James M Driskill

The zip password for the contents in this folder is the standard zip password used throughout the sites.

[ 1PBY557-5WLE984 ]

but just check out his Truthfinder report and the job he holds with the Church of Ladder Day Saints, and also is the President of the Temple Stakeholder.

I am being extremely targered. By a collective hate group - which has been going on and on and on for at least almost 3 months period when will it stop? It is all a matter of where we can control our Communications are outside everywhere. Thank you. Go listen to the call the recordings of from Russell Mcclure. The story and it's true and everything else that I placed on the web about this is true
Mar 14, 2016 2:00:33pm
James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:611b:5975:4a08:3ad5
Mar 14, 2016 1:53:28pm
James M Driskill
Dear Adam for Adam I know you are not the source of this one attack against me ; what has been going on for weeks and weeks and weeks is going on too the public memespace @Fuckeduphuman : [WebDomains]\adam4adam.com : just so deserve this placement to all the world public. The first one that you believe I placed to the folder Wells the username fasTTop and has subsequently deleted him and change his name on your site which I've noticed that as well for he is a thief in this community reported from three separate sources. Myself for $40 , Kirk for about $100 ( told in face to face diagouge here in this Kramobone space ) and another visitor here by the name of Matt that Tyler still at the value of $200 from him six months prior to my visit here. That this is exactly what this is kind of folders our purposed for.
Mar 14, 2016 1:53:11pm
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 3:22:14pm
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 10:01:32am
James M Driskill
Just an UPDATE Graphic to CLOSE THIS CONVERSATION -- as you have never responded to anything present here.
IP Address: 2601:282:804:a790:30fb:9d94:8799:2884
Dec 30, 2015 4:05:52am
James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:804:a790:88bc:4f83:af30:a441
Dec 05, 2015 11:31:54am
James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:804:a790:88bc:4f83:af30:a441
Dec 05, 2015 11:31:40am
James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:804:a790:88bc:4f83:af30:a441
Dec 05, 2015 11:31:30am
James M Driskill
Dec 05, 2015 11:30:26am
James M Driskill
Dec 05, 2015 11:29:54am
James M Driskill
I have much more to offer and share.
Dec 05, 2015 11:25:34am
James M Driskill
Dec 05, 2015 11:25:28am
James M Driskill
Dec 05, 2015 11:25:01am
James M Driskill
Dec 05, 2015 11:24:42am
James M Driskill
Dec 05, 2015 11:24:04am
James M Driskill
Excerpt of importance :

It's no longer enough, if it ever was, to critique interlocking systems of oppression without offering affirming alternatives of how society should and can reconstitute itself. As we move into the inevitably more demanding multilingual, multicultural environment--both nationally and globally--of the next [ thia ] century, our greatest task will be an inversion of the commonly assumed equivalence between difference and disunity. We must re-write this equation, demonstrating again and again that unity does not require unanimity, that unity--that is, a sense of social cohesion, of community--can and does derive from the expression, comprehension, and active nurturing (and not merely tolerance or fetishization) of difference.

This is the new standard of civilized life that now demands our urgent labor, a new world order, if you will, that subverts traditional conceptions of social order: a standard which in effect subverts the meaning of the word "standard" itself. For the new order must be comprised of multiple standards: shifting, open-ended, dynamically transforming, so as to engender ways of thinking and living that privilege no one set of cultural differences over another but affirm virtue in all.
Dec 05, 2015 11:23:13am
James M Driskill
Dec 05, 2015 11:22:11am
James M Driskill
] This convesation and it's topics and returned into the present day DEC 2015 -- and this is the result of EFFORT Placed upon our world from both our sides ] -- I thank you very very very much Adam4Adam for the memetics sharing ability to pinerest that has recently been added to your site. Please reveiw the comment stream this is shown under your facebook posted item [ https://www.facebook.com/Adam4Adam/photos/a.142389655803428.16512.139181536124240/1101266176582433/?type=3&permPage=1 ] -- Thank you -- it is very important that I am not not misunderstood.
IP Address: 2601:282:804:a790:88bc:4f83:af30:a441
Dec 05, 2015 11:21:13am
James M Driskill
Note conversation Here On Facebook Started, December 7, 2012
10:33am, with an expected reply within 30 days.

You somewhat feel you have no obligation to reply.

I am giving you fair and complete responsibiity and notice what is going to happen without a timely reply in that 30 days.

As it currently is defined for public memespace.


Folder [ Adam4Adam.com ]

Files already exist.

There are four days left to prevent the entire message from being placed onto the public web.

Secondly, it might be of interest for you to know that on hivconnect.com, I have a simular situation in regards to a private correspondence to J Kate that it going to also create a folder hivconnect.com onto the public memespace @fuckeduphuman.net

Here is that private introduction initated December 10th 2012:


J Kate : December 10 at 8:55 am

HIV Connect is not affiliated with Adam4Adam.com in any way. Your recent posts are a violation of our terms of use. Posting of personal email addresses and personal calls to action are prohibited. Further violations will result in the deletion of your account. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Kind Regards,
Kate Crossley
HIV Connect

@REALUPHUMAN.NET : December 10 at 9:51 pm

Dear Ms Crossley,

I have to apologize for the method in which I introduced myself to this site.

Although the issues that brings me here is not something trifling to say the least.

The picture that is a part of this profile was taken in July of this year. It represents something and whether I violated any terms of service on this site seems less important than my ability to share and construct a chain of events documentation.

You see, I recently directed a Facebook private email to Adam4Adam [ and continues.... ]


For this message, you have to be able to see the avatar profile photo of account @realuphuman.net on hivconnect.com

@REALUPHUMAN.NET : December 23 at 8:22 am

<——————- The person depicted in this photo does not seem to be having an enhanced quality of life.
<——————- This Image was Taken July 22 2012 in Cheyenne Wyoming.
<——————- The Circumstances as to why this man here in this photo seems to not having a good time of it
<——————— has been written for many years now with no response from anyone or any responsibility taken
<——————— by anyone to these "weighty truth" matters of a person living with HIV/AIDS that needs to be fixed.

Oh Kind Lady J Kate,

No comments so far from you in regards to anything I've written. Wow.

Everyone remains silent. In that silence, I remain broken.

[ and continues... ]


With a condition simular to one with this message thread here on facebook, this included to hivconnect.com in the message I express


[ This message will be posted in the same manner as the conditions of my Adam4Adam stated Intent ]

at the domain of @fuckeduphuman.net 30 days from this day/time sent to you, HivConnect. [ December 23 2012 ]


It will be in full view when I make my walk.

If you remove my account, I will already have my own copy, thank you much.

Respond with a thought provoking reply, and the URL placement will not occur.

Even if , "woah need more time please" is your response —- it has to be a response of sensibilities none-the-less.

This is simple. It is up to you on how you want to portray yourself.


The issues I have with adam4adam and hivconnect and what is said to J Kate are interrelated and interdependant.

If you do not repond, expect a corrrespondence to be sent via my case manager Jonathan Chu or Angela Keady from the Colorado Aids Project, Denver [ CAP ] office with signed legal release to engage dialog of information for community shared concerns and your sites role in the events of 2005.

Thank you.
Jan 03, 2013 10:02:55pm
James M Driskill
Dec 18, 2012 1:10:31pm
James M Driskill
It has been 11 days since I directed a very important message expecting a reply from your organization.

Please note,

Index of /fuckeduphuman.net

Parent Directory

Apache/2.2.23 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.23 OpenSSL/1.0.0-fips mod_bwlimited/1.4 Server at gruwup.5gbfree.com Port 80


Index of /fuckeduphuman.net/adam4adam.com

Parent Directory
Proof Of Resolve - Adam4adam.txt

Apache/2.2.23 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.23 OpenSSL/1.0.0-fips mod_bwlimited/1.4 Server at gruwup.5gbfree.com Port 80


I am expecting a reply from your organization 30 days from the day I sent the msg included in this facebook user to user exchange on December 7th 2012.

Thank you.
Dec 18, 2012 1:07:00pm
James M Driskill
Adam4Adam Member [ EveryCumDropUGot ]
Adam4Adam Member [ JaredJettison ]
Manhunt Member [ EveryLastCumDropUGot ]
Men4SexNow Member [ Furhole4HotCum ]
Gay.Com Memeber [ JaredJettison]
Men4Now [ furhole4hotcum ]
BareBackRT [ EveryLastCumDropUGot ]

Other Active Profiles Are On OtherSites.

formerly also of relevant notation here:

UltimateBareback.com [ EveryLastCumDropUGot ]
subsequently identity changed on Sept 3rd 2005
UltimateBareBack.com [ CUMDUMP4BLK ]


Whatever you do with this Facebook directed email I suppose is up to you. It is not written to perfection. But so fucking what.

For what I would expect, that everything mentioned here has bearing a reference to something I need to express to you.

It is highly relevant to your site and among others. I expect this email to be read complete to the end. I expect a reply that it has been received to perhaps someone be addressed and not just be filed away in some dust gathering drawer.

I deserve a NON-CANNED response for the circumstances that I am going to be putting to the public view --- way way way out into the public view.

I have absolutely nothing to hide of my real identity vs. my sex cruising identities --- for I have maintained myself with a well proper level of "common decency" and "common respect" toward all that I have met throughout these years, but I am sad sad sad sad to say that that same common decency and common respect has not in so kind been returned to me.

As a long standing member on your site as well as others, knowing that I have directed emails in many concerns and issues to Support@adam4adam.com which I retain their evidential records for ---- TRUTH -- HONESTY -- the story that is going to unfold to the world by having to physically human step by step from Oakland California to San Bernardino California planned and scheduled for the date of September 3rd 2013 has been in mental health and welfare concerns supportive by Peak Wellness Center from Cheyenne Wyoming and a member of their staff has expressed interest to unite side by side with me on this walk.

In factors of persecution, cyberstocking, cyberharassment, cyberbulling for which adam4adam had been one site utilized to facilitate this attack against me, which I have proved is real.

Successfully ejected into the streets of homelessness from an illegal eviction case WG06266106, Alameda County Filed April 20th 2006, Allen Temple Housing and Development Vs. Driskill, HOPWA housing.

So unjust is this eviction circumstance filed against me, that on May 20th 2006, I wrote to plaintiff's attorney Alan Horwitz the text that is titled "Oh Kind Sir" that has been placed online at:


I do not care that you have some policy element that restricts your intake of details alt site of adam4adam.

This is a matter of FULL COMMUNITY WIDE CONCERNS that I feel must be addressed A S A P --- even though the events occurred to me in 2005 and may in fact not be remaining present as I sit here in Aurora Colorado in 2012.

For those of you who consider this long distance walk concept a farce or threat of nonsensical words of a lunatic,

Let me be plain and clear. I am currently residing at the registrant address of @DEADHEAD.ORG -- This is my long standing friend from when I grew up in San Bernardino at age 17.

I am now age 47 and once again attempting to reestablish my independent housing HOWPA resources that I properly qualify for as a person of disability class status living with Aids since Sept 1999.

The domain registrant owner, my personal friend, is the human long distance walker from Texas to Washington State in 2004 and is documented at:


This is no joke!

So no matter what happens from this communication to you forward, you will know parts of the reasons why this walk is being conducted.

It was long before May 20 2006 that I found myself in the mix of mega offenses of absolutely outrageous behavior of others, online and into offline real world experiences.

This includes Adam4Adam.

My first inclination of this cause and affect standing in my way of absolute expectancy of normal behaviors from others is when in an email to "Paul Walker" in February of 2005 I first used the phrase "Fucked Up Humans".

This phrase placed into my mind from my inability to control the "intent of sender" of what was being received as reoccurring dysfunctional abilities directed at me from various communications being received from multiple site logins.

It is not that I could not maintain functional organization with simple but extensive filter definitions in Microsoft Outlook Express.

Knowing now that I was using Outlook Express, you realize that I have the entire RECORD OF EMAIL CAPTURED ONTO MY PERSONALLY OWNED STORAGE DEVICES.

This would also be the emails addressing concerns in that time frame directed to your support@adam4adam.com. Which your canned response was unable to assist, unwilling to relate, unwilling to care, and unwilling to see that somethings could be worked into existence of control logic and design if only I had your ears tuned into the chaos I was getting.

When in the transition that made me force my renaming of Adam4Adam profile [ Furhole4hotcum] to something else, I did something so drastic out of my normal behavior.

I am a kind and gentle soul of a man. I am this that most or many or some must find this a weakness in me to exploit.

I don't know the date at this moment in time, but I forced adam4adam administration to DELETE my account immediately within 2 days of my decision to have this account become invisible and reestablish a new identity.

I had been a long standing member having only ONE IDENTITY across many sites mirroring the same details of myself -- for my profile is of a real person and not of a fake. And still to this day, this is the way I operate.

So from February 2005, a phrase comes into existence "fucked u humans".

By May 1st of 2005, as the urbandictionary places their motto "DEFINE YOUR WORLD" --- I did!

Using my authorship identity InTheMindway, as is this Facebook account is -- my real name James Martin Driskill, the following definitions was placed onto the site.

First was Real Up Human
Second as Fucked Up Human
on April 30th 2005.

Then on MAY DAY : MAY DAY : MAY DAY : May 1st 2005, the definition which I am going to provide here for you was placed.

12. Humans 35 up, 9 down

There are two adversary forms of humans which are the Fucked Up Human and the Real Up Human. To scale from one or the other, all humans fall somewhere in line by every action that a human makes -- even each and every last keystroke being done.
Well be real up ya all humans... ok?

by In the Mindway May 1, 2005


Is there something transgressing here for me on this side, that you can follow and see the happenstance by providing this story now in 2012. ??

But that is not the end of the resolve of DEFINE MY WORLD cybermarking. Nope!

Continuously the absolute gaslighting methodologies were being targeted at me, I had my spider senses to know that it was happening and it was not that I was paranoid --- but definitely was having it mental abusive effect of slowly but surely eroding my mental stability functionality and even perhaps and know my writing abilities.

I have in all in my email archive records if someone would just have applied an advocacy role to help me out of the dark evil doing deeds I found myself mucking through. .... for I was alone and doing what I needed to do all by myself.

So in what was my annual tenancy renewal date from June 11th 2003 move in to Allen Temple Manor, I used the day prior of June 10th 2005 to first register @REALUPHUMAN.NET.

The registration address is a bit odd. You see, Allen Temple Manor's address is 7607 International Blvd Oakland California. Yes, This is the HOOD! We all know what that means.

My Apt# was 308.

In my address registration, which was disclosed to the owners/director of the property of 7515 International Blvd of my actions. At that time this address property still had in place on its lot a run down, may have been condemned, vacant abandoned building.

I knew what was already in the works for project development of this address directly across the street from my apartment building. Ms. Wendy Jackson did in fact request me and I did appear at the city council meeting in the weeks prior of June to obtain approval for this project.

So as it stands, today the registrant info obtained from whois on @REALUPHUMAN.NET is:

In The Mindway
7515 International Blvd
Oakland, CA 94621-2741


Administrative Contact:
Driskill, James jmdriskill@inthemindway.org
7515 International Blvd
Oakland, CA 94621-2741
+0.0000000000 Fax: 510562

Registrar of Record: Domain.com
Record last updated on 14-Jun-2012.
Record expires on 11-Jun-2015.
Record created on 11-Jun-2005.


Once that registration was directed by me and complete. I said to myself, " ?? it has to be already taken."

nope, @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET was available. So I took it too mirroring @REALUPHUMAN.NET, noting it starts back from February in an email, cybermarked on urbandictionary May 1st, and then now the day before my tenancy renewal date, these are registered on June 10th to the physical address of a vacant building across the street with my apartment number showing in both registrations. It is apparent to anyone with all of the details to these events what this is reflecting upon --- I phrase is in my email as


These Remain Registered active to the physical address location of a homeless shelter, the East Oakland Community Project.

[ http://eocp.net/ ]

There has been absolutely no issued complaints of my neighbors or from building management at this exact moment in time.

However I know for fact that Jamal Graham had been accessing adam4adam.com from the building manager's office one day when I passed by and saw it open -- a most identifiable orange themed screen.


We are not done yet.

Something happened on my birthday September 1st 2005.

Condensed here,

It is when Paul Sha using the email address [ down4top@yahoo.com ] physically threatened me with violence, a closed fist read to punch me out.

This in my attempt to follow the building rules and at approx 2am in the morning when I asked him to leave, the rules state that after hours we must escort our guests leaving by accompanying them from our apartment to the downstairs main entrance, This was a policy in place for building safety concerns since yes yes this is THE HOOD!

The truth --

Paul Sha refused to allow me to follow these building rules. He exclaims of himself, "I don't have to follow the rules. I know the Pastor of the church Allen Temple Baptist Community. I am a deacon."

This is what he told me.

This did not phase me one bit to alter my intent to follow the building rules. On the 3rd floor, as he stepped into the elevator, I proceeded to follow right now. This is when physical violence was bearing my witness in the real world not just cyber attacks.

Do we have any one readers attention yet?

By this point in time, something grave very very grave should be forming within the human being that is reading this story.

This story has not yet even close to being told.

If I proceeded here in private email to Facebook

Adam4Adam I would be duplicating what I just recently placed publicly today on the post -- which in aspects of linkable "talking about" sharing, adam4adam is mentioned in this post:


James Driskill
6 hours ago via BlackBerry ·

Eating Cheez-It Duoz Sharp Cheddar/Parmesan left over from sharing time of two overnights with Nick Bravo (friend requested here) at the begging of this week. We meet via adamAadam. One of the talking points discussed between him and I were events in my life associated to the meme : HomoSexualSavagery2005 : I freely shared the truth relating to disrepecting my home by person named top line far right. $100 / $200 — with David Ca Parrish and 2 others at @Deadhead.


This above post is at its maximum text character length.

I had to continue with THE TRUE FACTS of this story, which is public posted!

Please read beyond here...

I am providing it's first paragraph:


James Driskill My mom and dad called tonight as we try to speak and keep in touch weekly on Thursday nights. The $200 referenced event had to be brought up into this conversation. For the person to whom this is regarding accuses me is stealing $200 from him for which I did not. A record of this event, spoken in his own words, just so happened to been placed upon the voicemail of my mothers cell phone. These voicemails were then transferred to digital files and he actually gave me the permission and uncaring concern that I could post it public. I did utilize these .mp3 files to be included in the materials directed to my mental health therapist. How outrageous being accused of stealing $200.00.

[ Continue To Read This TRUE STORY from the public posting link ]

It would be absolutely unavoidable for you to not reply to me :

Please direct to me a Facebook reply here, if you must.

But frankly as grave of circumstances fully here are present in my mental health assessments...

Mental Health Advocacy Ltr Jan-23-2007 [attached]


What kind of person documents to the public -- breaking all considering of my rights to privacy in these issues such as this?


Please I beg you on my hands and knees to open a Google search window and perform a search of my social security number.

GoogleIt! [ 547453504 ]

perhaps top most match on your end is not smart to my posts.

GoogleIt again [ ssn 547453504 ]

I request that you reply to these circumstance, as adam4adam is definitely an involved and has a high barring influence to the cause and effect of my entire story.

It has still not been completely unfolded to you.

It is written out in pieces on the internet from day one.
At my BEST ABILITY at each time I attempt to make
it plain. I need help in Fixing the Weighty Truth
of these circumstances upon my life.

Please direct your reply to: Adam4Adam.com@gruwup.net

If you do not want to be @GRUWUP.NET.
that would be a shame.

Perhaps you would first consider liking my page here on facebook under this same id:

[ be sure to use the "read more" link for details

If I cannot find something and someone GRUW UP very very soon, I might as well classify this what is truely is, guys at adam4adam.com ----

Perhaps reply to me with this actionable address:

[ Adam4Adam.com@fuckeduphuman.net ]
or politely we can also now define it
[ Adam4Adam.com@muckeduphuman.net ] --

Muckeduphuman.net, from cascading failure of my HOPWA housing at that registrant address not even covered here.

We are all adults here, muckeduphuman.net auto redirects to fuckeduphuman.net anyhow.

I am waiting for your reply.

In 30 days from today should I not receive any reply,
even if it is simply we are still reviewing this matter
status, then

This Facebook posting to you will be placed onto the web at:


I am living at the registrant address showing for
the who is record of @DEADHEAD.ORG.

James Martin Driskill
(307) 421-4674
SSN: 547-45-3504

In Temporary Homeless Housing staying with my friend,

Mr. Eric Maier
14700 E. Kentucky Dr
Apt 521
Aurora Colorado

[ I think it best to also read the attachments here ]

My next transmitted file will be the record of the HACKED PROFILE --
Dec 07, 2012 9:33:29am