charles-galvin-jr-1992
James M Driskill replied to Blake Simpson's comment.
1 On Blindness : By Charles Galvin Jr We are all blind, in one respect or another. Those for whom this statement rings true are those who have enjoyed some success in a struggle against perceptual impairment which few undertake. We humans have trouble learning to see things that we don’t expect to see. Or would rather not see. For perception is greatly influenced by expectation: is the glass half-full or half-empty? Most difficult to see, of course, are things which we have some material interest in not seeing. Things which, if we saw them, would be uncomfortable to live with, or would change our lives—perhaps in ways in which we are not ready to change. Or things which might reveal some undiscovered error in our individual or collective ways. [ continues.... ] : Full text: www.idiom.com/~cxarli/english/wr…ing/blindness.html Copyright © 1992, 2001 by Charles E. Galvin Jr. All rights reserved. Cover Image of this is the Adinkra Symbol [ Onyakopon Aniwa ] : God's Eye : Omnipresence of God Onyakopon aniwa hu asumu asem biara; God's eye sees all secrets
James M Driskill replied to Blake Simpson's comment.
Blake Simpson You might want to start some explorations onto a true law enforcement 911-Text-Interface - So in an measure this is an official social society informational tool that holds and legal principle. From a citizen point of view and communication sharing, it is a crime to intentionally deceive law enforcement. Http://Facebook.Blake-Simpson.On-Blindness.Law-Enforcement-Is-Violating-The-Law.ConspiracyConfirmed.All-Truths-Reserved.fuckeduphuman.space/911-Text-Interface/
James M Driskill replied to Blake Simpson's comment.
James M Driskill replied to Blake Simpson's comment.
Blake Simpson Mr. Simpson: You are missing a point of view that you do not mindfully see that ( .space ) is a valid internet domain space. Now, as I just worded that, with 2 reference of word space... You cannot place that reference aa: http://BloodRoom101.FuckedUpHuman.Space ? You are just playing dumb - i don"t believe your that mindlessly blind.
James M Driskill replied to Blake Simpson's comment.
Events that are described - very much happened.
James M Driskill replied to Blake Simpson's comment.
911 calls are real. 911 text interface ( opened session Jan 3rd 2021 still remains open : they must process a close session ..) Since I had to put a barrier across the door - when tbe paramedics came - an automatic release of my protection to allow them in - they fail to obtain the trust. All of the events I can go over that occurred with everybody.. I can write a screenplay for exactly what it could be - a movie unbelievable - the Police and Paramedics left me there - bleeding. I never said I have the status ok. i remain not ok. I never gave up to my eventual cause - to be able to have a conversation with HONEST INTEGRITY that brings forward resolution of a problem as being a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL of GANGSTALKING for 15 years. Where as of April 6th 2020, published research fundings on the subject of Gangstalking appears on the National Institutes of Health government site I demand my citizen need to hold this topic discussion. Denied. The word "Police" appears 20 times in this officially sourced document. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7178134/ I have no problem receiving and discussing the truth. They do. And apparently you too. What gives here who are you who do you work for?
James M Driskill commented on Alan Friedlander's post.
Group: People For Public Morality
James M Driskill commented on Juan Garcia's post.
Mar 20, 2021 4:07:05am
James M Driskill commented on Juan Garcia's post.
Mar 20, 2021 4:08:52am
James M Driskill commented on Juan Garcia's post.
Mar 20, 2021 4:16:19am
James M Driskill commented on Carl Otteson's post.
Where I have the issue the issue between what is allowable and what we give consent to and what we do not give our consent to. I have a conflict 💥 with the San Bernardino County and my interface have began 3 years ago with a doctor. Today I have email with a backup I hope but can't be proven to the allegiance of the 💥San Bernardino County District Attorney Thr interaction here on Facebook and what happened, why you I got blocked. Obviously, if I were blocked, it would not show taggex. I'm not blocked on Facebook from that account, tagging allowed.. A recent reversal. The email sent addresses. But... I was and I remain blocked as far as I know between this account. 🔓 San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Director Doctor Veronica Kelley Needs to be replaced. I've given her all kinds of choices and attitude of giving in to the fact but she is doing wrong and I don't need to know the details.. The United States Department of Justice ID: 29851-GBD All you have to do is the thing that department Behavioral Health situation that you forensically investigate all of the accounts on Facebook that that account has blocked from members of the public. For what reason I don't know but it doesn't matter an inquiry should go forward to contact each one of those in this case it would be me in the view of this investigation and get the details from them of why a public agency account on Facebook has blocked a member of the public. Most likely perhaps the truth is being blocked from public you that doesn't mean you you can't get that connection that forensic switch off of Facebook and proceed with the investigation. And then you can do that same thing same kind of thing all of our entire nation if you cared and take the public agencies and politicians and everything is blocked on Facebook and contact each one of those accounts that has been blocked by the member of the public to prevent some some sort of put a wall in barrier in front of them what the f*** is wrong with this country after all that's the first amendments being broken allowed to be broken continue to be broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken this country is broken because of its foundation that the this law enforcement that conducts all of this on a normal process day to day to day to day to week to week to week ro month by month year by year by year by year by year decade by decade by decade ( century in technology of internet ) to the future of all future should respect the rules of which is the first amendment and everything is out of Integrity back technology can be shown if you really want to know the truth.. http://doctor-veronica-kelley.fuckeduphuman.net/VideoPlaylist/CIAs-secret-brainwashing-experiment-Former-patients-sue-U.S.-government-(1984)-The-Fifth-Estate/ http://fuckeduphuman.life/Doctor-Veronica-Kelley/ Former patient that is where it should be laid is that exist on our planet which it does for quite many months now it has not been taken into consideration something is wrong here people something is wrong to be ignored to an oblivion 💣 --- Date: Sat, Apr 3, 2021, 5:56 PM Subject: Re: Change : Life Dynamics : .gov website to Facebook ( contact ) linking : has been abandoned. Your messenger apparently abandoned. You blocked me on Facebook because of that interface! To: <da@sbcda.org>, Lieutenant Nelson Carrington – Western District Commander <sbpdwest@sbcity.org> Hide quoted text ( I make no mistakes for the imperfection this is it was mistakenly sent I was still in composing it but it says basically what I'm trying to relate ) On Sat, Apr 3, 2021, 5:52 PM James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote: [ This email for the history books ] : 🔮🏁⚠🚦🚨🇺🇸🌏⛄ This message is specifically for Mike A. Bires. 💥 ( COLLISION ) The status to which I do not know if he's still there. He may be there or he may not be but he's still out of Integrity with me. That carry your full organizations'' agency remains out of integrity as broken. Those choices are both in real space and in digital damages that need to be put corrected. In a sound and secure understanding, I demand. What remains... must be corrected and fixed!!! Done with an appropriate reaction. Not an invisible under the rug inversion of change. No matter what that is on your end ( 2021 ) of changes I see, that has adjusted itself to allow my voice of reason, ( Unverified Here ⛔ ) Law Enforcement Social The United States Department of Justice ID: 29851-GBD ( confirmed ) http://TheJusticeDep t.29851-GBD.webdomains.realuphuman.net/justice.gov/Justice.gov-Submit-A-Civil-Rights-Complaint-Report-29851-GBD.ogg There are two reports. http://TheJusticeDept.29851-GBD.webdomains.realuphuman.net/justice.gov/Justice.gov-Submit-A-Civil-Rights-Complaint-Report-29887-BPW.ogg That is for you to consider
James M Driskill commented on Carl Otteson's post.
This is a multi-part video playlist on YouTube . If you can with Barbra Streisand don't lie to me and it has the connection of the Mike Fiers conflict and the profile of his lost social media accounts and the fact that I know it's truth is and I know where are the fuses Line in the Sand and I don't believe you were representing the best interest of the American public are the local public for that matter of our nation I believe you are not doing it right . /http://thejusticedept.2985.law-enforcement-social.music.realuphuman.net/Dont-Lie-To-Me/ Don't lie to me off of the album Walls by Barbra Streisand
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: People For Public Morality
🔥💯 http://firedancer.gruwup.net/Truth=Trust/ForevermoreCRUEL-AnInfoMasters-DUELtotheDEATHofME/Daniel-Goleman-on-Focus:-The-Secret-to-High-Performance-and-Fulfilment/
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: People For Public Morality
💥🚦 http://firedancer.gruwup.net/Truth=Trust/ForevermoreCRUEL-AnInfoMasters-DUELtotheDEATHofME/From-overriding-my-inner-knowing-to-trusting-myself---Katherine-Winter-Sellery'--TEDxGEM/
James M Driskill commented on Dhar Mann's post.
Apr 18, 2021 4:47:37am
James M Driskill commented on Dhar Mann's post.
Apr 20, 2021 5:31:52pm
James M Driskill commented on a post.
May 26, 2021 5:56:40pm
James M Driskill commented on a post.
May 26, 2021 6:07:24pm
James M Driskill commented on Ranaldo Johns's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
We are in the vortex that social media must be taken down and audited.
James M Driskill replied to Crystal Suggs's comment.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
TRUELIFEMUSIC TV Nothing fake here.
James M Driskill replied to Crystal Suggs's comment.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
Crystal Suggs Not accurate. Why? Does anyone know how to perform a @RealityAudit ( not an account id : not a # ) The function of this process is wisdom understanding carried down from ages ago. Google the single term reference ( @RealityAudit )
James M Driskill replied to Crystal Suggs's comment.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
Crystal Suggs Title this: A queue of Google flu. Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me. http://facebook.groups-483653602078021.the-gangstalking-targeted-individual-group.you-will-never-win.google.fuckeduphuman.space A very valid URL with a technology URL addressing developed open ended name space left of URL pointer. Syntax rules as applied to email name addressing. This feature of URL addressing is not new but for the majority of web domains globally (> 90% ) have this feature disabled. It is time to understand this implemented of url addressing.
James M Driskill replied to Crystal Suggs's comment.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill replied to Crystal Suggs's comment.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
Crystal Suggs This queue is key http://facebook.groups-483653602078021.the-gangstalking-targeted-individual-group.you-will-never-win.google.fuckeduphuman.space/Feedback/?C=M;O=A
James M Driskill replied to Crystal Suggs's comment.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
The source of the gang stalking is : ( an hour and half audio ) http://facebook.groups-483653602078021.the-gangstalking-targeted-individual-group.you-will-never-win.google.fuckeduphuman.space/Feedback/Consequences-@PsychUnseen.ogg
James M Driskill commented on Nick Poikler's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
There is hope for you and your family. That to which I believe is true for sure for sure for sure. As I'm aware of the intricate part of this we're not going to be able to convince a local District to change its ways there have been reports of successful trial and conviction of those involved with a person who happens to an app to detail really is very well the elements of something that is hard to imagine is capable occuring happening. In my case cyber bullying and harassment began in 2005 when I looked before that this was before there were cyberbullying laws. I did something different and something a changing the way I view all of this. And to the narrative that I know are out there that we are all smashed in classified as a mass delusion that's not possible. The first element you have to understand that for your own sanity. Of all history gang stalking what is a term of now a cultural assignment. A cultural exchange. Has all what this what is the activity to which is is is is is is is well-established a part of human existence going back to let's say. Biblical times. So far they mental healthcare industry and anybody who has this view in their media presentations of this bias to not accept that as a position, can it be connected to any kind of reality. So we understand that what is now a term called gangstalking has existed human condition for millennia. Now how do we assume that we can stop what is happening? Holding Hope. If basically we are fighting a condition that it's pretty much long-standing to have existed in human history, can we stand on something that defines us not as a massive delusional figments of imagination or can we claim to be a "class action" deserving to be released from our abuse of this creation that places it in the difference We Can't Stop what is happening and what is happening is real not a delusion. How can we prove that we are in a collective that is being attacked as targeted individuals? It has been done. The research defines us as a collective of communication linguistics valid to the commons we.have interchanges of our communications. In scientific terms as analysis of its own cultural memeplex. The gangstalking linguistic memeplex. A logically placed into a scientific process to analyze who is telling what and for what reason because this is where we're going to have interact with this analysis. There are no consulates here in the United States of America. To perform this function of reporting of criminal and abuse behavior. To a solvable stoppage suspension of hate. This is something a extreme situation has occurred. They have given us no power to complain for us to any other matter of civil social society in this genre of human interactive historical knowledge. Anybody holding onto of you even including family members that. We are delusional instead of a projection of something of human condition that has existed for all of time history has got to be upfront confronted. They need to be set into a motion of being outed for this failure to find truth and realism to justify thier beliefs The equation of an inversion that the people who are perpetrating this by way of stating they hold the whole gang stalking thing a delusion are actually involved in the institutionalized system that enables it. As a whole, a thing as a whole can be envisioned to be taken and smashed to smithereens. If they do not denounce their position after the actual scientific Linguistics analysis reporting results that were published on March 3rd 2021. After my statements I put on to the matter they should be tried for treason. At the very least they are fully pieces of crap pieces of shit fully by way of a Emoji Chicken Express that as a matter that they are pieces of shit at the very least they all deserve to be catalogued. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7980115/?report=printable
James M Driskill commented on Nick Poikler's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
J Med Internet Res. 2021 Mar; 23(3): e25722. Published online 2021 Mar 5. doi: 10.2196/25722: 10.2196/25722 PMCID: PMC7980115 PMID: 33666560 Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study Monitoring Editor: Rita Kukafka Reviewed by Jun Wen Tan Andrew Lustig, MD, MSc,corresponding author#1,2 Gavin Brookes, PhD,#3 and Daniel Hunt, PhD#4 1 Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3 ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science, Department of Linguistics and English Language, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 4 School of English Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, Andrew Lustig, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 1051 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON, M6J1H3, Canada, Phone: 1 416 535 8501 ext 32841, Email: ac.hmac@gitsul.werdna. corresponding authorCorresponding author. #Contributed equally. Corresponding Author: Andrew Lustig ac.hmac@gitsul.werdna Received 2020 Nov 13; Revisions requested 2020 Dec 4; Revised 2020 Dec 11; Accepted 2021 Feb 8. Copyright ©Andrew Lustig, Gavin Brookes, Daniel Hunt. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (http://www.jmir.org), 05.03.2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://www.jmir.org/, as well as this copyright and license information must be included. Abstract Background Gangstalking is a novel persecutory belief system whereby those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people, often numbering in the thousands. The harassment is experienced as an accretion of innumerable individually benign acts such as people clearing their throat, muttering under their breath, or giving dirty looks as they pass on the street. Individuals affected by this belief system congregate in online fora to seek support, share experiences, and interact with other like-minded individuals. Such people identify themselves as targeted individuals. Objective The objective of the study was to characterize the linguistic and rhetorical practices used by contributors to the gangstalking forum to construct, develop, and contest the gangstalking belief system. Methods This mixed methods study employed corpus linguistics, which involves using computational techniques to examine recurring linguistic patterns in large, digitized bodies of authentic language data. Discourse analysis is an approach to text analysis which focuses on the ways in which linguistic choices made by text creators contribute to particular functions and representations. We assembled a 225,000-word corpus of postings on a gangstalking support forum. We analyzed these data using keyword analysis, collocation analysis, and manual examination of concordances to identify discursive and rhetorical practices among self-identified targeted individuals. Results The gangstalking forum served as a site of discursive contest between 2 opposing worldviews. One is that gangstalking is a widespread, insidious, and centrally coordinated system of persecution employing community members, figures of authority, and state actors. This was the dominant discourse in the study corpus. The opposing view is a medicalized discourse supporting gangstalking as a form of mental disorder. Contributors used linguistic practices such as presupposition, nominalization, and the use of specialized jargon to construct gangstalking as real and external to the individual affected. Although contributors generally rejected the notion that they were affected by mental disorder, in some instances, they did label others in the forum as impacted/affected by mental illness if their accounts if their accounts were deemed to be too extreme or bizarre. Those affected demonstrated a concern with accumulating evidence to prove their position to incredulous others. Conclusions The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking. Keywords: internet, discourse analysis, psychosis, delusions, linguistics, language, online discourse, corpus linguistics, computer mediated communication, schizophrenia, eHealth
James M Driskill commented on Nick Poikler's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on Louis Gibson's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
Why didn't you say you were in every single every single branch of the military? how can you enroll in every single branch of the military? Official: Gang Stalking is Real!! The truth asserted in this comment has an published research analyzed to result findings published on the National Institutes of Health. . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7980115/?report=printable Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study Monitoring Editor: Rita Kukafka Reviewed by Jun Wen Tan Andrew Lustig, MD, MSc,#1,2 Gavin Brookes, PhD,#3 and Daniel Hunt, PhD Conclusions The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking. Keywords: internet, discourse analysis, psychosis, delusions, linguistics, language, online discourse, corpus linguistics, computer mediated communication, schizophrenia, eHealth The research findings holds that gang stalking is real. Also found is the proven false that targeted individuals are suffering by mental illness, paranoia, and mass delusion. We have a problem in the United States. We have an hidden world of gang stalking. This activity is extremely harming in intentional assaults in mental abuse / mind control methods. This is sourced as a secret hate agenda against Targeted Individuals. Much of this activity is invisible harm being intensely done. The end game of thee informational warfare is the complete annihilation of a human life, to ruin a person even to death. There appears a legal definitions video under the title: https://youtu.be/B5uVC7VZEI0 What.ia gang stalking? by LawDepot.com. My mother and I are preparing to walk together from our family home to the Los Angeles / United States Office. Main Sharing Topic of Interest Community Sharing MEME asdress: http://webdomains.gruwup.net/lawdepot.com/Hey-Hey-Hey.ForevermoreCruel.911-Emergency.ogg ### YES YOU HEARD WALKING, STEP BY STEP HUMAN.PROJECT #!## ------[ folder: lawpot.com ]---- http://webdomains.gruwup.net/lawdepot.com/ -----[ Folder: Request For Help From Google / Comments via Feedback ]---- http://google.fuckeduphuman.space/ http://google.fuckeduphuman.space/Feedback/ http://google.fuckeduphuman.space/Feedback/From%20James%20Driskill%20&lt;inthemindway@gmail.com&.ogg
James M Driskill commented on Valerie Valencia's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
Official: Gang Stalking is Real!! The truth asserted in this comment has an published research analyzed to result findings published on the National Institutes of Health. . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7980115/?report=printable Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study Monitoring Editor: Rita Kukafka Reviewed by Jun Wen Tan Andrew Lustig, MD, MSc,#1,2 Gavin Brookes, PhD,#3 and Daniel Hunt, PhD Conclusions The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking. Keywords: internet, discourse analysis, psychosis, delusions, linguistics, language, online discourse, corpus linguistics, computer mediated communication, schizophrenia, eHealth The research findings holds that gang stalking is real. Also found is the proven false that targeted individuals are suffering by mental illness, paranoia, and mass delusion. We have a problem in the United States. We have an hidden world of gang stalking. This activity is extremely harming in intentional assaults in mental abuse / mind control methods. This is sourced as a secret hate agenda against Targeted Individuals. Much of this activity is invisible harm being intensely done. The end game of thee informational warfare is the complete annihilation of a human life, to ruin a person even to death. There appears a legal definitions video under the title: https://youtu.be/B5uVC7VZEI0 What.ia gang stalking? by LawDepot.com. My mother and I are preparing to walk together from our family home to the Los Angeles / United States Office. Main Sharing Topic of Interest Community Sharing MEME asdress: http://webdomains.gruwup.net/lawdepot.com/Hey-Hey-Hey.ForevermoreCruel.911-Emergency.ogg ### YES YOU HEARD WALKING, STEP BY STEP HUMAN.PROJECT #!## ------[ folder: lawpot.com ]---- http://webdomains.gruwup.net/lawdepot.com/ -----[ Folder: Request For Help From Google / Comments via Feedback ]---- http://google.fuckeduphuman.space/ http://google.fuckeduphuman.space/Feedback/ http://google.fuckeduphuman.space/Feedback/From%20James%20Driskill%20&lt;inthemindway@gmail.com&.ogg
James M Driskill commented on Monti Worsham's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
I really working at fhe focus points that have put into the presence that this harm. agenda ( our collective plight ) in the analyst of the memeplex imprint ( within our minds ) out to our digital connection communications ( linguistic study of gangstalking ) is the key that unlocks us to our freedom. We all must not accept this jail of satan's chamber of abuse. We demand deliverance. Audio Media: 12min 33sec To: Psychology Today Ref: Psych Unseen http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/PsychologyToday.com/Good-Evening-Nice-Saturday-Evening-May292021-Deliverance-Or-Bust.ogg
James M Driskill commented on Monti Worsham's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on Monti Worsham's post.
Skip Marley
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
💯 -- 🎯 . Can we be higher than highest of all highs - honestly and stop the lies? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 We are tired of the lies. Lions Unite In Pride! http://music.awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/Lions/
James M Driskill commented on Monti Worsham's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on Monti Worsham's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on Ranaldo Johns's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
I wholeheartedly reject the notion although it is a possibility this is the reality that is a simulation yes we as a species could be living a projection of a reality as holographic. But this is not an existence of holographic universe. We could be okay but not likely. It's more likely than not that we are living a life of reality than a projection and the narratives out here in this sea of of topic interests discussion all are assuming it's upside down (🙃) that multiple simulations is what is the populous view. They have an agenda that they are projecting into the memeplex of ideas they can get into the consciousness of critical mass of our real reality. Pushing our sea of humanity over a horizon's shadow that then gives them the ability to justify this perversion for the following... This is where I do not agree with variability of life under simulations or multiple universes that these people in a hidden agenda - exposed - the secretive people working hidden of this particular topic to invert culture they want to do. That we are in a battle between one view or another. I's an informational Warfare that this comment is too real and will be subject to censorship. Therefore confirming my side of this argument against their side They are doing what exactly they are doing - to a concept to normalize or accommodate the flow of mind control by implanting the idea of multiple simulations, the masses of people infected by this then come to a moral dilemma if they believe in a multitude of universes and projections of simulations and why can't they just corrupt this universe that they are experiencing with all of us. Moral sense of independence of a need to hold a moral bond is lost in the diversity of this association to a dissolution God's presence. Exactly what I just said. and if you want to hold it to define it backward... Satan or the 👿 is invalidating the morality of the human condition of habitations everywhere by holding on to all of these ideas, by changing the habits of humans ( human habitations ) and carrying forward into this culture this absolutely Insanity that we are now allowed to consider. We are in a suggestive simulation when it is not the fact. The fact is there is only one universe and there's only one life of our existence. The start. There is no way to prove a negative. Or, no way to prove this That our life existence is not a single universe or is not a simulation. This is how this perversion is being carried into infecting meme by meme our common memeplex of these views. I believe in reincarnation and there's only one life right now as self experienced. We must understand we do not have the right to corrupt the moral platform of the society. This because society no longer has a faith connection to God and/or connection to Natural Law. This particular function in all of this topic's video generation is to derail are centuries past of passed down lessons of moral guidance, to believe in God, and all of that facts to human knowledge. A solid human connective bonds that are from a working focus of logical realism maintaining rational to continue to trust and build forward in progression human and life evolution on planet Earth. By exposure the this persuasive use of a negative form ideas opens a door allowance that is not self-serving of our population. What is obvious in this. This dysfunction is visible. When a plan of social engineering placed into an action plan by a small top government in the control here known as a plutocracy to uproot a democracy. A use of negative memetic engineering is exactly this model to erode trust and replace truth that has historical linage back to all recorded human history. Wake up people! These ideals of activity has a high impact to a collective wisdom or a collective foolish intents. The thought process to engage all of this is strategic ignorance. ---- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnotology Agnotology (formerly agnatology) is the study of deliberate, culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, typically to sell a product or win favour, particularly through the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.[1][2] More generally, the term also highlights the condition where more knowledge of a subject leaves one more uncertain than before. Coined in 1995 by Stanford University professor Robert N. Proctor,[3] along with linguist Iain Boal,[1][4][5] the word is based on the Neoclassical Greek word agnōsis (ἄγνωσις, 'not knowing'; cf. Attic Greek ἄγνωτος, 'unknown')[6] and -logia (-λογία).[7] Proctor cites as a prime example the tobacco industry's advertising campaign to manufacture doubt about the cancerous and other adverse health effects of tobacco use.[7][8] David Dunning of Cornell University warns that "the internet is helping propagate ignorance,... which makes [users] prey for powerful interests wishing to deliberately spread ignorance."[2] Irvin C. Schick refers to unknowledge "to distinguish it from ignorance," using the example of "terra incognita" in early maps to note that the "reconstruction of parts of the globe as uncharted territory is...the production of unknowledge, the transformation of those parts into potential objects of Western political and economic attention. It is the enabling of colonialism."[9] Active causes of culturally-induced ignorance can include the influence of the media, corporations, and governmental agencies, through secrecy and suppression of information, document destruction, and selective memory.[10] Another example is climate denial, where oil companies paid teams of scientists to downplay the effects of climate change.[11] Passive causes include structural information bubbles, including those created by segregation along racial and class lines, that create differential access to information. Agnotology also focuses on how and why diverse forms of knowledge do not "come to be," or are ignored or delayed. For example, knowledge about plate tectonics was censored and delayed for at least a decade because some evidence remained classified military information related to undersea warfare.[7]
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33666560/ J Med Internet Res . 2021 Mar 5;23(3):e25722. doi: 10.2196/25722. Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study Andrew Lustig # 1 2, Gavin Brookes # 3, Daniel Hunt # 4 Affiliations expand PMID: 33666560 PMCID: PMC7980115 DOI: 10.2196/25722 Abstract Background: Gangstalking is a novel persecutory belief system whereby those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people, often numbering in the thousands. The harassment is experienced as an accretion of innumerable individually benign acts such as people clearing their throat, muttering under their breath, or giving dirty looks as they pass on the street. Individuals affected by this belief system congregate in online fora to seek support, share experiences, and interact with other like-minded individuals. Such people identify themselves as targeted individuals. Objective: The objective of the study was to characterize the linguistic and rhetorical practices used by contributors to the gangstalking forum to construct, develop, and contest the gangstalking belief system. Methods: This mixed methods study employed corpus linguistics, which involves using computational techniques to examine recurring linguistic patterns in large, digitized bodies of authentic language data. Discourse analysis is an approach to text analysis which focuses on the ways in which linguistic choices made by text creators contribute to particular functions and representations. We assembled a 225,000-word corpus of postings on a gangstalking support forum. We analyzed these data using keyword analysis, collocation analysis, and manual examination of concordances to identify discursive and rhetorical practices among self-identified targeted individuals. Results: The gangstalking forum served as a site of discursive contest between 2 opposing worldviews. One is that gangstalking is a widespread, insidious, and centrally coordinated system of persecution employing community members, figures of authority, and state actors. This was the dominant discourse in the study corpus. The opposing view is a medicalized discourse supporting gangstalking as a form of mental disorder. Contributors used linguistic practices such as presupposition, nominalization, and the use of specialized jargon to construct gangstalking as real and external to the individual affected. Although contributors generally rejected the notion that they were affected by mental disorder, in some instances, they did label others in the forum as impacted/affected by mental illness if their accounts if their accounts were deemed to be too extreme or bizarre. Those affected demonstrated a concern with accumulating evidence to prove their position to incredulous others. Conclusions: The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking. Keywords: computer mediated communication; corpus linguistics; delusions; discourse analysis; eHealth; internet; language; linguistics; online discourse; psychosis; schizophrenia. ©Andrew Lustig, Gavin Brookes, Daniel Hunt. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (http://www.jmir.org), 05.03.2021. Conflict of interest statement Conflicts of Interest: None declared.
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
CHP-Inland Division San Bernardino
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
Department of Homeland Security
James M Driskill commented on Shashona Pelletier's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on Shashona Pelletier's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill commented on Shashona Pelletier's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
[ CNN Reports.... ] : Ref: Mass Shootings.... "What the Hell is Wrong With Us?" Us Here In The United States -- US = United States! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeE2c-TFoCw I have an answer --- a real explanation --- but you are not going to like it -- what it represents -- and what we must do --- RECONSTRUCT THE HATE
James M Driskill commented on Shashona Pelletier's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
I have an answer to this.... Stop, Look, and Listen: https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10219702319610593
James M Driskill commented on Ernest Schulte's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
We have an issue to resolve. We cannot leave this to SILENCE. http://911.fuckeduphuman.space/SBCUSDPOLICE/CallForAction-911FuckedUpHumanSpace-SBPD.jpg Presentation Page: [ Off Site Facebook Site ] http://911.fuckeduphuman.space Site Tagged: You cannot just ignore this. Psychology Today Psych Unseen One of your Publication Blog Writer's needs to correct his article. It is not an option. NOT AN OPTION! https://npino.com/npi/1396797338-dr.-joseph-m-pierre/ This is the AFTER MATH after CONTENT MODERATOR INTERFEARENCE IS SHOWING CENSORSHIP on the Disqus Commenting Tool on NPINO.COM -- "What the Hell is Wrong With Us?" [ CNN... - James M Driskill | Facebook CNN San Bernardino Sun Law Enforcement Social
James M Driskill commented on Angela Mason's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
LIVE ONLINE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10219702319610593 Offline Archive: [ http://911.fuckeduphuman.space ] Relates to Stop Gang Stalking --- CNN Reports "What the Hell Is Wrong With Us In The United States" ... The Public Post Answers This Question and Provides Some Advise On What We Must Do To Proceed In A Different Pathway of Peace. Please Share
James M Driskill commented on Reinaldo Martin's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
LIVE ONLINE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10219702319610593 Offline Archive: [ http://911.fuckeduphuman.space ] Relates to Stop Gang Stalking --- CNN Reports "What the Hell Is Wrong With Us In The United States" ... The Public Post Answers This Question and Provides Some Advise On What We Must Do To Proceed In A Different Pathway of Peace. Please Share
James M Driskill commented on Robin Ella Young's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
LIVE ONLINE FACEBOOK: Relates to Stop Gang Stalking --- https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10219702319610593 Offline Archive: [ http://911.fuckeduphuman.space ] The Way The World is Currently Manifested --- It is Upside Down [ 🙃 ]. From What Is Called Natural Law -- Or a priority to hold consideration of the commons. [ commonwealth ] -- There are winners and there are losers in this dynamic paradigm . Ultimately, the social structures of community cohesions are not sustainable -- complete societal collapse is the end result of the pathway we are currently living. Simply, are politics are set for short term not long term priorities. We must adjust these immediately! There is a solution to this -- first to acknowledge that for the majority of the masses -- the masses of the population is being subjected to Agnotology -- Intentional Ignorance. Agnotology (formerly agnatology) is the study of deliberate, culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, typically to sell a product or win favour, particularly through the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.[1][2] More generally, the term also highlights the condition where more knowledge of a subject leaves one more uncertain than before. ------------ CNN Reports "What the Hell Is Wrong With Us In The United States" ... The Public Post Answers This Question and Provides Some Advise On What We Must Do To Proceed In A Different Pathway of Peace. Please Share --- Related Tags: Psychology Today Psych Unseen American Psychological Association The Bill of Rights Institute San Bernardino County District Attorney San Bernardino Sun San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health [ Why not tagable ? ] Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law We need to create a focus group forum for these matters in real effective "legal capacity" civil society governmental authority.
James M Driskill commented on JaSon Riggs's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
HOW ABOUT THIS --- THESE ARE MATERIALS HOSTED BY A T.I. http://jason-riggs.community.gruwup.net/17/
James M Driskill replied to his own comment.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
LA Mellisa Rose He may just be a bible thumping opportunist. Jason Riggs I have asked him if we can have a conversation about Christianity [ Jesus ] , The Bible and Gang Stalking. In Particular, this book. https://www.amazon.com/Who-Targeted-Individuals-Should-Care/dp/153089963X?asin=153089963X&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1 Deuteronomy Found 9 Quotes Deuteronomy Deuteronomy ("repetition of the Law") serves as a reminder to God's people about His covenant. The book is a "pause" before Joshua's conquest begins and a reminder of what God required. Leviticus Found 5 Quotes proverbs Found 13 Quotes You get the point
James M Driskill commented on his own post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
Why the Silence? We must bring forward PROVIDENCE! http://stopgangstalking.stopmassshooting.bloodcomputing.911.fuckeduphuman.space/911Priority-Providence/
James M Driskill commented on Brent Snakee's post.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
James M Driskill replied to Barb Nied's comment.
Dr. Todd Grandefacebook.com
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
Barb Nied https://www.facebook.com/drgrande
James M Driskill replied to Barb Nied's comment.
Group: The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group
The AUDIO OGG of This QR Code Has Doctor Grade Named: Dr. Todd Grande http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/inlandpsych.com/@RealityAudit.InlandPsych.doctor-hozair-mohammed-syed-md.doctor-todd-lawrence-grande.highconflictinstitute.com.itsallyourfault.fault111.Taking-A-Reach-Upward.To-Lead-Us.All.To-Peace.ogg
James M Driskill commented on Carol Rivers's post.
If you don't have the price on the top - something is off -- I don't do bait and swtich