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Relaxing by the urban waterfall at Denver Pride
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Video 1 of the park area
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Video 2 of the park area
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homemade can crusher powered by compressed air.
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Starting the day on the first boat ride out on the river.
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First Island Stop, we anchored the boat to setup a peaceful picnic site on the beach. We setup a sun protective awning for all four of us with four chairs. Lunch, soda and beer was left in the boat until we were ready to eat.
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Video of Jet Skier while I was sitting relaxing in the boat along island 1 stop.
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A long walk of beauty introductory video. This is scene 01 take 02 and still preliminary. There are video/audio sync errors but the audio narrative is pretty clear. Please watch to listen. Thank you. #LongWalkOfBeauty
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This is introduction to video #2 -- The beginning of things of who, what. where, and why I made a promise to walk on May 20th 2006 in the address Oh Kind Sir. See webpage: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us 505 Mile from Oakland CA to San Bernardino. First long walk step begins on September 21st 2013 (International Day Of Peace) See webpage for links to real court document cases, link to Oh Kind Sir [ mentioned in this video ] maps, long walk route walking directions. @Gruwup 2013 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace whois [ gruwup.net : Domain created July 16th 2006 ] and corresponds to court records in and defendant defeat in case WG06266106, July 14th 2006 [ Friday ] and the sheriff posted and scheduled to kick me out of my unit Monday at 6am.
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water falling over at Hidden Falls, Wyoming.
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#LongWalkOfBeauty : This is a very beautiful urban waterfall in Santa Clara on my route.
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#LongWalkOfBeauty : Sea Birds on the Sea Shore
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Video of a bunch of deer in the yard today.
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Video taken from the highest point I made it today on The Incline. This was my first climb. I plan on going father next time. :). Now I have a goal to make it to the top
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Boogie Machine in Cheyenne Wy . #FridayNightsOnThePlaza.
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I came upon a deer close up in the driveway feeding for a bit before the dogs scared it away. #deer #NatureVideo
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Crossing the finish line at the Colorado AIDS Walk.
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Here’s my Facebook movie. Find yours at https://facebook.com/lookback/ #FacebookIs10
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sms Chat Video Dialogue Part 1
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sms Chat Video Dialogue Part 2
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701 Pearl Street Denver Co. A beautiful waterfall.
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This is a screen recording of some of the things that are actually attached to the wall of my space here in Denver which is been here since I moved in in April of 2015. Baynham's Elocution select readings By George Walter - 1883 Section 101 prejudice... But i recently discovered Section 100 is also all seeing eye is also in the space as it is represented here by an Adrinkra Symbol.. Placed at this location by a guest viator by the name of Poo who was the very first guest viator here since I started using the full set of 104 Adrinkra Symbols in this space. Poo picked this symbol and needed no introduction or followup information discussion to the meaning for which I told him to attach the symbol to the wall. He picked this very upward overlooking position in the room to pin it. It took some doing but we got it made of the permanence to which the art preservative may bring immortality. @Gruwup 2015 : Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace
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This is a segment on THE VIEW where Simmone confesses that she gives out NETFLIX ACCESS to her friends by sharing her account password. Woah. Why? I got it. Morally she is more right than wrong... and Netfix should offer what is called a "Community Sharing" Netflix access account... as such. During the long route of my LONG WALK OF BEAUTY done in September of 2013, the Netflix office was on my route and I did not know it. I went into the OFFICE to introduce myself during my walk pass DUE TO THE EXACT TRUE reasons that is INTRODUCED in this SEGMENT of the VIEW. For these are TOOLS we can and SHOULD and MUST enable for COMMUNITY Mpatapo Reconciliation abilities -- where time and time again -- the CORPORATE AGENDA of PROFIT is TOTALLY OPPOSITE and AGAINST the MIRROR of the RIGHT, JUST and MORAL common wisdom we should have held for all these many centuries. But we have lost our way. I am here telling you --- bringing you back -- these Windsors--- Is anyone listening? http://alongwalkofbeaty.us -- noted.
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Thus date February 21st in history. Background sounds are set into the mix. Cool
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Upside down? Ugly? What the fuck is wrong? Locks I tell you! So for every posting or materials related to a community we just can't get it and get it real this little post on my face will be somewhere in the middle. Shane for you all are shameful. You know who you are. You'll never escape the truth... For what you have done pan why should I not tell the truth? I will and I must and I always do. For those who do not tell the truth to all the events of everything that has happened... The Oblivion of abyss will be their roof of the house of cards they succumb to dying in instead of surviving in and driving in of life over Wellness in the HIV community. This is in Denver now. I'm only post this once. Leave me the fuck alone .. shooting the messenger pretending something against you but I have not done p but you won't get out of the dark despair of shadow corners hiding hiding behind each and every turn Perry Perry Perry Perry when is that life I am going to be just spent I'm trying but failing to beat the odds that technology is going to catch you before I do next time. And you will not even see the technology still be so small now technology Auto powered by power Wi-Fi out of the air connected to the Internet or other Wi-Fi with the IP addressing so large you will not even be able to map it in your brain from moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment you'll finally lose that moment I guarantee it I promise it I wager $2,000 on it 715 years but the taste of the writing you will see I was right and you were wrong but you'll be in lock up and I will be free I can't say I told you so but you sure can get ahold of me and f****** apologize for what you have done in the first month about 2016 to Mr human being most real to you and you the only continue your life Fuckeduphuman Wave. Shameful you are. Shameful. for anybody who is reading this I suggest that you install up on the web certain auto content update monitoring to the following selected areas public means base. When that challenges you to have to not pay attention but have the technology pay attention for you. We have this ability for more than 10 years now yes 10 years passing the domain registration of at Real Up Human net , at fuckeduphuman. Net they're trying monitoring with this nice little teeth pictures out on the web updates titties particular sections including the gruwup. Net page pages I'm in space which is the center line most painful category of life when you cannot see the change must be now now now now this moment this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now or never parent you are a ass wipe 10 and the words that you speak to come out of your brain and out of your mouth hold number 2 for others everything you say as you stand will be considered automatically into the universe as words temporary has toilet water to flush your ass wipe down the drain and into the carpet with you deserve your final flushing. Today please is peace building don't shoot the messenger people you won't be given another chance I am now in Harmon out. But I don't care I know I am they painted I I've already won parent this text is smoking and translated by technology not so perfect but this will stand as it is in remission... Sleep slap slap slap flapper tap tap slap slap slap tap tap tap backpack packed have have have have have have have pack pack pack pack pack way way way way too much
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Upside down? Ugly? What the fuck is wrong? Locks I tell you! So for every posting or materials related to a community we just can't get it and get it real this little post on my face will be somewhere in the middle. Shane for you all are shameful. You know who you are. You'll never escape the truth... For what you have done pan why should I not tell the truth? I will and I must and I always do. For those who do not tell the truth to all the events of everything that has happened... The Oblivion of abyss will be their roof of the house of cards they succumb to dying in instead of surviving in and driving in of life over Wellness in the HIV community. This is in Denver now. I'm only post this once. Leave me the fuck alone .. shooting the messenger pretending something against you but I have not done p but you won't get out of the dark despair of shadow corners hiding hiding behind each and every turn Perry Perry Perry Perry when is that life I am going to be just spent I'm trying but failing to beat the odds that technology is going to catch you before I do next time. And you will not even see the technology still be so small now technology Auto powered by power Wi-Fi out of the air connected to the Internet or other Wi-Fi with the IP addressing so large you will not even be able to map it in your brain from moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment you'll finally lose that moment I guarantee it I promise it I wager $1,000 on it for 15 years future this week. http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/$1000%20Wager%20Bet%20--%20The%20Quickening/ But the taste of the writing you will see I was right and you were wrong but you'll be in lock up and I will be free . I can't say I told you so but you sure can get ahold of me and f****** apologize for what you have done in the first month about 2016 to Mr human being most real to you and you the only continue your life Fuckeduphuman Wave. Shameful you are. Shameful. for anybody who is reading this I suggest that you install up on the web certain auto content update monitoring to the following selected areas public means base. When that challenges you to have to not pay attention but have the technology pay attention for you. We have this ability for more than 10 years now yes 10 years passing the domain registration of at Real Up Human net , at fuckeduphuman. Net they're trying monitoring with this nice little teeth pictures out on the web updates titties particular sections including the gruwup. Net page pages I'm in space which is the center line most painful category of life when you cannot see the change must be now now now now this moment this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now or never parent you are a ass wipe 10 and the words that you speak to come out of your brain and out of your mouth hold number 2 for others everything you say as you stand will be considered automatically into the universe as words temporary has toilet water to flush your ass wipe down the drain and into the carpet with you deserve your final flushing. Today please is peace building don't shoot the messenger people you won't be given another chance I am now in Harmon out. But I don't care I know I am they painted I I've already won parent this text is smoking and translated by technology not so perfect but this will stand as it is in remission... Sleep slap slap slap flapper tap tap slap slap slap tap tap tap backpack packed have have have have have have have pack pack pack pack pack way way way way too much
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Just so happens in the middle of the screen recording documenting the history 1 800 Comcast calling me repeatedly when it is NOT Comcast really but somebody who has spoofed their number according to what I can tell someone is online of receiver call complains on this number. it's on the web and harassing me but then again Comcast did eventually did call and they left a message so the recording of this starts with Comcast history for a communications company and they cannot even control their phone number from being abused - how asinine AND absurd. This is their phone number log history i was documenting in the middle of this recording I got a knock at my window and I ignored it the first time . Curtis and Curtis from friends list is tagged here JUST for the shit of it.. Curtis ans Joshua, a man on man relationship is caught and snagged here at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartment's - the tagging location of this video post. DARRELL JOHNSON : DO I HAVE YOUR THOUGHTFUL RESPECTFUL ATTENTION. HOLDING MY DIGNITY AT HIGHEST COST OF SUCCESS OR OBLIVION. ?? This video recording captured in audio this conversation that happens real time with Curtis. I do not care to hide the truth of this little exchange. IT IS time to grow up people time to grow up. !! Yes it's time to be a higher standard of consciousness of bring actually gruw up toward each other. Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace
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This is video recording of my phone screen. It is a sms chat channel conversation with Darrel Johnson, my building manager at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments in Denver Colorado. Hiv/aids subsidized housing. This right here a conflict that goes against the grain of the informational society the world some of the information society and its efforts and decree of misson for persons with disabilities. This is so damn frustrating...
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Forgetting to take your medicine on a trip outside before you leave, still no excuse not to take your medicine if you have some smart technology back in play at your house when you get home. This is an example of a real time in the moment ( InTheMindway) lesson from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom
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Attach to blog talk radio broadcast of this am.
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This is the result of helping people that are in fact beyond my help -- I feel now threatened Beyond help. this guy needs to be institutionalized I'm telling you --- for at least carefully taught boundaries to the consequences of breaking boundaries in people's lives when it is obvious that I have made those efforts of boundaries here in this space. To the degree he violates to now repeats this again and again -- I have had to place to the record on Souncloud Casecase of @[100001837470966:2048:Mawuna Harris] #1 and #2 : #2 is more serious that #1 -- but #1 it now not clothes but paints that he has here in this space. Which is true. I give him that he really should schedule this with me that just arriving at the door. But I will conceede to to his URGENCY of needing it now --- he cannot come in here and absuse the right of dialogue with me until he can surely know he has had consequences of not being welcomed here because of his dishonesty. Come back in an hour. Well, he did not arrive in an hour.... he waited till all the way till 2am to oince again arrive AFTER HOURS at this intercom thinking this is not already apparently a normal common decency barrier that he is about to break again with me, he dialed up my number again 2am people thinking this is OK. IT'S NOT! The really disturbing part of this is -- with the "test effect" of the lights ON FULLY in the front room till I awaken shortly before 2am -- then get up and perform a task of test to the walking outside and up the alley to be caught onto building security cameras of a quick in/out of the building -- reflecting that was my intent because knowing I have not effectively secured an understanding with this man, I already question he is stocking, he is absolutely second time period stocking me. I turn down the lights to effectively all lights low --- and go to start some work on my computer to the degree I just woke up. He does not know that I was alsleep and now awake-- and if he does -- he is disturbed to be both monitoring me of the lights from outside and then also cyber-stocking me to the presence of my online status which highly unlikely that would serve anything anyway since I have DEPARTED ONLINE ACTIVITY MOST ALL FORMS as a continuous online presence for many many weeks now. So not more than 5 minutes after I start to my work, the door intercom is used to dial into this space at 2:02am -- All of which this is UNDESERVING of any response -- but here is that ONLINE DOCUMENTATION of response placed onto the sound cloud. I am giving Case-notes #2 more weight here than #1 --- but both serve as truth to the actions --- I do not know what to do with this guy -- I cannot hold space for him here -- whether I am here by myself or have already present company. Or anything if he cannot follow my directives. Its too much his chaos out of boundary of my need to control such chaos in a space dedicated to peace building. There is a a lesson here -- he knows has been a part of his time here. He is not listening to me, individually or the lesson plan work here. I cannot and will not subject myself to this guy who does not truly suffer of consequences from breaking boundaries with people. I am off my wall of wit to do this alone.
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This is a mobile device SCREEN RECORDING with my own face narrated story of sharing a My Space Music page of Singing Bear for his album titled : Supported. . Singing Bear Singing Bear : Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc : Pillar Properties Pillar Properties : Rocky Mountain CARES Rocky Mountain CARES Isaac Jackson Isaac Jackson : Denver Colorado AIDS Project Denver Colorado AIDS Project : http://facebook.com/jennifer.mattock.7 : Metta World Peace Metta World Peace Pontifex: Pontifex Barack Obama Barack Obama
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This video will; trip your mind with laser patterns while discussing COMPUTING and MORAL RESPONSIBILITY [ http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/computing-responsibility/ ] and then plays my original writing address called Crazy World Future Words [ on soundcloud ] about technology and having a social conscience that your future self will want to know this --- should you care about your future self. I certainly do. https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/crazy-world-future-words-do-we-want-to-change-our-thoughts-of-mind-presence-to-conscience-effort **** DONATIONS ACCEPTED **** https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10207233576939819 If you like the peace building words of conscience and thought coming as original content of fully wide spread spectrum sharing out from this space here [ In The Mindway ], would you please support my ability to bring into technology new toy tools playful awareness by donating to my mission work cause, of community peace building - $1 or $2 or more if you can afford it --- it will go to the mission world of making new media to the mission of complete world wide peace, Thank you Kindly. -Martin : https://www.paypal.me/Gruwup Great Reasons Us [ You There, I Here, And All Around Us Now ] Will Unite Peace
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Classic Visions in live Laser Performance Art.... An extra of lesson at the end. Share share share.
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Testing testing
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A walk to the ATM it just a regular shirt and it's snowing to get $200 cash
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Being ejected now living on the streets of homelessness again in the city of Denver period period period when there is a #ConspiracyExposed.... My agenda is to go after June 12th following my schedule doctor's appointment.. Driving to New York to plead my case where it should be heard to the world forum to the United Nationsperiod period period and the words of Pope Francis should be respected
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Oops I f***** up
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For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build upon.life a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op : @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] ---
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Unbelievable trip antonym living I am going still going I'm sitting here in a cover sack wondering what the f***
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A. Short update....
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A change in driving pattern has been notice from the theft and recovery of my car. My car was given back to me with no cruise control
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Topeka p Topeka Kansas
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Sharing our lives.... Family, friends, Neighbors and community or for all practical purposes , the entire world unites. If only what we practice is what we preech. If only.
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#mother : I am in the city where my mother was born.
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Giving and understanding terms. Techorealisn has the concept of lexicon called digital objects. Written in 1998.. clarity of specifying digital obj 2017 is not optional but a requirement. Confusion is my worst enemy.
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Feelings ... The Way We Were.
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#hereforyou and #wordstoliveby collide for God forbids this insolence on what has happened. Go fix some weighty truth....
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The very first time I've ever seen real fireflies in life. Now the fake ones over at Disneyland I remember but real fireflies cool
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Guard of the Plains : Kansas I70 Rest Area
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Lawsuit pending
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Lawsuit pending... #ConspiracyExposed @denvercap
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#makta.pond has first four hours of Independence Day 2017 -- an intention to place live 24 hours
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Try that again.
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Priorities are priorities filling my medicine when the pharmacy normally will close. @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]
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This is a test unit charge I'll explain in the video
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This goes to @denvercap and why
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#Family-Demand-ForAttention #TheQuickening #Standards #DisinterestedInvolmentOfOurResponsibities #Wow #JackInTheBox #ChocolateShake1 #ChocolateShake2 #ChocolateShake3 and the odd one #StrawberryShake 1 = Shane 2 = Veronica 3 = @[1295702360:2048:James Martin Driskill] 4 = @[100011511547384:2048:David Driskill] Put the best interests of child learning ahead of all things dysfunctional. Believe You Not For It is Inconvenient truth that is so placed into kids minds thinking in the kid's media of books this goes to in effect mirror against. A Series of Unfortunate Events is a series of thirteen children's novels by Lemony Snicket, the pen name of American author Daniel Handler. The books follow the turbulent lives of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire. A Series of Unfortunate Events - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Series_of_Unfortunate_Events ----- Who does David think he is kidding with this? Absolutely outrageous to have to dial and have a telephone recorded conversation with -- I wish I had my own teleconference recording. The 911 dispatcher was involved in advising me on this issue when David picks up the phone, says his two cents of statement to which my reaction was to interruption of direction of intercourse of this call, I introduced the 911 call operator to David Allen Driskill when the line was still open, he does not care to retain his interrupt and talk over us connection to this call and carry on with a rational minded discussion to which could have been done... that did not happen and for that altered states of standard, that is probably the very most important aspect of that 911 call beyond the chocolate shakes themselves and Mr David Allen Driskill's threat first verbal to throw the shake that I assume was not the strawberry one, and was chocolate now and throw it at me violently into my face. The gesture he made with his hand was not as though throwing a drink of liquid into someone;s face, but was to throw that content of the cup and the cup itself at me directly. That I immediately identified as the over the line qualified point of observed behavior that is now actionable to call onto a justified reasoning here, as I said not yelled into this unfolding events of intractable conflict [ See Beyond Intractability at http://conflict.colorado.edu ] situation as it unfolds. As member#3 says to the full panel of persons involved in this space, as 3 adults and 1 child, this is the exact quote I said and acted on." "Now that is a reason to have to dial 9 1 1 " I proceeded to go to the nearest extension of the plugged in telephones to 909-882-8759 --- which is not within his space, not within my mother space active, and not in my space for there is no active line.... In my mind and to my brain of automatic choice was the nearest phone connection in what is to the left end of the counter-top of the kitchen to dial 9 1 1 What was one the right side, a disturbance not a celebration of shakes and treat rewards that family member #3 James Martin Driskill was conducting onto the entire family for good solid purpose of congratulations are indeed in order of this event. It is one of event --- the very first successful conversation on adam4adam not leading to member to member blocking, but leading to perhaps real READABLE COMPREHENSION to the other side of this conversation to which was at the time of capture only partially marked sent and unread. The conversation begin to end and it's read status progression at the time of checkout of motel room 112 at the Motel 6, i was pressed for time to make sure it was all done properly. That archived file is this: FOLDER BINDING MEMESPACE CONTAINER OF MEMES: [ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/adam4adam/User2User-Msgs/DenverRawFuck%20-+-%20%20Leonjericho/ ] ACTUAL HTML SAVE PAGE WITHOUT SUPPORTED OTHER DATA OBJECTS is ARCHIVED: [ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/adam4adam/User2User-Msgs/DenverRawFuck%20-+-%20%20Leonjericho/Adam4Adam%20messages%20%5b%20Leonjericho%20and%20DenverRawFuck%20--%20Aug%2019%202017%20%5b.html ] The shakes were purchased to the family order to celebrate this success in dialog ability and process and [ in science memetics testing stages ] effectiveness when the site itself properly adjusts to the United Nations documents addressing the World Summit of the Information Society in 2003 and 2005. To that enabled point of presence on the site of adam4adam is the ability to properly code and pass a direct quoted url resource link that does not get filtered and removed from the conversation --- to be mistakenly identified as an a conversation identified for spam purposes of it's author and the contents dastardly non-intelligently removed from the sharing channel of opportunities to build peace initiatives and resolutions instead of remaining in an unaddressed community setup dysfunctional and [ memetically harmful ] to it's hosts. I as a member to member level on adam4adam was enabled to pas these links effectively, coherently, and properly just to this adult to adult conversation. As a new standard here just now made apparent on site, this is the first first conversation to have employed that featured upward standard effectively o which social services in Denver Colorado have denied. What is being denied here are defined within the Marlow's Hierarchy of Human Needs chart and other person rights that are defined in the declarations and conventions on behalf of supportive DEMAND CHANGE upward progress onto the population totality of persons that are living with any and all kinds of human disabilities. I place this meme key here for reference, I have this placed to the involvements of listening afar outside members here. FOR THE STANDARD THAT HAS NOT BEEN SHIFTED OR ALTERED HERE REMAINS [ #FamilyFirst-Demand-ForAttention ], correct? Unsigned Here, Call Recording Made Between Case Manger of @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] San Bernardino and Client James Martin Driskill with a legally binded signed and executed copy of an agreement made in services provided -- that agreement is titled CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE Topic File Meme By Meme Introduction Recombinant Priority pathway of rebuilding is found by following this foundation theory, [ MEMESPACE CONTAINER OF MEMES ]: http://meme.gruwup.net/Meme/Memes/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23James.Martin.Driskill/%23Mother/%23Family-Demand-ForAttention/On%20%5B%20driskill.fuckeduphuman.net%20%5D/ Links to and contends [ not competes ] with: [ Research Documentations Under Restrictive Privileged Access ] Tag: Dennis Driskill @[494321070715235:274:Mpatapo Consult] binded online memespace binding for life history mismanagement of all of the true issuees to become activated here: [ http://realuphuman.net/Organizations/Foothill.Aids.Project/CallRecords/ ]
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This Facebook live is going to be extremely short it's just it's in front of the office of the foothill AIDS project here in San Bernardino only to do get to the heart of the matter and hold on to The Binding that is presented already.
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#LasVegasWillNotBeTheLast : A Technology Solution in Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics To Bring Forward. #Mpatapo -- The Binding Knot of Peaceful Reconciliation #Community #PeaceBuilding #Mpatapo #RecombinantMemetics @[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] @[810434805725854:274:POTUS] #Adinkra @[108609262497058:274:Memetics]
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Friendversary Video with Michael
Hey Michael: The QR Code for this graphic is: http://community.gruwup.net/ [ Main Community Peace Building Index ] But Atlas I am drained and giving up the cause because no one seems to care that things like Adam4adam with a privacy violation security hole are breaking our community trusts. Audio: #MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck http://meme.gruwup.net/%23MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck/MMMMM.mp3 The Conspiracy continues..... http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net http://adam4adam-zendesk.fuckeduphuman.net Solved Tickets without response --- over and over. Deleted tickets without resolve, over and over. What kind of crazy is this? http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Only-Rational-Thinking/
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Projecting. Future. Time. Meeting. Adaptive. Thinking.
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Honoring. Future. Time. Meeting. Adaptive. Thinking.
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James's Year in Review Video
Thank You Mother --- The QR Graphic top plays Pink Floyd's Mother and the bottom one plays Truth=Trust. http://firedancer.gruwup.net/Mother/ http://firedancer.gruwup.net/Truth=Trust/ -- On YouTube @[736383779775682:274:Answers With Joe] This Video Can Be Accessed Via Shortcut: http://firedancer.gruwup.net/YearInReview The Wolf-Box Shown In the End Of The Video is This Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10210586695085677&set=a.2757253252597.110504.1295702360&type=3&theater Anybody in my personal sphere of life from Denver Colorado.... would know what this box is. . Please don't comment it's just an observation. — feeling hungry at Friwey 15 Barston.
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Friendversary Video with Makta
Of Course @[100014554236180:2048:Makta Pond] of Course!
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Happy Birthday!
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This is a test. #OnlyRationalThinking -Can Save The World.
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James's Friends Day Video
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Friendversary Video with Blythe
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#WhyIsTheClearSkyBlue : Blue Grey Always : Blue Blow Blow Blow Away The Blue of Fucked Up Humans! #BlackLivesMatter #WhiteLivesMatter #PoliceLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter
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#WordsToLiveBy : Weary Eyes Version
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Semse Wiseness @Gruwup Peace 2018
Sense Wisenes : #BlackLivesMatter QR:: The Community As A Whole Must Seek To Understand Each Other http://community.gruwup.net/09/ @Gruwup 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
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#Kramobone iis about honesty and integrity --- for peace building. @Realuphuman.net is about holding that truth to all time human history.
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Matt Schrage Why do we call all our generous ideas illusions, and our mean ones truths? A Post-Work Proletariat? Marxist Thought and The End of Labor matt schrage - May 7, 2017 @ 12:54 am · Filed under Evolving Morality
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Group Sharing: Quality Over Quantity - No Hidden Agendas - Share Wide and Use Freely.
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Communicatcations - Lyrics - Eye Of The Tiger By Survivor
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http://community.gruwup.net/Enable : United Nations Enable Convention For Persons With Disabilities Year 2007. Its no longer allowed excuses to not incorporate full and equal participation in society.
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A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed - Animated Crazy Talk
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A Friend Like You Is Hard To Find - Animated Crazy Talk
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A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed - Animated Crazy Talk
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A Friend Like You Is Hard To Find - Animated Crazy Talk
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Friendversary Video with Marcie
This video came out real well --- How are you doing Marcie? I have had a major break again with my mental care --- I may have to come back to Peak Wellness for treatment.
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"Hello" by Lionel Richie
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Row Row Row Your Boat --- I bet you don't know these verses of this nursery rhyme.
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Friendversary Video with DevOryn
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Row Row Row Your Boat --- Crook Version
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Friendversary Video with Luis
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Friendversary Video with Lynn
Miss You Much! I shared with my mother that our anniversary day May 1st is the same day of the month of my UrbanDictionary Definition of Humans. It remains my top definition. https://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=In%20the%20Mindway Top Definition Humans There are two adversary forms of humans which are the Fucked Up Human and the Real Up Human. To scale from one or the other, all humans fall somewhere in line by every action that a human makes -- even each and every last keystroke being done. Well be real up ya all humans... ok? by In the Mindway May 01, 2005 And you ended being placed Real Up Human here: http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/Lynn.Marie.Darnell/ Wow! Are you looking into this synchronicity that I just now discovered?
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Hilarious! Love or Hate Me, I don't care ---- Happy Mother's Day!
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posted on LinkedIn.... Too Cool! Chadwick Turner Business Development at @[1559162064398353:274:Talespin] #Data can tell a story. Here is a story (simulation) of 1,000 American's during an average day. Each dot represents a person, color represents the activity, and time of day is shown at the top. CREDIT: @[78401413891:274:FlowingData]
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All Lava Flows From Hawaii -- Flowing To Lava Soundtrack - Send Me Someone To Love
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Rubix Cube Solver Robot
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Friendversary Video with Charley
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This is a draft piece closing to a full presentation video that can be downloaded from: http://realuphuman.net/@GruwUp/HD%20-%20Michelle%20Obama%20-%20test.mkv [ not for publication use - if this video format is released into the published media, I will pursue a lawsuit! ] If you don't respect this statement of intention, your connections will be listed to the F word version of this domain space. I am extremely serious, http://realuphuman.net/@GruwUp/FromTheDeskOf-Gruwup.jpg I am still working on the closing. I wanted to make sure this was issued on the date of release statement within this portion of this video. Thank you. Use of the Link to the main video is open to share. Use of the video download then is for private sharing purposes only. Would others like to be able to make statements that will be honored? A world where all rights are lost if you write something or send something to the media frenzy profiteers of hate, harassment and chaos filled technology addiction sharing? There is a calling I have for change in the way we are doing it. For we are doing it badly.
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#AllTheColors #MichelleObama @[96337265358:274:Singing Bear] [ There is a full presentation video that is currently in the works using Supported and All Of The Colors. If you care to know how your songs are being used, I am providing disclosure of these works in process. Follow This Link Please: https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/10211859017412940/
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Say Thanks To Someone You Care To ---
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Love: Family and Friends By Lizzy Pureheart
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@[140588053622:274:Desert AIDS Project] --- Sue, Open This video -- it has my @Realuphuman.net Mission Banner attached into this video. Wow, how they can pick the great images of my profile to produce such a great video. Watch it, please. Then, take the root directory of http://realuphuman.net and the image that is found there: http://desertaidsproject.realuphuman.net/@REALUPHUMAN-Banner-Mission-2018%20%5b%20Blank%20FillIn%20%5d%20600.jpg Would you please take this video and add to it a partnership of the honesty binding of @realuphuman.net attached to my case management intake. Thank you.
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Happy Birthday, Louis!
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Happy Birthday, David!
Happy Birthday, David --- hope all is well with you!
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Friendversary Video with Yogi
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Dirty Nursery Rhymes -- Warning Very Very Bad Language In This Video!
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Friendversary Video with Louis
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Link to Listen To Spoken Voice Narrative Interface To The Meaning Of Mpatapo: http://adinkra.gruwup.net/053-Mpatapo/053-Mpatapo.ogg
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Friendversary Video with David
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Happy Birthday, Jim!
Happy Birthday Dude! What's happening? Here is something for you..... http://webdomains.gruwup.net/facebook.com/gruwup/Are%20you%20Gruw%20Up.ogg
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OMG -- I never had a message that people saw my story before it disappeared. The term disappeared means something different than what it is on Facebook. Good. It reappears.
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#GyeNyame #Adinkra #OnlyGod #ExceptForGod
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#PersuasiveTechnology #MaktaPond #LinkedIn #JeffWeiner #InMail #WordsToLiveBy #TechnoREALism #Memex This is a crazy day world. I will -- I will -- pass this video across LinkedIn -- if I must. If this video cuts across LinkedIn -- I am going to RE-ENCODE the video showing this huge URL truth memespace. [ http://linkedin.fuckeduphuman.net ] -- I guarantee you -- this is the result of leaving the InMail Featured Tech Tool Static Unchanged for this LONG TERM operating destruction. It must change, I said something about this WAY WAY WAY MANY YEARS AGO. This is an invisible force that is within all of our expressions of waiting and sleeping conscious -- as human moments pass us -- experience to experienced. In memetics theory, we are encountering subset single unit cultural memes -- 24/7. Some of these memes hit our psyche is a well-wished welcomed way. But others do not do such a thing. They actually come and invade our minds with negative explosions or others at the synapse level activity -- they take over ourselves of our self -- they want to take a make something, build something, working on it's own time-frame. We have a [1] progression of truth [2] balanced trust zero [3] digression of trust In comparisons -- all of our trust or distrust in a collective trust interweaving holding -- we are in a capsule -- encapsulated - by whatever the current interchange of trust is -- at this present time 2020 I write, the trust value is a digressive value --- below zero --- way way way below zero -- a digressive standing - handing someone to do something and that something is taken away made upward trust-able -- is an equation that is extreme to the core testable conditions. That is because at this stage right here --- TRUTH REQUIRES BONDED TRUST. None of our information processing tools utilize a bonded/binding kind of trust passing into the user's holding, view, mind, and creation of a process to its status done. BINDED TRUST -- is where we must take our TECHNOLOGY into a new layer onto the internet. IT IS A REQUIRED PROCESS -- It can't get fixed otherwise. I can discuss this in more detail -- with you interwoven into that discussion -- real-time. I am the one -- the one who can save this -- but you all have made me feel so rotten -- rotten - seriously horror -- unsafe -- insecure -- I can't be just this one person -- we need a team of trust agents everywhere we work until we change this and invert this equation back to at least scale value 0. 🤯
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Live at the scene of a crime the crime of violating Citizen's rights to demand the authority to have some Integrity the authority of the police department San Bernardino County District Attorney's office and the San Bernardino Department Behavioral Health and this is absolute I demand my rights
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San Bernardino City Council Meeting Feb 02 2022 Public Comments - Stop Gangstalking Joesph Mora
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