James M Driskill

If you were following the drama of my cousin Deb Kick ( see my fb friends ) regarding the recent imposter unknown person who with proven malice created a imposter facebook profile here on Facebook to grab or attempt to aquire personal information of her Facebook friends list. This was a while back and when I get to my desktop pc, I will go grab the post conversation thread url for you. I just noticed that you have two facebook profiles that apparently ate your identity. This profile here seems to have been created and abandoned.

This profile url is:

I HIGHLY RECOMEND THAT YOU MERGE THE POSTS OF THIS ACCOUNT IN TO YOUR ACTIVE FACEBOOK ACCOUNT AND FORCE FULL PROFILE DATA DELEON OF THIS PROFILE . if for some reason you no longer can access this profile settings admin, I highly advice you request this directly from facebook site admins.

CC: WILLIAM Schultz other fb profile.
Jan 19, 2015 11:26:45am