James M Driskill
Please watch this presentation of #WordsToLiveBy - Source is written in around the 1750s by Reverend Edward Young. These words of ideas that spread across the old world of Europe and the British Empire. It is a reasonable mind's view to think of ideas of daily empowerment in models of structured wisdom guidance that bears forward the offering upon us as standards of excellence.

This is a common themed collective memeplex handed down into families and business or other formed relationships in and beyond the year the 1750s.

What these words perform is a method then and today to hold onto a construct of the mind's discipline practiced and performance focus of holding and maintaining truths under a valued state of trust. This is what we in today's terms call #SocialTrust.

Truth can only be reasoned when it is valued alongside a bonded relationship of trust.

By mere chance of unlucky timing that precludes our greater unity in these important aspects of truth and trust, that holding the opportunity to carry these words to us here in the United States has been given a challenge never overcome.

The contention of the years to decade and a half that brings these physical distant areas of the world apart divided into an eventual Great Revolutionary War. The result of that war's winners and losers was that the foundation of this country of the USA in 1776 has tied into it a great "informational barrier" upon our forefather's truths. That these ideas of words expressed as #WordsToLiveBy to a foundation of moral conscience as suffered a great loss at a fundamental stage went inactive on this side of mind empowerment in the "memetics sharing" [ scientifically applied understanding ] to a conclusive flaw in a New World standing trait.

That these words expressed here in a rather short passage extracted from its original long text source, the ideals were not placed into the mind and hearts of our forefathers that manifests into this great country.

This was of course caused by sure modal structures of sharing ideas of memes and memeplexes were exponentially slower to spread mind to mind in that past time human era compared to what is now a possible instant flash across the global reality of the digital internet.

In fact, it is because of the internet and a substantially large informational volume dataset completed of "our greater good" in the free availability of digital projects like Google Books that makes this conclusion possible.

That today's human reality truth places these words back into our individual reach [ #Sankofa ] access and into our mind's view which can place an understanding now how the source meme of these words are replicated across that ancient time into a huge large set of scholarly teachings.

These are wisdom ideals [ virtue ] that went viral upon the privileged educational class, a rather minor Populus class compared to the peasant class of the remaining masses.

It is time to come full, circle in great time passage and great distance barriers broken, to open yourself up to something great and profound here is at your calling day to involve and evolve upward into a new state of human expressed extensions. For what is brought here with technology-assisted tools, an augmented state of conscience.
Apr 07, 2020 10:48:31am
James M Driskill
Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you can't get them back. So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I'll never lose you. Happy Friendship Day! Send this to All your friends including me if u treat me as 1. If you get four back you are a Great friend 🌽🌽
Oct 03, 2018 9:31:55pm
Jacqueline Founder
www.oggfm2015.com password (case sensitive) Meteoric2015
Watch (o) 2 minutes 28 seconds (~) introduction video and then
please call in before midnight UK (flag:gb) time tonight on our
LAUNCH (phone) phone (talk) conference (call) call connect via


then please (call) call (phone) or (skype) in on :-

www.WisdomWorldWide.com phone (phone) / www.skype.com (skype) NOW live & interactive

Main 🇬 UK Dial-in Number: +44-330-606-0520 (phone)
Main US Dial-in Number: +1-605-562-3131 (phone)

ext 371818# = guest code then press *6 to un-mute

(if you want to be audible and speak, but,
please announce yourself as soon as you,
come on to the conference call conversation)
Nov 01, 2014 2:34:02pm
Jacqueline Founder
WE are ✅✴️ www.SharingOurSolutions.com
are you ? ✴️❎

http://www.keyarena.com/events/detail/we-day-seattle-2014 is complete

NEXT is http://www.WEday.com/we-day-events/we-day-cities/california/

@ http://oraclearena.com/events/show.php?id=1395079064

on Wednesday March 26, 2014 @ 9:30 AM

Hosted Sponsored & Supported by


Introducing www.integritytechnologies.com
"ONE" = 🌍 ONE 🌐 => ⭕️ ONE Celebration (party)
www.OptimalNewEnvironment.com 🌐🌍

@ 5:55 am Pacific =@ 12:55 pm UK 🇬
please (call) call (talk) www.LimitLessNOW.com/phone (phone)
+1-559-546-1700 ext 288961#
🇬 +44-330-606-0187 ext 288961#
Mar 21, 2014 5:20:42pm
Jacqueline Founder
Please review in depth and detail :-

NEXT (talk) LIVE (call) CALL is @ 5:55 pm UK (o) time (o)

@ 7 ~ 10 pm European (flag:eu) time (o)
@ 6 ~ 9 pm (flag:gb) UK (o) time
@ 1 ~ 4 pm Eastern (flag:us) time (o)
@ 10 ~ 1 pm Pacific (flag:us) time (o)
@ 8 ~ 11 am Hawaiian (flag:us) time (o)

(star) MONday 20th January (01) 2014

go to www.LimitLessNOW.com/phone (phone) and follow the instructions there to connect to
"THE" call and to connect to "THE" conversation LIVE & inter active 🌐 Globally
Jan 20, 2014 12:31:42am
Jacqueline Founder
Merry Xmas 2013 & Happy New Year 2014 (sun)
May this be our best year and decade ever (*)
We are committed to being clear, clean & green (envy)
We are peaceful powerful prosperous & productive (music)
We founder www.LimitLessNOW.com to empower you (ninja)
We are NOW travelling in Europe until January 2014 (F)
We are NOW launching our primary 10 year initiative (y)

www.THEdecadeTHATmadeTHEdifference.com (bow)

to become & BE ONE of our Top Testimonials (angel)
you must register and apply December 2013 \o/
Dec 26, 2013 5:27:51pm
Jacqueline Founder
As promised
When promised

ON time (o)
ON budget (cash)
(o) www.ON121212.com (~)
this coming next Wednesday (~)
(sun) (F) www.121212concert.org (music) (star) (dance)

PLUS (F) www.BEyondTHEprophecies.com (party)
(music) www.UNIFYearth.com (ninja) Friday 21/12/12 (dance)

(~) watch http://www.100-0principle.com/ (~) NOW (o)
Dec 07, 2012 12:43:34am
James M Driskill
thx, i am heading to bed with a headache. Will see what's up with these in the next few days.

Btw, I just posted to SoundCloud 10 of my own orginial electronic music orginials.

Perhaps you can check them out?

Dec 07, 2012 12:12:57am
Jacqueline Founder
As promised
When promised
(o) www.ON121212.com (~)
(sun) www.121212concert.org (star)

PLUS (F) www.BEyondTHEprophecies.com (party)
(music) www.UNIFYearth.com (ninja) Friday 21/12/12 (dance)
Dec 07, 2012 12:07:47am
Jacqueline Founder
Nov 22, 2012 9:35:40pm
James M Driskill
Nov 22, 2012 9:31:46pm
Jacqueline Founder
As the Founder of "WE" NOW = http://NewOptimalWorld.me/ ~ NOW ~ I thank you ALL in advance for supporting (love) GLOBALLY ♥ ~ Wednesday (dance) 12 12 12 (party) = "NOW ONE DAY" http://www.theSOSday.com/ (yes) please join the conversations & actions (o) NOW (~)
Nov 22, 2012 9:31:26pm
Jacqueline Founder
Tuesday 23 October (10) 2012 = http://www.APPLE.com/hotnews/

Wednesday 24 October (10) 2012 = http://www.GlobalONEnessSummit.com/sessions/2012/current
🇬🇧 Wednesday 24 October (10) 2012 LONDON UK 🇬🇧 = https://www.facebook.com/events/460784510610644

Thursday 25 October (10) 2012 = http://www.iccLEADERSHIPsummit.com/

(bow) VIP http://www.LimitLessNOW.com/ (sun)
(F) MAPS = Members Access Pass Service = http://www.theSOSday.com/ (~)
(cash) to EARN while you LEARN start "NOW" with http://www.THEfutureBROKERS.com/ (cash)
Oct 24, 2012 6:40:25pm
Jacqueline Founder
(music) (dance) (drink) (pizza)
Sep 01, 2012 9:46:48am
Jacqueline Founder
:) Happy (sun) Birthday (cake) (party)
Sep 01, 2012 9:46:24am
Jacqueline Founder
ready NOW ?
Aug 30, 2012 3:54:06pm
James M Driskill
If you had just waited --- I said no I was busy --- if you had just waited ---- you would be respected. Stop Sending me chats. I am in the middle of a very important post. I have a time limit DON'T BOTHER ME!
Aug 29, 2012 12:07:05pm
Jacqueline Founder
James just call me after WE are LIVE to over 5000 people RIGHT NOW for 1 hour
Aug 29, 2012 12:06:09pm
James M Driskill
go to fuckeduphuman memespace land - go flush off.
Aug 29, 2012 12:05:55pm
James M Driskill
No lies -- you are not
Aug 29, 2012 12:05:34pm
Jacqueline Founder
WTF are you talking about
You opted in and asked me to keep you informed and i did
AND then you respond like this ~ look in the mirror
Aug 29, 2012 12:05:14pm
James M Driskill
I said no. So you interrupt me anyway. That is fucked up human to impose yourself upon me. Bring on the urls. Please [ facebook.com-NewOptimalWorld@fuckeduphuman.net : DreamForce.com@fuckeduphuman.net ] : We can keep this chat open --- but so far what has been placed here has been RECORDED -- These are valid email addresses but also service meme labels to discredt your actions here as RUDE and UNDESIRED. Be real? You going to be @REALUPHUMAN.NET / @GRUWUP.NET ?? Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace.
Aug 29, 2012 12:03:29pm
Jacqueline Founder
Aug 29, 2012 12:00:53pm
Jacqueline Founder
do what you can BIGGEST ever announcement and opportunity in Cloud Computing History
Aug 29, 2012 11:59:48am
Jacqueline Founder
Aug 29, 2012 11:59:22am
James M Driskill
can't sorry writing very important post
Aug 29, 2012 11:55:21am
Jacqueline Founder
Aug 29, 2012 11:55:02am