James M Driskill
And Thus We Come Full Circle From My First Post -- re: Stu[id -- I really need a true true friend.
May 20, 2019 3:09:46pm
James M Driskill
Please read all content from the top --- I need a friend who gets me --- and my content reality --- I need a true true friend.
May 20, 2019 3:05:25pm
James M Driskill
I can [ and you can too ] do wonders with url addressing in this technology --- if you just open your heart and mind to be free to explore me. I hope you take that time to do so. I will always and ever be grateful to come to your aid --- across the seas of countries -- if you ever get into a dark corner of your life. I promise.
May 20, 2019 2:54:59pm
James M Driskill
The content at my domains can be used by anyone.
May 20, 2019 2:50:26pm
James M Driskill
Hi -- How is your day been? Or Goodbye --- I am never going to be your friend [ poet and did know it ]
May 20, 2019 2:47:49pm
James M Driskill
Focus [ meme shared ] to "Find Outward Collective Us Saving ] from full and complete societal collapse. I have the background to prove who I am. It is found in this directory:

[ http://facebook.focus.bonnie.stevens.find-outward-collective-us-saving.realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/HISTORY-Driskill/ : If this is too much content for you --- you are stupid --- and I demand that you unfriend me as soon as humanly possible. Thank you.
May 20, 2019 2:47:19pm
James M Driskill
May 20, 2019 2:42:12pm
James M Driskill
Hi : How has your day been?
May 20, 2019 2:38:35pm
James M Driskill
May 20, 2019 2:37:49pm
James M Driskill
I am done here --- every link please -- or unfriend me in kindness. I am native born San Bernardino -- i live at the address of this spae in my childhood home since I was age 5. When I live out on my own --- I am hated upon to a sate that I have been here 2 years as a refugee status from hate in the protection of family --- and working on my mission of peace. I end here. https://gruwupnetpeacebuildingwebsite.business.site/
May 20, 2019 2:36:28pm
James M Driskill
Heed Itis Meaning Wisely please.
May 20, 2019 2:34:38pm
James M Driskill
That is a #Kramobone and means ---An Adinkra System --- And Solmon's Knot [ endless knot of significance ] : it means:

One Bad Makes All Look Bad or
The Bad Makes it Difficult To Get Noticed
A Warning Symbol Against Deception and Hypocrisy.
May 20, 2019 2:34:29pm
James M Driskill
Link to the links --- or go away and UNFRIEND ME PLEASE --- THE FOCUS IN THE KEY --
May 20, 2019 2:31:38pm
James M Driskill
Please read from the top --- or go away and unfriend me --- please please
May 20, 2019 2:31:05pm
James M Driskill
Can you make it go away to nothing?
May 20, 2019 2:30:33pm
James M Driskill
May 20, 2019 2:30:20pm
James M Driskill
May 20, 2019 2:30:14pm
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 😭.
May 20, 2019 2:30:00pm
James M Driskill
😭 : Really...
May 20, 2019 2:29:14pm
James M Driskill
May 20, 2019 2:28:52pm
James M Driskill
Thank you for wanting to be my friend. I really need a friend and not a fake friend facebook friend. I really need a local friend who gets me.
May 20, 2019 2:28:44pm
James M Driskill
#Untreatable : Is a public meme key --- put it in Google Along With These [ #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : #GovernmentSponsoredHate ] Thank you.
May 20, 2019 2:28:10pm
James M Driskill
There is one more fax in that directory --- or you can check out the urgency that I have no HIV CARE DOCTOR : #HIVUNTREATABLE

May 20, 2019 2:27:11pm
James M Driskill
**** I MAY NO APOLOGY FOR MY STYLE --- ANYTHING HERE CAN BE SHARED IN PREASSIGNED NAMING FASION AS DESCRIPTED TO THE INTERNET MEME FOCUS [**** -- because I hold the technology that I can't share to others --- you all hate me.
May 20, 2019 2:25:48pm
James M Driskill
There are two more in that directory if you are interested -- one is titled :


A real world email address that i receive communications on -- One Such Example in that face is Barack Obama. [ Worth A Read ]
May 20, 2019 2:24:41pm
James M Driskill
That gets you started being a peace building member of our society. Thank you.
May 20, 2019 2:19:29pm
James M Driskill
Please know I have not enough experience with knowing you to call you stupid. But read the URLS posted in the way of your meme -- to consider the possibilities of content that is free --- a live life journal of my experiences for the past 10+ years [ since 2005 ] that I have documented to my best ability

There is no direct user interface coded... it is a raw directory site to browse. SiteAdvisor clears all of my domains as safe to browse.

* = net : to prevent facebook to process them for preview.

@Realuphuman.* --- the other mention of the triad trust ladder of technology that I own. The top + value trust. Going down the latter....

@Gruwup.* --- Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace [ 0 value middle scale trust value : Sited Safe To Browse in the Category of Eductional/Refence ] : if your name appears here [ http://persons.gruwup/* ], or above [ http://persons.realuphuman/* , I consider any content you personally hold or share to include to my site ]]

@Fuckeduphuman.* : A [ - < 0 ] Trust Value onto the content, persons, places, things memes, etc. They need to be stopped, wipped out of existence to be able to carry a progressive instead of a digressive erosion of trust.

There are music.* in each of these directories.

There is emoji.* in each of these domains, there is adinkra.realuphuman.*

There is also webdomains.* in each of these domains....... finally I bring you a message that we are already into a state of digression of collective trust [ called #SocialTrust < 0 ]. In all of our efforts that we share, hopefully that does not further devalue others and erode trust to a complete socitial collaspe [ ref: Jared Diamond ]:

There are shortcuts at this:

http://community.gruwup.net/22/ : How the Erosion of Trust Leads To Murder and Mass Shootings --- yes that is the thing here I am focused [ your meme ] to write on.

Shortcut http://community.gruwup.net/20/ : Except Words Of Pope Francis Call To Our Nation In Front Of Congress You can go up the list or down the list. Some of these numbers hae empty directors to hold space for adjacent messages of content linking. I am not saying that i have all of the answers, but at least I am attempting a project never conceived.

Maybe you will take the time and explore me off facebook --- I need more friends who really get me --- over the persecution that I receive. I really am in a state, I am not making light of it, in a state of duress in my life. I am in a hole I can't climb out of by myself. It is rather disturbing that everyone remains silent to the understandings here -- and -- attack me instead of talking discourse with me.

I really don't feel like United States and San Bernardino are any more my hometown. I don't feel like getting into the details. But if you check my job resume, I built [ coded ] the original programming for the library's computer lab when I was 18. I am now 53 and I am losing hope that anyone can truly get it --- real. Everyone is driving fake forms -- not truly being one's true self to the healing factors of being free outside of a targeting community I can prove is a conspiracy.
May 20, 2019 2:17:45pm
Bonnie Severns
You are now connected on Messenger
May 20, 2019 1:53:12pm