Tara Williams
Hi James, I'm sorry i'm not able to help you with your endeavors.
Mar 26, 2009 5:43:19pm
James M Driskill
I am going to try to fix this formatting,
it used to be appearing on my origin.org profile


There we go.
That looks better.
Mar 13, 2009 6:35:01pm
James M Driskill
[ "Teach Ignorance To See" ] : [ "Go fix some weighty truth" ]


If you would assist me in composing a letter addressed to the current 847 facebook members who have been invited by their own "circle of friends" to your facebook World Community Grid Application, and not bothers to followup with a YES or NO,

I would take the time --- a few day by day -- to contact each individually to "poke them" [facebook term] into either then joining the cause, or answering any questions they might have, or to release them from their invite.

This would drop down that ratio that appears there.

847 is way too many invites left to be withered away to dust in the wind.


More about me individually and the sufferance I went though in Oakland.

United Communities of Spirit


"We bear forward into history, take what we like,handle the expected, brace for the unexpected, hold onto what we find sacred, invite who is honorable, resist what is harmful, bend or force or break what we think is fatal, mend what was broken accidentally."


bend or force or break : The happenings around my universe in Oakland CA in the year of 2005 & 2006 I deemed to be "fatal" not only to myself but onto the entire persons living with HIV/AIDS surrounding me.

I made that determination of "fatal" onto the entire community scape when no one accepted my emails of concern, and no body would sit down and have a formal meeting time to discuss those same matters of concern.

There we people dying around me in "invisible ways" and people being rotated out of Allen Temple Manor -- eviction after eviction after eviction and into the streets of homelessness and into sheltered care..

The Building Manager, Jamal Graham is a adult bullying predator.

Let us find a reference --- Apply "work environment" onto "living space community environment" here:



11.5.5 Ethics and the Integral Manager

There is an old axiom that states: Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. I fear that there is more to this axiom than we would like. I would modify the statement, however, to: Those who thirst for power tend to be easily corrupted by it. Those who advance their cause at the expense of others and succeed are or become predators.

Predators stalk the unsuspecting and those they perceive as weak. When they run out of ready prey, they turn on each other and even their own offspring. If that weren't bad enough, they attract scavengers who find their nourishment in the detritus of battle. These creatures don't care who wins, only that the leavings are available. This symbiosis creates the toadies who serve the predators. In an environment that tolerates this predatory behavior, these scavengers in turn become the petty bureaucrats, who for lack of any other ability promote the latest fad. Not a pleasant environment in which to work every day.


There were and most likely remain many matters of concern still left unaddressed. The information I have already placed to you of "City Aids Americas" city to city exchange Atlanta / Oakland reflects the powers that I was bucking up against.

I started with something as simple as FIGHTAIDS@HOME.

But no one would give the community members a voice. I just being one. The entire community is being subject to oppression and dumbing down of particupating in the information society and in "forced direction" factors being pounded down to death -- death --- death --- death. One slow death at a time.


An act of "legal necessity" for me, was issued by FAX in February 2006 to my building manager, my HIV case manager, and my personal care Doctor.

Since my case never got to be heard onto the courts of our land.... the conditions that remain the "power of oppresion" still stand.

Death by Death by Death --- But I am now not there too see it.

I do still have friends I left behind.

Is someone going to finally bring the truth forward or will I send myself in suicide because everyone wants to blacklist me.

Go fix some weighty truth; .
Chain down some passion: do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe:
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.—Anon.

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they I elude forever his grasp, and weave them into a harmonious web to which the "art preservative" may give immortality. Therefore he, who would rescue from fast-gathering oblivion the deeds of a community, and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record, should deliver a plain, unvarnished tale.

History of the Counties of McKean, Elk and Forest, Pennsylvania ... - Google Books Result
Mar 13, 2009 5:54:59pm
James M Driskill
Part [ 2 of 2 ]


January 21st, 2009

National Prayer Service

In attendance, Barack Obama & Joe Biden.


CNN.com - Transcripts
Jan 21, 2009 ... Because we have been talking about the national prayer service. .... God, as our words go out, in all forms of communication, in writing, ...
transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0901/21/cnr.02.html - Similar pages

REV. OTIS MOSS, JR. OLIVETT INSTITUTIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH: Let us pray. Oh, god, in whom we live, move and have our belief, how excellent is thy name. We ask that your hand of wisdom, grace, courage and protection will be upon, underneath, and around our 44th president, President Barack Obama. Be with his wife, Michelle, and their lovely children. Day by day.

We thank you for this moment of answered prayers. As we face today, tomorrow, and tomorrow, in your name, guide our thoughts, order our steps. We lift up before you, oh, God, the well-being of Senator Kennedy. Be with his family. Be with every aspect of life, moving from strength to strength. All that needs to be done. Teach us each day that we live in a nation of neighbors on an island commissioned to glorify your name in a community that is global.

We have been taught through your servant that we are all connected, impacted by what we do and what we refuse to do. Oh, God, as our words go out, in all forms of communication, in writing, in speaking grant that the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts will be acceptable in by sight..


For what reason could they have to black list me? My first alert to this blacklisting is when I attempted to sent a "Personal Apology"

This after spending the last two prior days crying overnight --- for many hours. Believe me, I am upset with all of this.

An undelivered apology remains here.

from James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
to Elizabeth Delgado <edelgado@nationalcore.org>
date Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 2:55 PM
subject In regrets ---- An Apology
mailed-by gmail.com

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 551 551 Sender is on domain's blacklist (Mode: normal) (state 14).


I am almost begging you Ms Williams to play a part in this -- to carry my apology, you will have to request the the full email, and as a third party -- please forward it into the care of my community manager.

Or at least, if you would not mind -- contact her with this message here now sent to you --- and inform her that there is an appology from one of her tenants waiting to be delivered --- and ask her to contact me and request the method that she would like me to transport it to her.

Could you at least do that?

All of this is the catalyst of attempting to share World Communtiy Grid with those people around me in my real universe.

I know why they will not conceed to accept that respectful consideration for my request...

BECAUSE if they were to conceed that level --- it would then carry on forward and shine a very bad light onto the true

events of Oakland's housing conflicts..... which again the catalyst for that conflict was

attempting to share World Communtiy Grid with those people around me in my real universe.


I joined FIGHTAIDS@HOME in March of 2005 -- -- and then I tried to get a community involved ---

AND TALK ABOUT IT -- A real meeting of minds. No body. No body. No body

No body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No bodyNo body. No body. No body

I am now crying again....

When is this feeling like shit going to end?



(760) 798-9193

My valid and active email registration on whitehouse.gov / change.gov is:

[ HUDPublicHousing-Corruption-DroveMeToSuicide@FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET ]

I wake up from sleep with verbal outcries -- I do not feel good.

I have been hurt --- emotional and mental abused -- from cyber-stocking, cyber-harrassment, cybebullying, and hacked profiles --- all in a persecution campaign target me as community pariah in the LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY IN OAKLAND, CA, USA. Successful were they to place me into the streets of homelessness in wrongful eviction case WG06266016.

Is it again starting here with my current housing? Blacklisted for trying to do something generally speaking to the benefit of humanity ---


I can only guess YES IT IS. For no body wants to address me respectfully and give me answers to my requests.

[G]reat [R]easons [U]rbans [W]ill [U]nite [P]eace
Mar 13, 2009 4:25:20pm
James M Driskill
Facebook group [ World Community Grid ] : * 1,433 Members * No Officers * 4 Admins * 847 Haven't Replied


1) What is this ratio here, 847 haven't replied.

2) Is Step 4 being utilizing as group recommendation ?


As you may already know, I have been on World Community Grid since Dec 2005 -- And even before that, on the original platform since March 2005.

Do you know how many invites to join in this I have sent out?

in emails as such...

NOT A SINGLE PERSON NOR ORGANIZATION IN MY REAL WORLD has JOINED MY "NETWORK CIRCLE" that I am directly aware of --- except now just one --- that is David Tapscott. He is in this group member list.

This only effectively since I moved to facebook. I am not even sure yet that he has put into action by creating a WCgrid site login. Believe me, he is aware of my effort long before this --- he is also aware of my Wrongful Eviction Case WG06266106 which involves the entire Local HIV Community in Oakland, CA, USA source of my troubles and conflicts --- not just single sourced from my HIV supportive care housing.


in summary....

(1) Defendant has been targeted, persecuted as a community pariah and in "forced direction" factors has been successfully outcast into the streets of homelessness. As a matter of irreparable harm in direct health related matters of HIV/AIDS disease ---- homelessness is a sentence of death -- if the current conditions remain as is and unchanged.

(2) The Defendant's rights of DUE PROCESS has been violated in and throughout this case that prevented the defendant from his day in court to properly offer a defense of himself to the court.

(3) Also the Defendant's inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has also been intently and vigorously violated.

FACT! All of these above occurrences are by intently and vigorous acts by persons of managerial and authoritative capabilities of influence in the HIV/AIDS supportive social services of the LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY OAKLAND CA USA. In the defendant's attempt to better his life and to establish a proper level of provider supportive care services that these services were being intently obscured by not being delivered and/or were being mis-directed by referrals of services that the defendant had criteria that the defendant did not qualify for these referred services. This situation had been in continuous dysfunction for more than 18 months.


Ms. Williams,

You reside in Oakland. However that is a co-incidence -- I don't necessarily believe in coincidences here.

Would you please open to view these two images:



[2] Mental Health Advocacy Ltr Jan-23-2007




Jan 23rd 2007,

To Whom It May Concern,

[ letter text omitted here for brevity reasons]

"However I believe that until there is an appropriate resolution (he wants as absolution) of his housing conflicts, he will remain in a vulnerable state regarding his overall HIV and Mental Health status."

Howard W. Newsom, PhD
email: howard@fapinfo.org


Ms. Williams,

Again last night I spend over a full hour tearfully crying, sobbing, and weeping and I am being brought again to tears as I write this today at 3:10pm.

A couple of weeks ago, I once again was forcing to get an answer from my current housing here in San Diego, under HOPWA [ Housing Opportunities for People With Aids ] . I started to share what was World Community Grid with my apartment community manager back in October. They would not give me an answer.

I again and again share with them -- nothing back.

I finally found an "out of the box" means get my point across.

I would like to be respected and considered as your tenant and would
like an answer back please.

in January,

I got an answer from my community manager's boss -- Kareem Salama <ksalama@nationalcore.org> : VP of Housing,

--- and he direct me to their other corporate entity,

HopeThroughHousing.org -- which I followed up. I have not got an answer or confirmation that any human has picked up my request to respectfully address considerations for it and then generate a reply back to this tenant in their housing communty.

I am a real world community member who wants to share WorldCommunityGrid.org with those real world people around me in my community, not a cyber-community but a real community.

Nationalcore.org --[ my direct housing entity ]

I could see the relationship between my direct housing manager and myself was getting very very stressed --- My standing ground position, I would like a respectful response and respectful answer please.

They never generated a reply.

Kept me in silence -- wondering if I am being requested at all in the first place.

It would be apparent that they will not budge an inch of respectful consideration to my request to join World Community Grid from one of their tenants, who happens to be in HOPWA therefore a person living with HIV/AIDS.

Now they have CUT OFF email transports with me for error code 551, blacklisted. Prior to this, I was already receiving error code 554, denied responses from their servers -- but had been confirming that my emails were being passed through anyway. I additionally FAXED these emails so there was no mistake in "documentation" that my "communications in writing" would be delivered.

Janurary 22nd, I sent this to out to various persons, including Kareem Salama <ksalama@nationalcore.org>

[ part 1 of 2 ] continued...
Mar 13, 2009 4:14:23pm
James M Driskill
Hi Tara. I have been a fightaids@home original member since March 2005 before it was placed on the World Community Grid in November 2005. I joined World Community Grid in December 2005. My current member/team name on WCG is @GRUWUP.NET : Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace.

My current runtime is 2:014:06:07:18 (#17,981)

At the time when I first joined, I was a resident of Oakland, CA and attempted to share FightAids@Home with my local hiv/aids case management service provider and my hiv supportive housing. Linking to my team [@gruwup.net], you will find a reference to an llegal use of the law for an eviction. Case WG06266106. In direct response to my attempts at sharing WGC and World Summit of the Information Society ideals, I was directly targeted and successfully outcast into the streets of homelessnes as a community pariah.
You may not believe this, but this was in the Local HIV Community in Oakland, CA, USA.

I just joined facebook but most of my documentation of circumstances are blogged on my profile at inthemindway.multiply.com/journal -- these are facts.

I would like to add you as a friend and also request since you are in the East Bay, CA that you contact my then hiv/aids services provider, my housing provider, and others to ask them why they acted against me to place me into the streets of homelessness.

The registration date of @gruwup.net was on my first day of homelessness on July 16th 2006.

Thank you : Mr James M. Driskill
(760) 798-9193


ICTA-NA WSIS Position Paper.
Aug 27, 2003 ... ICTA-NA WSIS Position Paper. ... Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society. Comments on the draft declaration of principles and ...
http://www.starlingweb.com/ictana/wsis-e.asp - 59k


Today, in spite of these developments, people with disabilities remain largely marginalized. For many, their fundamental rights are still fragile, and access to true personal self-actualisation remains beyond their means. In recognition of the need to go further to safeguard the rights of people with disabilities, as well as the need to adopt a more systemic approach, in December 2001, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/56/168 [18] which put in place an ad hoc committee. This ad hoc committee has the mandate to examine proposals for the eventual adoption of a global international convention on the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Work is now underway, and expectations are high amongst the international community active in the field of disability. [19]
Feb 22, 2009 8:50:28am