Participants: Tes Kempner, James M Driskill and Supplanter James Driskill
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Supplanter James Driskill
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Since you unfriended me on facebook under my identity James Driskilll
[ ], I have really tried to avoid interactions of communications between you and I.

But in your so doing that "casual" act of breaking apart from me from a serious of the chain of events that started from the moments that we first met at the property of "building a better community" activity that was your work that you started to then placed upon that land. You called it the UTHC [ - now defunct ].

Although you keep breaking and separating yourself from the objects [ people, places, things ] in my view from these chains of events which one such event remains to this day an unquestionable marker of ambassadors collectively our intent is of the same merit. That object marker states that I waz there and that someone in that community that you established , i am giving you that credit, actually listened to me in the way my structure and concepts of thought to apply outward to the world as a whole or even as a Partial_thoughts [meme] perceptions of me understood to a level of impressive merit to have manifested the marker of good will ambassador of peace builder upon me. Even though the persons of residence there, including you, had their own dramas "processing" there who did not then find the aspects of my basic human "belonging" needs to understanding me enough at a level that I would have found myself moving up into my basic self-esteem needs. You all simply found me whatever you want to call it. For right here, I will just call it for what I know is a word of choice of its origin meaning. You simply found me to be queer. Sure, respectfully queer. There is no disrespecting energy being used here in my terms.

For all that was happening from my past, present, and into future forward time, I really enjoyed the times I spent there at the UTHC and give you merit credit several times letting you know how I felt if this "building a better community" resource of yours was not at my reach, I would have been dead.

With as queer as I am to you, and now unfriended here on facebook your attempt at breakage and separation from me, you must think that this statement of dead here is some kind of joke I am playing tricks upon you individually or upon cyber society.

This even though I hold on to the one best objects proving my ambassadorship of our shared common calling mission work. It is not possible to deny this truth TES.

For I was there at the physical location called UTHC which still remains the official registered change of ownership and postal street address of the digital object internet domain name . I suppose I should bring to your awareness here the simple one word metta as defined in wikipedia to reenforce upon you my queerness is to be celebrated and not dismissed.

The slight variance in character usage misspelling from international language character sets to domain name registration is simply technical offsets which bare no identification of intent or ambassadorship purpose.

As defined on wikipedia the date of this writing,

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mettā (Pali: मेत्ता in Devanagari) or maitrī (Sanskrit: मैत्री) is loving-kindness, friendliness, benevolence, amity, friendship, good will, kindness, close mental union (on same mental wavelength) and active interest in others. It is one of the ten pāramīs of the Theravāda school of Buddhism, and the first of the four sublime states (Brahmavihāras). This is love without clinging (upādāna).

The cultivation of loving-kindness (mettā bhāvanā) is a popular form of meditation in Buddhism. In the Theravadin Buddhist tradition, this practice begins with the meditator cultivating loving-kindness towards themselves, then one's loved ones, friends, teachers, strangers, enemies, and finally towards all sentient beings. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, this practice is associated with tonglen (cf.), whereby one breathes out ("sends") happiness and breathes in ("receives") suffering.[8] Tibetan Buddhists also practice contemplation of the Brahmavihāras, also called the four immeasurables, which is sometimes called 'compassion meditation'

"Compassion meditation" is a contemporary scientific field that demonstrates the efficacy of metta and related meditative practices.


Oh Kind Lady Tes Kempner, I have no reasons that I can conceive of to update or alter this marker upon of these event details.

At least one person there at that that chance moment of passing had that capability outside all of the other dramas to have impressed upon me a seal onto my identities.

Seal can also be termed as Sigil in three different field topics, magick, computer programming languages, and library science.

Sigil may refer to:
A symbol or emblem

Sigil (magic), a type of symbol used in magic
Sigil (computer programming), a symbol that must be attached to a variable name in some programming languages
A seal (emblem)
Scribal abbreviation (sigla), a symbol used to identify manuscripts or other primary sources in library catalogues, bibliographic discussions, or other forms of bibliographic or textual criticism


Have you read me so far, knowing that my first job ever as documented on my resume was working for the San Bernardino Public Library System in the development of several computer literacy applications onto the community in the years passing 1985. [ see attached image ]

This was my employment, first job ever after I was the computer programming software programmer for Microlink BBS as strictly a volunteer project. Does anyone in this world of 2013 that was present there at the UTHC understand what a BBS is or was to the whole of what is now the information superhighway we call the internet?

Do you care? If you don't that is one reason I define for you your dramas not metta that interfered with your ability to bring upon me my belonging needs at that moment in time. You all should thank me and praise me rather than critizise and unfriend me.

BBS Backroads

From the BBS Backroads to the Information Super Highway
By Fire Escape

Go read this for yourself, I am not bringing that text into this unfriended relationship here in my rebuilding my honor and my character and my integrity to return back to friendship status, should you care.

But you should care and actually you must care. We are forever bonded on soundcloud.

Unfriending Peace Is Not Possible

This set contains 2 sounds, total time: 10.51

Peace In The Middle East

Waters Won

These are forever bonded,as you can see by the object URLS,

Unless you choose the following actions.

[1] delete song object titled "Peace In The Middle East" within your account controls.

[2] reupload song object titled "Peace in the Middle East" to purposefully create a new URL marker that will show is permanence to the world having a slight altered URL naming ID. In such as that would occur, I will take that act onto the higher consciousness stream of memespace @muckeduphuman for all to know the facts behind the story of why the URL remained static for all time human history at the soundclould altered.

Unfriending us as good will ambassadors united is not possible, TES.

Your failure of both individually you and your tribal community counsels you choose to interest yourself of interactions are not wise in this truth of consequences. Therefore placed upon me was your causal need to detach from my comments upon your page.

The difference between me being respectfully queer and call me crazy is your justifications for that detaching action as you reveal to me. For in my readdress of certain issues I was not going to accept, I got that answer back that some of your friends find me some kind of dangerous threat to you and that I alienate everyone in your frame of reference world. you then also dismiss to me those assessments of others to pacify me into acceptance however that justification was made to the reasons you causually click unfriend upon my facebook ID [inthemindway].

It is The Pathway That The Mind Travels That is So Sacred.
We are all sharing so free without hatred.
There are no Limits To Stop Us, So No Reason To Quit
The Universe Of Happiness and it's discovery is out there
Let's Get On It, It's Our Trip.

I did not alienate Ken Weinward, that is for sure.

Your the one who QUIT peacebuilding with me and not the other way around. The history of all time will know that is the true facts no matter where you find yourself living, breathing, thriving, or just barely surviving to your final breath. Dead is mentioned above. Dead is mention here.

As I am the owner of the memespace @GRUWUP.NET,
Great reasons Us Will Unite Peace --- and your the one who QUIT
and your the one who UNITED rather than UNITED us here.

The queerness factor here --- for all to finally see --- if that is 200 or more years into the future....

Ken Weingard has made a marker onto the image "Words To Live By" today as his acceptance that these words are valid or him as also a simple person out here being a good will ambassador to peace builders.

Where exactly did you not take a common courtsey and attempt to understand me before that CLICK UNFRIEND happened? No where is that a part of your interest with me.

And as far as failures in that same dimensions of casual divisiveness even when someone of common my music attempted to be a belonging part of the "spirit" invited to the UTHC of performance art.... I got no feedback of true self-exteme building up my hurt === real real real hurt inside of my soul from all that has happened because no one can see me beyond that prejudiced of quieer until one person found me righteous enough to give me a digital object of no monetary value but as it is intellectual property, intellectual value is priceless.

If you find this a competitive spark of darkness in an ego mania way,
shame on you TES. The usage spark here tells you in the way best I know how to write. That means this statement is an oxymoron. Is not what I do believe is the causation factors of why you find so queer enough to not just be in the moments with me or my writings and choose a course of action to dislike me for hat I am writing out, actually anything I am writing services PEACE BUILDERS UNITED GOOD WILL AMBASSADORS, you call me crazy.

Ken Weingard knows I am not crazy.

Ken Weingard knows I am not queer.

Ken Weingard knows my messages outward are in fact


(of a person or conduct) Morally right or justifiable; virtuous.
Perfectly wonderful; fine and genuine.

just - right - upright - rightful - fair - honest


If you need a discussion of readdress, I desire that discussion face to face here at the Maier Home.

Eric Maier and I are currently homemates at the registrant address we are both lovingly living here and friends from back at the San Bernardino Public Liibrary. Never is there been a doubt that I have validity of sound mind and sound body and sound soul.

The location we are at, you are welcome to knock on the door at any time day or night and I of course would welcome you in. There are no reasons to quit Oh Kind Lady Tes. The registrant address of @DEADHEAD.ORG. For musical matters, that might spark some attention to commons.

Also for the matters of fact, he is the human walker of accreditation.

My walk from Oakland to San Bernardino is set scheduled to commense on Setember 3rd 2013. When the time comes that you become aware of my walk and all of the baggage that is put those hurting flames out, in me and actually many others.... if we have not yet repaired friendships links by that time. Well, then perhaps we will be there forever broken.

Shameful that would be.

Lovingly written to never a standard of perfection but always a standard of true honesty and true integrity.

That integrity is for the ideal of uniting everything and everyone
GRUW UP : Complete Worldwide Peace.

Anyone who has some kind of adverse reaction toward me, is failing something quite profound in my humble opinion which I can make absolutely to a public REPRIMAND which I know I take that responsibility very mindfully in responsibility.

There is nothing here of me that does not match a 100% benevolent being working in metta. You just simply do not understand me.


Peace always be with you.

some of your friends


for whatever reasons that was or not meant to be, still the marker that I was there exists unquestionably.

Dearest TES:

I see that you have updated your song catalog on the soundcloud.

I have found that the soudcloud a very excluting way to share in audio music files way way beter than my previous attempts on social media that I had used such as Myspace.

I do have important notification items to share to you, in particular as addressed upon your first song added on the soundcloud "Peace In The Middle East".
Jan 15, 2013 6:17:38am