Facebook user
8492665803: I think you appear in this VIDEO watch it, i am REALLY IMPRESSED!!!
Nov 13, 2020 6:10:30pm
James M Driskill
Oct 23, 2020 1:50:32am
James M Driskill
Sammie --- things are closing in on them -- this has to break - break - break -- I am calling for her JOB -- if I have to appear at the council meeting -- like this man:

Oct 23, 2020 1:50:31am
James M Driskill
Sep 11, 2020 3:16:00pm
Facebook user
I’m driving home from work I’ll talk to you when I get home
Sep 11, 2020 3:15:33pm
James M Driskill
err : seem to relate we are NOT able to conduct a communication with them yet
Sep 11, 2020 3:14:16pm
James M Driskill
Sammie -- Sammie -- I need your attention --- a time change -- change time - truth realism -- the reality of something that has made its government agency -- well yea h - confirming statements ---on the subject matter -- and what is fake meme maze crazy --the statements out here -- are hitting the mind of our society worldwide - one share - one shae - ome share - at a time -- you might already know -- bugt it wil be yoiur professor that told you -- and when you take in your youger than I -- the standing upon the day Star Trek calls "First Contact" - I might be gone -- you might be her -- I don't know yet-- the articles seem to relate we are able to conduct a communcation with them yet -- where they go --- or stay -- or give up on us -- to our ability to grow up -- we might just as well be taken down all at once -- not worthy of our life body presence. I don't know --do you know about the official change of position statements by the Military highest -- on encounters with vehicles not of this earth?
Sep 11, 2020 3:11:48pm
Facebook user
Thank you
Aug 28, 2020 12:33:14pm
James M Driskill
sorry.... it can wait till later
Aug 28, 2020 12:33:03pm
Facebook user
I’m at work James
Aug 28, 2020 12:32:34pm
James M Driskill
Please FORWARD the VIDEO URL and the Card please
Aug 28, 2020 12:25:29pm
James M Driskill
An Obvious mistake somehow has occured.
Aug 28, 2020 12:25:09pm
James M Driskill
Thank you
Aug 28, 2020 12:22:28pm
James M Driskill
Please SHARE that image to her too -- I am highly offended that she has the status of our messager blocked when I still have not yet got the needed assuranced that I can ttrust -- I remain #HIVUntreatable
Aug 28, 2020 12:22:23pm
James M Driskill
Aug 28, 2020 12:21:25pm
James M Driskill
I have a BIG BIG FAVOR --- I need you to take the URL from that video -- and share upward to the facebook ID: ThisAgentCares --- She had the gall to send me a BIRTHDAY CARD after she, my REP from Humana BLOCKED ME and in the CONTENT WAY she blocked me -- OUTRAGEOUS! Her Messages shold be at this URL:

Aug 28, 2020 12:18:09pm
James M Driskill
Aug 27, 2020 6:43:56pm
James M Driskill
Aug 27, 2020 6:43:54pm
James M Driskill
Sammie --- you are in --- in in in ---- in in in in in -- in in in in in in in in FOR A FUCKING SHOCKER! wait for it ---- I am on a different device --- SHARE WIDE -- WELL -- AND IT IS THE TRUTH ---
Aug 27, 2020 7:48:09am
James M Driskill
Please Listen Before My Birthday September 1st 2020 : 12:00 noon -- I need a courier to transmit this to others if for some reason something happens to me. SERIOUS
Aug 26, 2020 2:18:17pm
James M Driskill
An Hour and 10 Minutes Sammie -- Worth Understanding the unlimited need to think out of the box here -- in all of this land --- the conspiracy ties this very very wide and holding tight.

Aug 26, 2020 2:17:26pm
James M Driskill
There we GO!
Aug 26, 2020 2:15:04pm
James M Driskill
''iSocialCop' --- he is Mike A. Bires --- The Public Affairs Director of the San Bernardino County District Attorney's office --for which this address is being used ---

Aug 26, 2020 2:14:07pm
James M Driskill
Perform a Google Search on the man -- who is the nameID:
Aug 26, 2020 2:12:15pm
Facebook user
Aug 26, 2020 2:11:58pm
James M Driskill
Aug 26, 2020 2:11:41pm
James M Driskill
NOTE: VectorStock Is In The Messaging here --- Having to conduct a "special need" custom modifications to this EMOJI.

Use of this GRAPHIC from VECTOR STOCK is Royalty Free. Has Customize Image Options By Their Artists for a FEE of $84.00 -- which will be individualized personalization to include BADGE# NAME and Specific Agency Name.

I am told that my mother has initiated communications to you - you will just ignore ? Are you sure that is the best course of action in this case Sir Mike 'iSocialCop' Bires, a fraud to respect first Amendment of Citizen James Martin Driskill and knows the San Bernardino Police Department will also not comply to the law in these regards.

Aug 26, 2020 2:11:26pm
Facebook user
Aug 26, 2020 2:11:25pm
James M Driskill
Classic : working...
Aug 26, 2020 2:10:38pm
James M Driskill
Version from
Aug 26, 2020 2:08:13pm
James M Driskill
Aug 26, 2020 2:07:36pm
James M Driskill
I can make that a little bit bigger who try it again
Aug 26, 2020 2:07:20pm
James M Driskill
Aug 26, 2020 2:07:06pm
James M Driskill
Oh Sammy or Sammie Sammie I wish I wish I wish I wish I might I wish I could give you a good greeting. But I must in an emoji I must end in an emoji law enforcement here absolutely have bun-bun bumbled it.

I'm going to record for you a video. I don't have your email address because you apparently did not think to update me after your avasa password that's okay I have no way to share with you... Confidentially.

These files is a PDF what you can open. And in a new window open the audio.

It has been nice knowing you it's this leads to my death Sammie. There is no consulate here that's the main problem.
Aug 26, 2020 2:06:38pm
Facebook user
Facebook user sent an attachment.
Aug 15, 2020 6:38:28pm
James M Driskill
Powered by this video, and knowing that by confronting this matter because my case manager will not actually process the necessary details on the authority of management Administration personnel of the San Bernardino Police Department : the immediate deception the position of a police department will be put into strife as shown in this video is all


I have to issue a complaint with the San Bernardino Police Department against:

Sergeant Lanier Joseph Rogers III - that takes into account the details that were expressed in the house here in the living room dining room table.

This is where he basically had already sized me up to be delusional when I mention the problem I'm having with gang stalking.

He tells me that he'll be sure to get somebody to help me. The interface to which draws upon case manager Wendy Ann Holmquist.

During that session with Sergeant Rogers,

A very unusual request was made apparent I have been in contact with the Riverside Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during one of their agent enforcement agent visits to this house in the prior days prior to the arrival of Sergeant Rogers OK Rogers gave me a direct command do not contact the FBI ever again in these regards I thought that was kind of suspicious and strange at the time and still do.

Rogers tells me that the FBI agent that I had prior face-to-face exchanged when was a personal friend of his.

At this very moment I do not have dates at my reach as I share this video. But I do have dates in my record for sure.

Completely Dismissed - Sergeant Rogers continues the silence of being a fake -

My complaint is about my need to control the outer community societal element on social media that coalesced among themselves to create a coalition and a mission very specific mission of collected Force agenda,

A patterned recognized curtain that is on every single window looking out I'm looking in to this

It would be called to his highest form one of the most elusive powers that are allowed to operate the dark heart among our people.

My human rights my right of freedom even at my childhood home here in San Bernardino ..

it will become self-evident,
it is a fact they ( organized gang stalking coalition ) that I seem to attract and attach onto my digital footprint then into Cyberlife and Real-life affected situations.

By my legally exercising my United States citizen rights,

Not being protected,

and my International human rights - that are outside my reach of outside oversight and authority of the United Nations, an imbalance of shaky ground forces.

It is they not I who are violating the law.

This is not just a civil law they are violating my rights,

Who for most - many do not truly find themselves needing to address law enforcement to protect these rights for them

Too hard to grasp this truth!!!

in our society - that allow these creatures to coalesce, to form a coalition - to seek out to destroy and annihilate a single human's life path - that is the odds and the holding that I am actually being held in.

Defined this scheme - long standing - decades perhaps more than a century empowered under this hierarchy of hate,

Way way way way way so over kill to specifically target,

Dirt poor little man of mention - me.

But as i have come to understand #GangStalking - I am , as it defines for many,

I am a targeted individual...

A victim of stalking by a collective organized group - Social to know its embedded grip to governmental organization agencies of social service providers....

I can actually identify - campaigns and individuals - this is a criminal Enterprise.

Yes I say criminal Enterprise because somebody somewhere somehow is getting paid somehow getting Kickbacks somehow the money must be flowing to keep them from being placed into the investigative process by law enforcement officers of all authorities from local police, local County Sheriff, State Department of Justice oh, and of course Federal Bureau of Investigation.

All of these agencies are under the authority to protect the citizens from these activities.

That would be citizen James Martin Driskill born September 1st 1965 in the City and County of San Bernardino California in the lovely area of the Inland Empire where it just so happens...

Where the biker gang - another criminal Enterprise - known as a Hells Angels are Foundation started check your history and see how close Fontana is.

The biker club of the Hell's Angels next opening regional club location happens to be Oakland California we're all of this actually began 15 years ago in the city of Oakland.

It is in 2005 registered addresses of my internet domains mark this time unquestionably unsuspiciously an unendorsed... The purpose of my internet domains - as a presence that is unchallengeable to this realism truth.

These two demands and then the Third paddling in July of the following year... the exclusive Intellectual property an Information Network processing holding at this author and this victim of the societal allegiances to their dying breath everyone that is involved to hate.

These allegiances are strong. These allegiances are loyal and apparently these are allegiances are hush hush.

And impact these allegiances do have tokenized racial examples are not flat and who they seem to be.

A very disturbing political story I will attach as a reply reflects this statement as more factually true than some fine line issue I just call interview with no substitutive connections and ties to these horses forces endorses of hate.

Gripped by no regard for a foundation story of mine here..

s coerced by intimidation or funded to carry the overall the hate organization bottom line mission.

They will never never never never never never turn tail and betray this equation they will never never never never never actually call for their removal of power to not turn a blind eye by law enforcement to actually become prosecuted for the violations they perpetrate against the society and against the individual come on, come on come on - give me a fucking break - offenses and violations of high crimes and misdemeanors of conspiracy -

Protected and insulated from this equation Perry.. Those who are involved acts as the classic gangster Mafia members as Untouchables.

As I place to the County of San Bernardino district attorney earlier in Facebook Messenger... I am willing without an actual lawyer to file every single Paper to fill out every single form to conduct every single piece of investigative process to conduct myself professionally and legal to uproot and supplant it's very destructive force it's happening in our culture local communities to Statewide obliteration....

Even the president of the United States of America Donald John Trump... Elected not by popular vote - is a prime candidates to remain in this power.

A classic example of United States American hypocrisy question to highest Global offence.

This must be supplanted. This must be done it is I who has this mission and it is I who will bring down Almighty Wrath informational digital bits and bites destroy there dark deep-seated vision - Everlasting hate will never ever ever relinquish itself two peace.
Jul 23, 2020 11:52:23pm
Facebook user
Jul 23, 2020 10:36:49am
James M Driskill
Real real real. The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Jul 23, 2020 7:43:11am
Facebook user
Jul 23, 2020 7:40:06am
James M Driskill
I grew up with a set of principles. I went to a school San Bernardino High School that was in continuous operation from 1883 to the class of 1983... Centennial class I am. Hundreds graduating class of San Bernardino High. Where my mother graduated from San Bernardino High. Where my father graduated from San Bernardino High. Where are my mom's brother my uncle graduated from San Bernardino High. That's backdating my family. And the story that I'm going to tell about the KKK and the involvement of what would be the school administration my high school to approve and condone the kkk's recruitment practices onto school age and school property and school attending students.

But we can't have that story that story can't be true okay no it can't be me white guy who likes to help black guys particularly like to have bareback Raw natural skin to skin sexual intercourse man to man where I am the opening of a new trust paradigm between us. Because I desire to service... Full and complete. No barriers no stop it no limits no excuses.

Black Man's Cum - The Semen central life essence -

Fucked - anally fucked

Into my

man anus ass hole.

Where it is very very very very rare... That I ever get any complaints about my competence to achieve such a orgasmic state are inter play basic human needs.

obseques. : this word is in my mix of text I need to know what the definition is
  • 😮James M Driskill
Jul 23, 2020 7:38:33am
James M Driskill
In the position from the date of June 10th 2020... My internet domains have served as a live life journal of us born citizen and native-born San Bernardino resident James Martin Driskill. Born September 1st 1965. 1:05 a.m. or so in the morning. In the hospital of the Saint Bernardine's I'm at the corner of waterman and Highland in San Bernardino. I even can give you the room number if I had access to my storage unit in

There in Denver
Jul 23, 2020 7:30:56am
James M Driskill
Well our former Governor Jerry Brown also happen to be former mayor Jerry Brown when I was dealing with the gang stalking in Oakland California

I told you that right?

I told you that I had contacted the mayor of Oakland Jerry Brown... In a fax... And in that sax which is titled I do believe :

Receiving subterfuge in behaviors and attitudes. But don't believe me Cleary Cleary clearly Cleary Cleary I' - clearly mind - clearly soul...

Cleary morality. Cleary ethics.

Cleary actions.

Clearly cleary --

I have some Integrity to what I say what I do what I believe and who I


Great Reasons Us Will

Jul 23, 2020 7:28:44am
James M Driskill
How do you know that what I tell you is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Jul 23, 2020 7:23:42am
James M Driskill
Not that loving ever loving loving son of my mother Veronica Ann Driskill.

Who is a Catholic. Mother was Helen Marie Warnick...

That when I was growing up here in San Bernardino... The former governor of our state Jerry Brown and my grandmother we're very good friends. Actually slept under the same roof kind of friends. I didn't say the same bed you know.
Jul 23, 2020 7:23:22am
James M Driskill
Not AIDS infected James Martin Driskill. It can't be him
Jul 23, 2020 7:21:20am
James M Driskill
No !!!!

Not that queer homosexual James Martin Driskill!!

Can't be him
Jul 23, 2020 7:21:02am
James M Driskill
Things are at

The crescent

at the top of the



But it can't be me poor little old me?

They will never ever ever except that it is me. .

That's has the keys to peace.
Jul 23, 2020 7:20:06am
James M Driskill
Hey love.
Jul 23, 2020 7:15:32am
Facebook user
Jul 23, 2020 6:55:23am
James M Driskill
You sent an attachment.
Jul 22, 2020 9:49:06pm
Facebook user
Facebook user sent an attachment.
Jul 05, 2020 4:13:21pm
Facebook user
Congratulations! You get a big reward from a friend! Please enter Knife Bonus and Input Reward Code: AWHSBBFV to Get!
Apr 14, 2020 6:44:02am
James M Driskill
on the other side of pasing by contacts in the social services agents connected to this --- to get her to change --- Jennifer Likwak of Housing On Merit : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpyNhoqVotk&t=01s
Apr 14, 2020 5:27:59am
James M Driskill
use link to access comment stream --- be sure to open all "see more" and "xxx replies" thread chains.
Apr 14, 2020 5:22:58am
James M Driskill
omg -- comments swipped away on my city major page ---- got persuaded to be restored -- they sit there now what is my next move?
Apr 14, 2020 5:20:33am
James M Driskill
-----------------------------------[ Instruction to share this document - FOR IMMEDIATE GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION ]----

Dear Friend [ Sammie Francher ], we know each other in real world space at some point of time in life - current or past.

This video is for personal one to one trusts -- not for global mass addressing.

There is a man in California in year 2020 that has an extreme story to tell. How involved in his life dealing with HIV/AIDS in the United States of America under their social response policy law called the Ryan White Care Act, first signed in 1990 and re-athorized in 2009. Under this written law, there has been something most people do not see eroding at the seems. What is being carried through is an hidden agenda, a secret pack of agreements between people of the foundational authortiy to operate the organizaed private non-profit entity that are called AIDS SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS [ ASOs ]. These ASOs operate in region to region service area coverages. In some very densely populated areas of the nation, there may be other service organizations that pop up from outside of this foundational set of business owners, directors, staff and their operating model. But mainly these business entities are a monopoly convered as a one organization across the entire region. As such, consumers [ or clients ] are really given no choice of service agency they can connect with. It is them or none. Many do not feel a capable confidence perhaps to wing it all alone. But perhaps they really should and drop their agency like a bomb. It has been to a point now since this man in California year 2020 has been documenting the evidence to what is a hate embedded agenda conspiracy involved in both the social services and the doctor provider care network that is linked for are doctor care of client/patient's HIV/AIDS disease. Once again, this arrangement of choice seems to be a little imbalanced. If this did not have this linking structure, persons with HIV/AIDS would be seeking doctor services in a general doctor specialized field in private practices or other medical plan authorized doctor's in their community assigned to their health care plan. The way it is with every other condition of health disease. I writing this do not know of any other kind of disease that has this unique set of social services and doctor provider links. This is where it gets ugly high all mighty -- you might not believe what is really happening. In the intake process, such as setup at Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project, in take case manager by the name of Angela Keady is the first person that everyone that is directed into the path of the first contact with the agency sees. She conducts the process to which the following process begins. We as a collective consider the HIV Community in the local area everyone who is infected by HIV. Some people may not be signed up but most are to the agency. If they are not signed up, they are still being tracked. More on that in a moment. Whoever assigned this structure where one kind of person is different than another kind of person. Both persons are infected by HIV. This division bell has to be taken away and prosecuted for TREASON. But they are PROTECTING this structured process called POLARIZATION that is at last this way or that way bisectioned. The two categories are, those who seem to fit into a category where they were infected outside of a condition -- a women who was infected by her husband when she did not consent or know he was cheating. We call this class "The Inocent" -- now we are going to skip by the husband. He is somewhere --- some place -- some state a far away. Now here we go another kind person needs services. First off, they have a very frank openess or chat -- to their case manager, they have services for persons who are on a frienge of specified flags. When any of these flags hit they are taken to the other side, "The Dirty" --- it is not classed specified gay or straight [ which is obviously illegal ]-- but that could be a factor. Who are "The Dirty" -- I as I write, know I am. A huge washing of this dirty class is apparent in community online attitudes with being on the apps -- a primary source of how the chit chat --- ah he needs a punitive lesson - of kick in the ass. The whole thing is defined on the Glassdoor Reviews for Colorado Health Network -- Violations of privacy, gossiping -- and the CASCADE AIDS PROJECT review titled "Disapointment and Mendacity" seals the deal. As Glassdoor is site that does not merge or match up these reports resion to region -- this pattern understanding is beyond most to see -- obviously. We, as the the dirty -- or may be specific targets of the dirty for sure, have been singled out, put into a class where the social services who put this system into existence, [ source point of sale ], is responsible for a out of due process punitive sentenced upon idividals of the client base to be subjected to. This is a cause and affect / a slant of maladjusted cultures. Both of the staff and doctor side and the target dirty side that would not manifiest itself otherwise. A condition is soild visible. This because others outside of the HIV services in the community follow these memes and memeplex to condone the consent of others to systemic fucked up human #GangStalking and other various activities hidden that I just can imagine happen behind this cloak -- invisable and no one is speaking about it -- embarassed or whatever it is -- it has to terminate by way of being acknoweldged as present -- distructive forces eroding our trusts collective in our community and society. To challenge this -- that the service agency holds by its status as the leadership of the HIV Community in this regional area - there is what is called a barrier or "informational quarantine" that we are subjected to --- bringing up this subject to them. The story of this man in Calfornia who has been documenting this ever so elusive invisable cloak for now almost 15 years. HE IS TELLING YOU ALL NOW -- WATCH YOURSELF ONLINE --ALL OF THOSE KITS AND FIZZLE SHITS THAT GO NO WHERE OR BLOCKED ARE COLLECTORS OF INFORMATION THEY SHARE INTO THE POOL GOSSIP OR VALUED USED PRIVATE INFORMATION ON YOU.


Do not ever ever ever TRUST what they say -- is the truth to play an adherance to that POLICY. They are LIARS, CHEATERS, and in the case of the man in California, #GANGSTALKERS. According to US ANTI-STALKING LAWS, if death occures directly from the stalking activity, the perpratiors of the violations of these laws are GUILTY of MURDER.



---------------[ you may alter the prefixed URL name space -- the ACTUAL pointer begins at --->webdomains.gruwup.net/<-------------------------------------------
Apr 11, 2020 9:51:43pm
James M Driskill
You there?
Apr 11, 2020 11:32:47am
James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2020 11:32:25am
Facebook user
PushBlack: Sammie Francher is asking you to take action:
Apr 08, 2020 5:11:30pm
Facebook user
PushBlack: Sammie Francher is asking you to take action:
Apr 08, 2020 5:09:16pm
James M Driskill
Apr 07, 2020 9:16:01am
Facebook user
  • ❤James M Driskill
Mar 29, 2020 7:33:10pm
James M Driskill
I just shared the last this to a youth -- younger generation who has rejected my offers anything valued -- even criticised my need to hold you as a real friend -- what good are you all to me from Denver --- don't break the chains of love when they have once again challenged -- the hate has never been taken off me --- another Grindr conversation suspicious -- he hit me up for conversation and perhaps meeting tonight -- I said to him -- we are supposed to be staying home --- should risk it -- like Grindr and Adam4adam are really really really promoting responsibility in these days --- he the man on the other end of this conversation -- no picture -- the perfect lure again to waste my time. I said as I picked up my device, I don't trust this guy yet. I ended up reporting him for being absolutely insane position -- like we are actually under quarantine to remain at home -- and still the people who are under the guise I am lured into a conversation again -- #gangstalking me online for my attention would go out to the world order and not pay attention to the message that the app itself is pushing forward --- and just ignore that -- that one what I was referring to - like dumbfounded -- he is void of intelligence to conduct this fraud intention onto this tool -- get the hell away from me if you cannot hold a conversation above your need to fucking destroy all trust glory be --- fuck fuck fuck till you duck duck duck the bombs of rational reasoning at the door of responsibility -- and I see that my roommate, I think, was out all night again. Out of contact, my phone again has no service -- I think I will let it expire permanently so I can leave freely without being called back to this assinine equation of family dynamics -- that defense irrational conditions of life to continue --- we be illing.
Mar 28, 2020 9:13:07pm
James M Driskill
I at least know where the problem stems -- the emotional twirls and twists.
Mar 28, 2020 9:01:36pm
James M Driskill
yet is like try -- there is no such as try --- you either do it or you don't --- classic Yoda from Stars Wars Quote -- yet has the same dimensional excuse --- not yet. I most likely not yet hold that my choice is this pathway of suicide they have intentionally placed me onto -- and I can't say no --- no I don't drive suicidal in real-world -- so why must I reside in a state of rights violated and never put into proper perspective --- my rights to hold my basic human needs of true autonomy are under assault.
Mar 28, 2020 9:01:11pm
James M Driskill
I promise --- I am not giving up yet --
Mar 28, 2020 8:58:06pm
James M Driskill
I wait for an opening to the good times again --- for now, I have to write extremely -- and it is extreme that I must wright to right this wrong that has been done invisibly onto our community.
Mar 28, 2020 8:57:56pm
Facebook user
So you can not give up just yet
Mar 28, 2020 8:57:03pm
James M Driskill
Mar 28, 2020 8:56:14pm
Facebook user
You're welcome
Mar 28, 2020 8:55:43pm
James M Driskill
Wow thank you Sammie -- that hit my heart well --
Mar 28, 2020 8:55:16pm
Facebook user
Yes I will
Mar 28, 2020 8:55:06pm
Facebook user
Well the only thing that I can tell you James Martin driskill is don't give up on me and the kids of the world today will have something to learn about the things you have created and perfect and taught to me and others. I myself will be able to teach the kids what I have learned from you
Mar 28, 2020 8:54:17pm
James M Driskill
I need someone to exchange the video link [ share ] to Glassdoor -- you have watched the video right? When exactly will you, if not yet.
Mar 28, 2020 8:50:18pm
James M Driskill
I am much struggling here Sammie -- I don't want to continue to live -- seriously.
Mar 28, 2020 8:47:15pm
James M Driskill
Mar 28, 2020 8:45:55pm
James M Driskill
As you can see in the video preview of messenger content session recorded -- you are at the top, read current following. Offer me something of substance please -- do I need to drive to Chicago and find you to have a real "true grit" conversationw tihy ou?
Mar 28, 2020 8:45:03pm
James M Driskill
Do you know that the dysfunctional family dynamics that I am forced to be under the roof of here -- extension family dynamics allows for my cousin [ my mother's niece ] -- she blocks me on Facebook in reference to having shared upon her timeline a call made to recording [ authorized ] between my mother and myself.

I shared the link to this call recording. I mentioned the governmental document [ nih.gov ], "Peacebuilding through healthcare initiatives" for which she is a nurse working for Kaiser would have been the greatest family resource tie to bring this document into my mother's known when I was still in Denver.


So here we have an excuse to not engage forward functionally using a Facebook interface -- wow the rumor of hated's gossip to prejudiced family members' views upon other family members, instead of actually talking through something. Wow, what a disgrace the Driskill Family is living this moment in time. I would challenge my father, if he was still living, to get ahold of the ethics involved here --- and move to a more functional arrangement than blocking family from speaking- My mother has a lot of explaining to do with GOD ALMIGHTY for this sufferance of the mental hole she has dug into the ground --- insults me to all end this evening when called to dinner -- I yelled --- because of my request that one of a family here --- link to and watch the video --- on how we must collectively approach this situation to stop the haters --- for that is a call from the United Nations. I don't write this narrative up in a fictitious novel -- it would be laughable if it was not so serious.

The phrase I hold onto my community admonishment address A Forevermore Dunce is that you all [ perps and their supporters ] are slaves to your predictability.

You all [ or they ], however, you want to phrase it --- you have not turned sides because they are illing intimidation or perhaps an opportunity they have given you --- the fear tactics --- you are not dealing with this counter-punching hate effect on your life -- right? They have left you pretty much without housing resource that you and I both qualify for -- you would not defend them if I were to call you up in court -- would you?
Mar 28, 2020 8:40:31pm
James M Driskill
The URL Addressing Technology on my internet domain sites -- POP - I know! Say Something dude!
Mar 28, 2020 4:52:15pm
James M Driskill
My Graphics POP - I know!
Mar 28, 2020 4:51:45pm
James M Driskill
Wow, intense --
Mar 28, 2020 4:47:05pm
Facebook user
Mar 28, 2020 3:37:05pm
James M Driskill
Mar 28, 2020 2:11:10pm
Facebook user
Mar 26, 2020 7:22:19pm
James M Driskill
My internet domain placement is TOP! I have made it ---- I am GREAT !
Mar 26, 2020 6:37:46pm
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2020 6:37:25pm
James M Driskill
Perform a OK GOOGLE [ Sergeant Lanier Rogers ] ---- of the San Bernardino Police Department --- look what hits as TOPMOST Match.
Mar 26, 2020 6:36:18pm
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2020 6:35:39pm
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2020 6:35:27pm
James M Driskill
The whole system is corrupt --- and I aim to hold a community empowerment affairs meeting addressing the hate that is involved into this shit of a system of social services for persons with HIV/AIDS
Mar 26, 2020 6:34:48pm
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2020 6:33:51pm
James M Driskill
They will never stop hating on me -- #Gangstalking is what it is called - my hometown of San Bernardino where Foothill Aids Project has this review.
Mar 26, 2020 6:33:19pm
Facebook user
Wow where the hell are you
Mar 26, 2020 6:32:48pm
James M Driskill
It is called, The stole my car in Jan --- I got it back... they let my air out of my tires a couiple weeks ago and they are stalking me online --- dating apps ----80% of my communications are corrupt!
Mar 26, 2020 6:31:38pm
Facebook user
Ok what is all of that is about
Mar 26, 2020 6:30:06pm
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2020 6:24:19pm
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2020 6:23:42pm
James M Driskill
sorry for the delay
Mar 26, 2020 6:22:41pm
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2020 6:22:28pm
Facebook user
Hey I'm available now
Mar 26, 2020 4:54:07pm
James M Driskill
If nothing more --- I need these two links [ as is or customized modified at will ] to be shared and distributed across your trusts --- not randomized strangers.
Mar 26, 2020 8:05:27am
Facebook user
You're welcome
Mar 26, 2020 8:02:50am
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2020 8:01:47am
Facebook user
Not at this moment but I will be in a bit
Mar 26, 2020 8:01:37am