James M Driskill
Stop trying to ruin my work here --- with a posting cure for HIV that I DO NOT ACCEPT. Who sent you to harass me?
Sep 02, 2018 4:52:42am
James M Driskill
You are here to advertise some kind of HIV Cure -- this forum is not intended for that purpose. Your clan keeps attempting to connect to this forum --- what makes me hit your target radar so frequently, it is getting rather tiresome and boring to approve members and their first post is this doctor cure for hiv with a number. THIS FORUM IS INTENDED TO DISPERSE THE TRUTH ABOUT THE HIV COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THAT IS UNDER THE SOCIAL SERVICES "so-called" SUPPORTIVE NETWORK OF THE RYAN WHITE CARE ACT --- that has an embedded hate conspiracy that existence is provable. [ https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/29793593_10211558563621783_7583227749972574208_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=a1210fff531c992131f26cce51636cec&oe=5C28FC23 ]
Sep 02, 2018 4:50:25am