James M Driskill
Online Banking was just a ploy. I still need that information If I have to carry on my New York Trip once more.

This is to prove a need at filing for asylum against the persecution for refugee status and country-to-country relocation.


Of course, nothing ever was processed to be put in my online banking inbox. She flat-out lied to me! 

How can bank associates who have actual desks and responsibilities to the customer base be
trained by upper management to lie to customers? 

How can that be the encounter at an open mainstream bank located in downtown San Bernardino in August of 2021?

So ripe with hypocrisy!

Why was she lying in the first place?

I have to wonder about this inner secretive world where even girly bits hold deceptive powers to what purpose it does serve!

More on this later. 

I would find a matching reason to a page with reference to "Chase Bank" when I was on the train headed for New York!

A search for reading materials to downlown to my phone, no wifi or cell service for much a long stretch of distance traveling the rails across country!

All of the ugly details of the back alley agreements been done for so long, no one has any way to be free thinking anymore!

Rumors or not? 

Taking in a care to know more?

Fleetwood Mac Dreams.Song #01 from Album Rumors.

Makes a move in the direction of united sighs. 

Clicking a music link to play a song for a change - that is a reason to surpass this doom, gloom, and dark net mentality.

Play as many times as it takes to make the first move to surrender!

You will be caught at the end towing the blackest of worst of all things you will finally open your eyes to see who is what and where the evil beast is working inside your front door!

Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:

☝️ assertive
🤗 friendly
👔 formal
Jan 30, 2022 2:13:24pm
James M Driskill
Yeah, Baby Grammarly!
The tone of this portion of writing seems to keep flipping!

tone detector
how this may sound to readers:

🎯 direct


What is expected is a continued failure, should there be my need to just give up to not be able to find resolve.  To be forced in failure to have to just walk away from my repeated attempts at remedy time after time after time to no avail.

There is no consulate nor court remedy [ I have been twice in court trial ] within my reach.

On your organization's policy on the communication protocol using the Facebook Messenger Tool:

If a single person does not attend to the attention of this communication tool with the general public with Marcus by Goldman Sachs, please inform me that multiple persons may present and read this tool. Therefore, I can ensure to compose my sharing needs accordingly.  Thank you.

I am placing your auto-generated reply into this stream here so we can be crystal clear on a point of care that we both share in our obligations to not breach offense.

Your policy states:

"We have received your message, but we are currently out of the office. Please note, we monitor and keep a record of what you send us. Facebook also has access to, and can use, any information in this conversation. As a reminder, our Contact Center is open Monday to Friday from 9 am- 8 pm ET, and Saturday to Sunday from 9 am –6 pm ET. Alternatively, you can speak with a Lending Specialist at 1-844-627-2871 or a Savings Specialists at 1-855-730-7283."

I have tried every aspect of civil society for a remedy.
I have been really focused and working on this problem for a while that is affecting a great number of people in our society.

What I have learned is the difficulty I am under is by coming across the term and definition called:

"A Wicked Problem".

Since I have returned back to my hometown in July of 2017 and intensely since March 2019, I have documented and publically made my efforts a part of my online web surface indexed live life journal internet domain space.

It is definitely not from my lack of trying nor my lack of knowledge. 

There seems to not be any consulate or consular established that can adapt the National Institutes of Health research findings and their suggestions. Therefore, it is up to me to create such "strong counsels". In view, role, and scope of building a coalition of need and understanding.

Professionally, this falls on all of us as a collective society, but as the reasons why are highly placed into the authorship of the published findings appearing at the NIH since April 2020 and the life conditions and circumstances that are of a significant negative impact onto the mental health wellness of the countless and unknowable victims lives that are being subjected to being targeted and victimized.

So therefore, the first wise counsels I seek to unite are my MEDICAL and MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER CARE INTERFACES to DOCTORS who have a fiduciary obligation that must be observed and held upon their schooling and profession. An OATH of HONOR of INTEGRITY to DO NO HARM. That oath is the golden key to releasing the secretive function of this society's agnotology, or intentional mass ignorance that keeps this separated from remedy as a wicked problem.

I also seek this same understandings' paradigm with my banker.

I need a launching point. Locally, State, Federal, or International.

I am not sure yet.

I am not asking anything of you there at Marcus by Goldman Sachs, except an open human channel of communication [ of connection ]. 


The matters that I have just touched on to not even a full introduction here are highly affecting me individually as well as a huge portion of our society.

Since April of 2020, there are actually three separate research findings published and found at the National Institutes of Health [ http://nih.gov/ ] on these life circumstances that are very much real.

Reported to be affecting tens if not hundreds of thousands of individuals across our entire country.

I know, I know, I know, I must proceed with you slow, with good intentions to find a window of opportunity here that does not shut out like what happened with CHASE BANK in August of last year.

Please whatever you do, please do not use the FACEBOOK FEATURE MOST ABUSED HERE in all of this! The Reach for BLOCKING ME! That would not be very nice indeed!

As a customer of over then years, what Chase Bank did to me was totally unacceptable. I will never get an apology.

After looking over the documents in paper form that I was provided, not even close to what I was requesting. This after I had to walk many blocks from a homeless shelter to return to the bank in person over a 3 day to day period. This being treated like dirt every single time. Absurd!

This matter is very distressing and upsetting to me before the bank connectivity was even sought!

I was asked to leave and forced out of the building by the security guard in the first 2 days making this information request inquiry.

The reasons given to me are completely off the wall for my requests and the pending doom chaos was not initiated by me.

For no good reason I was treated extremely bad.

I had to actually go to my local branch where they know me by sight and make a complaint branch to branch about the occurrences --- but nothing came of it.

Everyone doing this is attacking at me to BLOCK OUT any attempts to have a functional conversation.

For absolutely no good reasoning.

Not very nice indeed!

A recent Fact Check on a related side note at Reuters actually takes the reader to the source of this hostility.

I only try to better myself by seeing what I did wrong.


Boy, what does it take to actually have a decent conversation with someone these days?

I asked for something very specific because I was heading on a train to New York with the intention to enter the United Nations.

To actually perhaps change my Nationality to some other country. A country that does not allow the haters to intentionally, I mean intentionally win.

In that, I needed very specific banking information history criteria from my account that she said was what she gave me. The other years I was making an inquiry would be sent to me in my messaging of my Online Banking.

one detector
How this may sound to readers:
Jan 30, 2022 1:50:58pm
James M Driskill
🏦 Bank Emoji -or - Banking Agency of Principles of Thought Must Be Shared and Understood ]


I am going to share a few images here that bring the symbolic communication system of the Adinkra into view to provide a foundation of wisdom and guidance to hold onto what is "Moral Agency" for both of us to build our understandings of life dynamics from.

We are more expansive than being shuffled down and limited in choices to only a limited selection of what customer service is actually and should aspire to be.

We are not just dumbed downed trained robots in all of our inner and outward reflecting society.


Those future-forward days of AI frowning frustrations are quickly upon us, as I might vision this tool's functionality with no human on the other end.

Oblivion 🧲💣
after Oblivion 🧲💣
after Oblivion! 🧲💣

Exactly what I have been receiving.

Ouch, did I go there?  Sorry!

We are one human there and one human here!

Humans are not separated from our duty to our community, our duty to our country, our duty to our global citizenry [ if that becomes a part of the need ].

We are humans of serviceability and viability [ monetarily/financially speaking ].

Then I must force into your understanding of beyond the horizon's shadow where there is no turning back for a do-over. I must provide you with a SHOCKING STATISTIC. I hope the symbols will provide a level playing field of optimism and opportunity for a difference
of change that so far has not been shown to me.


My name is James Martin Driskill and yes you can google my name. I am a real person. Although many seem to see me as strange. Strange and strangers are wholly hell two different things.

So, can I assume that a single person over a period of 3 to 4 days can be present here with the content that I MUST EXCHANGE! [ 🚨 ]

This is a PARAMOUNT PRIORITY HOLDING matters that are of "Legal Necessity" onto matters of "National Security" that are Imperatives that must be placed into our dual exchanges of "outward and inner agency, of moral agency.

[ 🗽 Lady of Liberty ]

Tone detector,  How this may sound to readers:

yes, this can be sad to encounter.

That would be of my need for empathy! Thank you, Grammarly!
Jan 30, 2022 8:18:45am
James M Driskill
Jan 30, 2022 7:37:13am
James M Driskill
A BANKER, not a financial consultant.A banker. It used to be we had the butcher, the postman, the barber, perhaps an Insurance agent, and if one was lucky a travel agent. It is of "that agency" is what I am saying. THE BANKING AGENCY.  My current balance in my Marcus account is $6167.00, my Chase account is $1862 for a total of $8029 ready cash available.
Jan 30, 2022 7:32:10am
James M Driskill
Jan 30, 2022 7:28:53am
James M Driskill
I realize that is very early in the am. For your knowledge here.  I am using the writing tool called [ Grammarly ].  Perhaps you have seen the features of this tool available.  Anyway, all of my content that I will be shared with you is composed to the best of my ability to be [ 1 ] assertive [ 2] informative [ 3 ] confident, and [ 4 ] relevant to a financial affordability construct of plans that I may have to be leaving the country of the United States of America Permanately --- to a destination unknown.  Currently, I am 56 years of age, male, and have a $1900/month net disability income living at the family home with a rent cost of $0,00. for the time being. This home is my mother's home and has been a part of this family since I was age 5. There are some unusual circumstances that must be considered in the next stages of my life.  
The auto-reply did answer me somewhat but I have a very very unique situation currently, I have my main bank with CHASE. I had a very ugly situation that happened about 6-8 months ago. Actually, it was the middle of August to September 1st. 

I know because Sept 1st is my birthday. I have had my account with Chase for about 10 years now to be treated so poorly and YES I MUST DESCRIBE the details I am talking about here. Marcus does not have the product of standard checking but I need to things into perspective I am in need of something I am not sure what I am reaching for yet.I will get to that later. I need to use this tool to EXPRESS THE DETAILS of the where, what, who, when, and how come of all the various things that I MUST PRESS INTO A BANKER ROLE into my life/A BANKER, not a financial consultant.

[ Your backdrop is a light bulb and a quote "You can money" ] - Not Sure what that means!
Jan 30, 2022 7:28:16am
Marcus by Goldman Sachs
We have received your message, but we are currently out of the office. Please note, we monitor and keep a record of what you send us. Facebook also has access to, and can use, any information in this conversation. As a reminder, our Contact Center is open Monday - Friday from 9 am- 8 pm ET, and Saturday to Sunday from 9 am –6 pm ET. Alternatively, you can speak with a Lending Specialist at 1-844-627-2871 or a Savings Specialists at 1-855-730-7283.
Jan 30, 2022 6:33:16am
James M Driskill
Gooday --
Jan 30, 2022 6:33:12am