James M Driskill
Jul 05, 2021 2:56:12am
James M Driskill


"Please note that EDA does not provide grants or other forms of financial assistance or benefits "
Jul 05, 2021 2:52:59am
James M Driskill
Jul 05, 2021 2:51:46am
James M Driskill
EDA advises the public of recent incidents of fraudulent emails, letters, or other communications sent to individuals offering to provide EDA grants in exchange for money or personal information. The scammers behind these fraudulent communications often pose as EDA employees or agents in an attempt to extract payment. Please note that EDA does not provide grants or other forms of financial assistance or benefits (including unemployment benefits) to individuals and does not ask individuals to disclose personal information. In addition, EDA does not require applicants to submit a processing or other fee. EDA grants can only be obtained by following the procedures described in the Notices of Funding Opportunities provided for the programs listed on our Funding Opportunities page: https://www.eda.gov/funding-opportunities/. If you believe you have been the victim of one of these scams, please contact the Department of Commerce Office of Inspector General at https://www.oig.doc.gov/Pages/Hotline.aspx and submit a report. You may also file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission online at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/ or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. Please note that complaints involving the internet may also be referred to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which accepts complaints here. For more information on grant fraud and grant-related scams, please see: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/learn-grants/grant-fraud.html.
Jul 05, 2021 2:51:14am
James M Driskill
Only links I will accept is at:

Jul 05, 2021 2:50:45am
James M Driskill

If what you say is true ---- it has a legal basis --- name the laws that are enacted --- otherwise ---- go fuck off in your deception.


Natural law[1] (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a system of law based on a close observation of human nature, and based on values intrinsic to human nature that can be deduced and applied independent of positive law (the enacted laws of a state or society).[2]
Jul 05, 2021 2:49:26am
Ben Davis Jr.
Jul 05, 2021 2:47:35am
James M Driskill
Jul 05, 2021 2:47:33am
James M Driskill
Jul 05, 2021 2:47:17am
James M Driskill
Natural Law --- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_law

Natural law
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Not to be confused with Natural justice.
For other uses, see Natural law (disambiguation).

Thomas Aquinas, a Catholic philosopher of the Middle Ages, revived and developed the concept of natural law from ancient Greek philosophy
Natural law[1] (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a system of law based on a close observation of human nature, and based on values intrinsic to human nature that can be deduced and applied independent of positive law (the enacted laws of a state or society).[2] According to natural law theory, all people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation but by "God, nature, or reason."[3] Natural law theory can also refer to "theories of ethics, theories of politics, theories of civil law, and theories of religious morality."[4]

In the Western tradition it was anticipated by the Pre-Socratics, for example in their search for principles that governed the cosmos and human beings. The concept of natural law was documented in ancient Greek philosophy, including Aristotle,[5] and was referred to in ancient Roman philosophy by Cicero. References to it are also to be found in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, and were later expounded upon in the Middle Ages by Christian philosophers such as Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas. The School of Salamanca made notable contributions during the Renaissance.

Modern natural law theories were greatly developed in the Age of Enlightenment, combining inspiration from Roman law with philosophies like social contract theory. It was used in challenging theory of the divine right of kings, and became an alternative justification for the establishment of a social contract, positive law, and government—and thus legal rights—in the form of classical republicanism. In the early decades of the 21st century, the concept of natural law is closely related to the concept of natural rights. Indeed, many philosophers, jurists and scholars use natural law synonymously with natural rights (Latin: ius naturale), or natural justice,[6] though others distinguish between natural law and natural right.[7]

Because of the intersection between natural law and natural rights, natural law has been claimed or attributed as a key component in the Declaration of Independence (1776) of the United States, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) of France, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) of the United Nations, as well as the European Convention on Human Rights (1953) of the Council of Europe.
Jul 05, 2021 2:46:44am
Ben Davis Jr.
It’s all About Economics Development they are helping People to take care of kids buy house retirement disability
Jul 05, 2021 2:44:10am
Ben Davis Jr.
Have you got yours
Jul 05, 2021 2:43:33am
James M Driskill
Jul 05, 2021 2:43:17am
Ben Davis Jr.
it’s all About Economics Development they are helping People to take care of kids,buy houses, retired disable unemployment pay rents and Maintain the standard of living, I got $500,000. thousand From Them And I saw your name on the list,
Jul 05, 2021 2:41:28am
James M Driskill
Jul 05, 2021 2:39:58am
Ben Davis Jr.
Am fine and doing pretty good, and happy did you receive a late from EDA
Jul 05, 2021 2:39:04am
James M Driskill
Jul 05, 2021 2:26:17am
Ben Davis Jr.
I’m just wanted to say hello and hope you safe and everyone is well.
Jul 05, 2021 2:11:25am
James M Driskill
Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you can't get them back. So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I'll never lose you. Happy Friendship Day! Send this to All your friends including me if u treat me as 1. If you get four back you are a Great friend 🌽🌽
Oct 03, 2018 9:31:16pm
James M Driskill
convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.

Would you please give me a favor would youIf please please please do me a favor and email


Please tell them that you know me for a long time as far as being Facebook friends many of the outgoing list are real face to face real life acquaintances of friends. Please tell them to read their email from James Martin Driskill and please tell them to respond to my email. Please tell them I need a meeting with the United Nations in New York during my next trip to New York or please tell

Have a representative meet my mother and family in the city of San Bernardino.

With a civil rights attorney lawyer present that will be a part of a civil suit against the stated parties 5 million-dollar lawsuit for the violation of my rights and an eviction once again.

Please tell them to confirm that they have received the email from the email addressrs


I will be doing a Facebook live 24/7 or at least 24 hours 4 Fourth of July independence day so I'm going to start that Facebook live for a 24-hour period starting at midnight. That is my intention at least.
Thank you.
IP Address: 2600:100e:b00d:62aa:70e3:7e6d:ae08:f87d
Jul 03, 2017 7:49:42am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Oct 25, 2016 6:58:57pm
Ben Davis Jr.
you bet
Oct 25, 2016 6:58:46pm
James M Driskill
Thank you for establishing a link here with me.
Oct 25, 2016 6:58:36pm
Ben Davis Jr.
Oct 25, 2016 6:58:18pm
James M Driskill
That takes care of my integrity introduction needs with you. I am one quite Unique presence in the internet for community peace building messages.
Oct 25, 2016 6:58:01pm
Ben Davis Jr.
I'll check it out
Oct 25, 2016 6:56:07pm
James M Driskill
Oct 25, 2016 6:55:53pm
Ben Davis Jr.
I do not
Oct 25, 2016 6:53:59pm
James M Driskill
Well let's see :do you or do you not know the basket ball player Ron Artest Jr who legally changed his name to two years after Metta.ws gift. Mr Artest legally changed his name to Metta World Peace.

I am a peace builder confirmed prior to this name change athlete celebrity.
Oct 25, 2016 6:53:28pm
Ben Davis Jr.
I am at a loss for words
Oct 25, 2016 6:48:59pm
James M Driskill
I am the one who our mutual Friend on here Kenney Weingard gifted me the peace building ownership of Metta.ws . A very unique present for sure.
Oct 25, 2016 6:48:15pm
Ben Davis Jr.
lol... I am the whistleblower that is still alive... and you?
Oct 25, 2016 6:44:41pm
James M Driskill
Believe it or not ; an Idiot test to proove you are not an AI agent on here. :)
Oct 25, 2016 6:43:58pm
James M Driskill
Oct 25, 2016 6:42:02pm
Ben Davis Jr.
You requested me
Oct 25, 2016 6:41:45pm
James M Driskill
Ok thanks. Can you tell me specifically what draws your interest on my media profile for that consideration?
Oct 25, 2016 6:41:25pm
Ben Davis Jr.
I added you
Oct 25, 2016 6:40:20pm
James M Driskill
Oct 25, 2016 6:39:55pm
Ben Davis Jr.
Hi J Martin
Oct 25, 2016 6:34:08pm
Ben Davis Jr.
You are now connected on Messenger
Oct 25, 2016 6:33:41pm