James M Driskill
Jul 07, 2019 1:55:34am
James M Driskill
LinkedIn MemberID Referenced Content:
[ http://linkedin.fuckeduphuman.net/michael-j-kummerman-fbi-ret-a73ba421/ ] - Used to profile referenced link data truths to be affixed to his web presence interface from this public community "duty" to "protect and serve" that he fails his [ standard of care ]. Have him it me up via email at:

Michael-J-Kummerman-BlockingWontStopTheReportsOfFBICoverup@Fuckeduphuman.net : Thank you. My telephone number is 909 763-8481 -- My name is Martin --- Please have a nice day --- sorry for the interlude of you do not know this person.... take a life lesson ---- there is something for the public to become involved and aware --- CORRUPTION AND HATE --- Ryan White Care Act social services nationally systemic problem of hate.
Jul 07, 2019 1:53:52am
James M Driskill
Jul 07, 2019 1:48:24am
James M Driskill
Jul 07, 2019 1:47:40am
James M Driskill
Do you know a Michael J Kummerman, FBI Retired?

I was exchanging some of the background to a story that needs to be addressed by an "official authority" response that I do indeed believe that since Mr M J Kummerman commented on my content materials that I had affixed to a LinkedIn post from the official account of the FBI. His reply would kind of of dismissal of seriousness and I thought with enough of an data details interface of truth, that Mr Michael J Kummerman would turn a good stride of chance and standing to actually take the truth needs here into view and actually report the conditions of hate -- as hate crime involvements -- that so far everyone is intentionally turning a blind's eye --- and as it sits right now, the disturbing time period that these haters have been allowed to win exceeds over a full decade period long. I first encountered these source hate activities in Oakland CA in 2005/2006 -- when I did indeed visit the Oakland Field office of the FBI on Grand Ave on June 21st 2006. But I could not get into that particular --- I was not allowed to continue an open ended citizen's voice to report these conditions without hate surfacing once more to block a public dissertation of the truth into a corrective adaptive mind correctives --- and do something right for a change. So, if you do know this contact, and he is a family relative, please take the time to copy this contact clarification message to him --

Please tell him I am very very disappointed in his proclivity to induce a fault condition of more erosion of trust in our so called "protect and serve" community relations and that ---- every single word related to him, both in public post and private Inmail will be acted --

A copy of his TruthFinder background check report holding his social site profiles and contacts emails, location address history, phone number history --- the full complete background check report will be placed into this REFERENCE SURFACE WEB INDEXED FOLDER --- for the public to stumble upon -- by any matching web search key results to the contents filed.

A copy of the public post affixed to the FBI, a copy of the Private Inmail and the copy of the Truthfinder Data will remain

STATIC AS TEMPORARY or as PERMANENT as he so deems to draw a man to man conscience and assist a citizen here in stopping a hate conspiracy ---- Thank you much.


Jul 07, 2019 1:46:23am