James M Driskill
May 16, 2016 10:45:04am
James M Driskill
[ whomever picks this message up --reply respectfully of history and I will access what is going on to the effect - I wrote to here as immortality goes --even if she picks up my message next lifetime - we know that -- -right? ]
May 16, 2016 10:44:31am
James M Driskill
Hi Glenn --- I realize it has been a long time., I also realize that you have not posted since 2011. I may be out of the loop of understanding things here -- but I wanted to tell you about something placed in Oakland about the involment I had with the American Baptist Homes of the West conflict and my eviction case WG05266105 - Cited for referefence here so you realize that I am not a happy camper [ as the phrase goes by ] in why I had to leave town. I made a promise to walk home in protest to the Attorney in the case Allen Horwitz. That promise was made coming up 10 years ago May 20th 2006. Home to the promise was San Bernardino. Well, of couse did not make that attempt right right away. But it was made on the web on Septeber 21st 2013 -- on the International Day of Peace. I have it online with SPOKEN TEXT NARRATIVE INTERFACE for just a CLICK AND LISTEN PRESENTATION of about 15 MINUTES of the JOURNAL which of course you can follow with what is the active MapMyWalk Digital Tracking details placed into the view. Please link to : http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/ -- -- Of course I have had my WICCAN LIFE OUT TO THE OPEN WORLD and WAS A PART OF WHY THEY EJECTED ME -- IN PART BUT NOT TOTALLY -- but the building manager was more out of control than just to taget me invividually in this case. It was actually a massive set of evictions case by case by case by the time I stood up and they slammed me down -- they had the court clerk lie to me, ALL Is ok now -- I am living in Denver. I just wanted to let others know of this event and its transpirig observcation of now 10 years ago. It is important to understand exactly who I am to the world. Bu I am not going to write that HERE. i SEE SOMETHING ON YOUR TIMELINE THAT SEEMS TO BE DISTURBING AND FOR THAT MATTER -- i NEED TO READ IT BEFORE i GET TOO UPSET WHY i NEVER THOUGHT TO CONNECT INTO YOUR SET OF CICUMSTANCES - But I will find time to read your timeline complete. I promise you, in honor of our History -- all so mighty. I worked of course at 999 42nd Oakland Califoirnia and Ancient Ways of course was just in the neighhood down the street. You may or may not recognise the name here. But the name "Sir James" may ring a bell. More the Cassette I had in the music library will bring everything into focus., Good day --- blessed be.
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May 16, 2016 10:43:01am