2022-06-11 20:46:56
Help us Improve Facebook! Choose an Area [ Social Good / Fund Raisers / Safety Check ] Details: FACEBOOK - THIS IS QUITE ASTOUNDING - AND I AM INDEED TAKING THE UNDERSTANDING THAT FACEBOOK IS INDEED THE INTERMEDIATOR OF BEING INVOLVED IN A TECHNOLOGY ACTION THAT IS INDEED DIRECTLY BREAKING THE LAW. YOUR SITE IS INDEED A FACILITATOR OF ALLOWING HATE TO FLOURISH AND NOT BE ABLE TO BE ADDRESSED AND STOPPED! I EXPECTED THIS - THIS IS THE TYPICAL WHEN SITES THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLIC ENTITIES USE A CERTAIN FEATURE INTENDED TO CONTROL SPAM AGAINST THOSE WHO ARE PUSHING FOR ACCOUNTABILITY AND CHANGE! WE ARE NOT PROCEEDING AS THOUGH I HAVE NOT PUT THIS INTO THE PUBLIC VIEW -- ATTACHED IS THE FACEBOOK MESSENGER OF A MEMBER OF THIS COMMUNITY IN A POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT -- WE WONDER WHERE THIS IS ALL LEADING WHEN WE HAVE SUCH A STATEMENT HERE -- [1] THE CALIFORNIA STATE AUDITOR'S REPORT REVIEW OF THE SAN BERNARDINO POLICE DEPARTMENT. FACEBOOK, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INTERVEIN AND PUT A STOP TO THE INTENTIONAL MISUSE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS THAT ARE NOT PROPERLY BEING FOCUSED ON EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS BUT USED TO ESTABLISH A BLOCK OF TRUTH FROM BEING GIVEN THE NEED TO BE DISCUSSED AND FOCUSED ON - YOUR PLATFORM HERE IS BEING ABUSED BY HATERS! THE REAL DEAL HATERS - THE TOP OF THE CHAIN OF ALL THINGS HATE AND YOU CAN'T RELATE TO WHY THIS MUST CHANGE? Tone detector How this may sound to readers: formal http://auditor.ca.gov/reports/2021-105/index.html#section1 Agency Comments Each of the departments that submitted written responses to our report generally agreed with our recommendations, with some exceptions. Stockton Police did not clearly state whether it would implement our recommendations, but noted that it would analyze our audit and see how it can align its policies and procedures with best practices. San Bernardino Police did not submit a written response to our report; however, we incorporate its perspective on our findings and recommendations throughout the text of the report. --- This AUDIT HAS A GRADE - F -- because I have my own documented evidence -- and mine has been documented in the real time since I have been back into my hometown of San Bernardino since July of 2017. A SERIOUS PROBLEM HERE! FACEBOOK - A SERIOUS PROBLEM! https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/prevalence-white-supremacists-law-enforcement-demands-drastic-change-2022-05-12/ May 12, 202211:41 AM PDTLast Updated a month ago Prevalence of white supremacists in law enforcement demands drastic change By Hassan Kanu REUTERS/Fred Greaves Law Review Article Research (Reuters) - A Reuters investigation on May 6 indicates that a significant number of U.S. police instructors have ties to a constellation of armed right-wing militias and white supremacist hate groups, a report that adds to a fast-growing body of evidence showing a deadly threat inside U.S. police departments. The analysis found that some of the instructional information presented by police trainers was explicitly racist, and that some instructors endorsed and interacted with white supremacist criminal groups such as the Proud Boys. The investigation adds to mounting academic research, government audits and news reporting that demonstrates the pervasiveness of white supremacy in U.S. law enforcement, and a continuing series of incidents documenting the presence of extremist groups and views among law enforcement. More and more, the evidence suggests the “white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement” that the FBI warned about back in 2006 is getting worse. And it points to a desperate need for policies – departmental and legislative – to prohibit people who engage in racist conduct or join white supremacist groups from becoming police officers or remaining on the force. ----- SERIOUSLY FACEBOOK - THE COMMENTS THAT I PLACED INTO PUBLIC VIEW HAVE BEEN REMOVED SINCE I HAVE NOW BEEN BLOCKED -- THE IDEA OF SUCH NONSENSE -- OBVIOUSLY THE WHOLE THING STINKS TO HIGH HELL! http://facebook.fuckeduphuman.net/theSBPOA/SBPOA%20is%20proud%20to...%20-%20San%20Bernardino%20Police%20Officers%20Association%20_%20Facebook.html Facebook News Feed 9+ FRIEND REQUESTS 29 Marketplace 0 Watch 9+ Notifications 4 Main Menu 0 SBPOA is proud to... - San Bernardino Police Officers Association | Facebook Search Cancel San Bernardino Police Officers Association is in San Bernardino, California. 22 hrs · San Bernardino · More options SBPOA is proud to endorse Helen Tran for Mayor of San Bernardino. Helen brings the qualities and experience that our city needs to restore confidence in our local government, build relationships, and strengthen public safety for the community. Her forward-thinking, problem-solving abilities, and inside knowledge of the interworkings of the City will help move our police department, City Hall, and community in the right direction. Find out more about Helen at helentranformayor.com Stand with your Police Association and Vote for Helen Tran for Mayor of San Bernardino. #policeassociation #sanbernardino #cityofsanbernardino #sbpoa #inlandempire #election2022 #lesm #socialgov #localgovernment #mayor Like Show more reactions Comment Share 6 1 Share Write a comment... James M Driskill As I just said in Messenger, Do you have any official response for the most recent California State Auditor review of the San Bernardino Police Department? What does it say upon the integrity of both you and them to represent the truth and the consequences of not doing so, that no written response was offered? Did you know that I am a former notary and I take great offense at the notion that as a basis of the role of a notary, the established internet web presence of my efforts of holding a peace-building mission in view of the community is somehow lost that I am not actually being the best I can be to the role in our informational society similar of [ document integrity ] of a notary? Because they are indeed the same. http://facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-officers-assocation.integiry-of-the-standard-of-excellence.grade-f.realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/HISTORY-Driskill/NotaryCertificate1077638[full].jpg As much as you want to deny this fact -- this fact is true! Will any of you actually own up to holding a frank and honest discussion with me? The answer is already said. OPEN THE PHOTO URL -- THE URL IS VALID! Tone detector How this may sound to readers: friendly confident formal ----- Formal is formal and as such this message does not induce the need to block me -- this comment might induce a need to respond to me, responsibly. But none of that will be the course of the path you take - you must make an act of sure intent to attack me -- to remove my presence here on social media --- continue the onslaught of hate against me! I hold no "Legal Capacity" according to Article 12, of the Convention for the Rights of Persons With Disabilities, my rights through all of this have been intensely and vigorously violated! I remain to be blocked on Twitter from the account @SanBernardinoPD - just to name one element of digital damages against me! facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-... facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-... 1 hrLikeReplyMore James M Driskill @Steve Desrochers [ BLOCKED ME ON FACEBOOK - FOR NO REASON ] -- Shows "This Person Is Unavailable On Messager" -- Fatal Choice -- I did nothing to deserve such cast away -- nothing -- nothing -- nothing ! In the AFTERMATCH OF THIS -- I am an OPEN BOOK ! I mean I am an OPEN BOOK! I AM AN OPEN FACEBOOK -- The Messenger Content Will Be Included In The Next FACEBOOK DOWNLOAD AND UPDATE TO THIS LOCATION - SORRY -- I SAID WHAT I SAID - AND I JUST GOT INSULTED TO BEYOND APPROACH - HOW BIAS TO THE FACT - YOU CAN NOT HOLD A CONVERSATION WITHOUT BLOCKING! I would REALLY QUESTION a PERSON who was SHARED that I AM AN FORMER NOTARY - AND QUESTION THEIR NEED TO ESCAPE FROM THE SHARING OF MY GOOGLE MAPS LOCATION. BLOCKED RIGHT THERE -- PLEASE SAVE YOUR EMBARRASSMENT -AND FIND A NEED TO RESPOND TO ME PLEASE! HTTP://facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-officers-assocation.steve.desrochers.5.integiry-of-the-standard-of-excellence.grade-f.facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website/ FACEBOOK DOWNLOAD : DEFINED AS AN... facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-... 54 minsLikeReplyMore James M Driskill THIS IS A REAL FACEBOOK DOWNLOAD [ MESSENGER ARCHIVE RECORD ] OF MY CONTAINER HERE: http://facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-officers-assocation.steve.desrochers.5.integiry-of-the-standard-of-excellence.grade-f.facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website/messages/inbox/sanbernardinodistrictpolicedepartment_xtjtphzpdq/message_1.html FACT! I AM DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT AND NOTHING WRONG - YOU ARE ALL INSULTING! San Bernardino District Police... facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-... 52 minsLikeReplyMore James M Driskill ANOTHER MESSENGER CONNECTION OF FAILURE! YOU CAN TRY TO EXPLAIN THIS - YOU CAN'T! I AM AN OPEN FACEBOOK - IF YOU BLOCK ME -- ONLY GOES TO THE PROOF YOU CAN'T BE HONEST! http://facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-officers-assocation.steve.desrochers.5.integiry-of-the-standard-of-excellence.grade-f.facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website/messages/inbox/sanbernardinocountysheriff_dytrwowviq/message_1.html San Bernardino County Sheriff facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-... 50 minsLikeReplyMore James M Driskill AGAIN - WHERE IS THE COMMONS IN ALL OF THIS - WHY ARE YOU ALL GHOSTING ME? http://facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-officers-assocation.steve.desrochers.5.integiry-of-the-standard-of-excellence.grade-f.facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website/messages/inbox/sanbernardinocountybarassociation_xoyt0lcxmg/message_1.html San Bernardino County Bar Association facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-... 49 minsLikeReplyMore James M Driskill OH THIS ONE IS JUST SO TYPICAL! TIM PRINCE AND I ARE PART OF THE San Bernardino High School Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney Centeintial Class - 1883-1983 - We both know each other - it is not like I am a STRANGER here to this city! http://facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-officers-assocation.steve.desrochers.5.integiry-of-the-standard-of-excellence.grade-f.facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website/messages/inbox/timprincesanbernardinoattorney_x18uaeqdga/message_1.html Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-... 47 minsLikeReplyMore James M Driskill Try to begin -- AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE - - To: Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney James M Driskill Are you available to chat? Jan 27, 2020 2:11:21am No Answer -- You all Hypocrites! Legally, you can not block me! Why remain there in silence? 45 minsLikeReplyMore James M Driskill I HAVE PLACED MY ENTIRE FACEBOOK -- AS AN OPEN BOOK! AN OPEN FACEBOOK! -- CAN I STOP BEING SUBJECTED TO BLOCKING BECAUSE OF A CORRUPTION SO PROFOUND -- NONE OF YOU CAN HAVE A DISCUSSION - A DISCUSSION THAT MUST TAKE PLACE - NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE - WE ARE IN A DIFFERENT PLANE OF EXISTENCE - AND THIS DISCUSSION MUST MOVE FORWARD ANYWAY! 43 minsLikeReplyMore James M Driskill Helen Tran [ 1 mutual friend ] -- OPEN THIS IMAGE IN A NEW TAB SO YOU CAN ZOOM IN - THIS A FULL PAGE SCREEN SNAPSHOT - http://facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-officers-assocation.steve.desrochers.5.integiry-of-the-standard-of-excellence.grade-f.facebook.fuckeduphuman.net/theSBPOA/Facebook%20Messenger%20-%20Steve%20Desrochers.png A VERY STRANGE REACTION TO BLOCK ME FOR ASKING ABOUT THE PRESENCE OF "AWESOME" -- AND SINCE HE DID BLOCK ME - I AM NO LONGER ABLE TO SEE THE COMMENT - TYPICAL CORRUPTION FRAUD AT THE EXPENSE OF USING THESE TOOLS TO AVOID A SIMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER. I AM DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT AND EVERYTHING HERE IS AGAINST ME WRONG! facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-... facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-... 27 minsLikeReplyMore James M Driskill DO I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION - YOU CAN NOT BLOCK THE TRUTH -- AT YOUR WHIMSICAL NEED TO BE AN ASSHOLE TO ME! I AM HERE TO QUESTION THE VERACITY OF THE TRUTHFULNESS OF California State Auditor review and report of the San Bernadino Police Department - with the following in view - GRADE F! ----- http://auditor.ca.gov/reports/2021-105/index.html#section1 Peace Officers—Hate Group Affiliations Law Enforcement Departments Have Not Adequately Guarded Against Biased Conduct April 26, 2022 2021-105 Agency Comments Each of the departments that submitted written responses to our report generally agreed with our recommendations, with some exceptions. Stockton Police did not clearly state whether it would implement our recommendations, but noted that it would analyze our audit and see how it can align its policies and procedures with best practices. San Bernardino Police did not submit a written response to our report; however, we incorporate its perspective on our findings and recommendations throughout the text of the report. ----- ve·rac·i·ty /vəˈrasədē/ noun: veracity conformity to facts; accuracy. "officials expressed doubts concerning the veracity of the story" Similar: truthfulness truth accuracy accurateness correctness exactness precision preciseness realism authenticity faithfulness fidelity reputability honesty sincerity trustworthiness reliability dependability scrupulousness ethics morality righteousness virtuousness decency goodness probity Opposite: falsity habitual truthfulness. "voters should be concerned about his veracity and character" --- SINCE I AM HERE -- PRESENT AND ACCOUNTED FOR --- THE MOST LIKELY REASON WHY THERE WAS NO WRITTEN RESPONSE - ANY SUCH WRITTEN RESPONSE WOULD HAVE BEEN INSTANTLY INVALIDATED BY MY WRITTEN AND DOCUMENTED ACCOUNT OF MY WEB SPACE ACROSS ALL CHANNELS OF CIVIL SOCIETY INCLUDING THE SAN BERNARDINO POLICE DEPTAREMTN - LT. Carrington [ Now Sgt. ],. Sgt. Lanier Rogers and much documented - this is just one of the items -- the FOLDER SPACE IS REAL! IT WAS FAXED AT THE TIME OF AUTHORSHIP TO THE POLICE D STREET OFFICE -- EVERYTHING I AM - CAN'T BE SAID - IN A CORRUPTED FORCE OF DESTRUCTION OF OUR NATIONS RIGHTS UPON CITIZENS - I HAVE A STORY TO TELL - I EXPECT THAT STORY TO BE SAID IN A PUBLIC VIEW -- I DEMAND AN UNDECLINABLE DELIVERANCE OF THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH -- YOU CAN NOT LIE TO THE AUDITORS OF THESE FACTS - TO AVOID THAT I HAVE INDEED DOCUMENTED THIS -- EVERY ASPECT OF THESE MATTERS DISCORDED OF OUR COMMONS! http://persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Lanier.Joseph.Rogers.III/What%20if_%20To%20the%20San%20Bernardino%20Police%20Department%20Playing%20HopScotch.pdf Peace Officers—Hate Group Affiliations auditor.ca.gov 14 minsLikeReplyMore James M Driskill I DARE YOU TO BRING FORWARD THE TRUTH SO WE CAN MOVE ON TO MUCH BRIGHTER AND BETTER THINGS! WHAT IF? WHAT IF? WHAT IF? WRITTEN PDF: http://persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Lanier.Joseph.Rogers.III/What%20if_%20To%20the%20San%20Bernardino%20Police%20Department%20Playing%20HopScotch.pdf AUDIO NARRATIVE: http://facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-officers-assocation.steve.desrochers.5.integiry-of-the-standard-of-excellence.grade-f.facebook.meme.gruwup.net/!!!!%20%23WhatIf%20-%20Starting%20Point%20Memeplex%20--%20How%20to%20Stop%20the%20Epidemic%20of%20Mass%20Gun%20Shootings%20-%20Social%20Improvement%20-%20Rebuilding%20Trust%20In%20Our%20Communities%20and%20Our%20Collective%20National%20Order%20Societies%20-%20Unity%20in%20Community/What-if-by-James-Martin-Driskill-Dec2019.ogg FACEBOOK DOES NOT DISPLAY FULL URLS - I WILL PROVIDE IT IN PIECES FOR YOU -- DOES ANYBODY CARE? facebook.thesbpoa.san-bernardino-police-officers-assocation. steve.desrochers.5. integiry-of-the-standard-of-excellence. grade-f. facebook. meme. gruwup.net /!!!! - WhatIf - Starting Point Memeplex -- How to Stop the Epidemic of Mass Gun Shootings - Social Improvement - Rebuilding Trust In Our Communities and Our Collective National Order Societies - - Unity in Community/What-if-by-James-Martin-Driskill-Dec2019.ogg 2 minsLikeReplyMore Write a reply... ------- dras·tic adjectiveadjective: drasticlikely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme."a drastic reduction of staffing levels" Similar:extremeseriousforcefuldesperatedireradicalfar-reachingmomentoussubstantialheavysharpsevereharshrigorousswingeingpunishingexcessiveoppressivedraconian Opposite:mildmoderatedes·per·ate adjective adjective: desperate feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with. "a desperate sadness enveloped Ruth" Similar: despairing hopeless anguished distressed in despair suicidal miserable wretched desolate forlorn disheartened discouraged demoralized devastated downcast resigned defeatist pessimistic distraught fraught overcome out of one's mind at one's wits' end beside oneself at the end of one's tether dolorous Opposite: cheerful composed (of an act or attempt) tried in despair or when everything else has failed; having little hope of success. "drugs used in a desperate attempt to save his life" Similar: last-ditch last-chance last-resort last-minute last-gasp eleventh-hour all-out do-or-die final frantic frenzied wild straining futile hopeless doomed lost (of a situation) extremely bad, serious, or dangerous. "there is a desperate shortage of teachers" Similar: grave serious dangerous risky perilous hazardous precarious critical acute dire very bad calamitous appalling awful terrible frightful dreadful outrageous intolerable deplorable lamentable sorry poor hopeless irretrievable lousy chronic parlous urgent pressing compelling crying crucial vital drastic extreme great exigent (of a person) having a great need or desire for something. "I am desperate for a cigarette" Similar: in great need of urgently requiring craving in want of lacking wanting eager aching longing yearning hungry thirsty thirsting itching crying out desirous dying (of a person or fight) violent or dangerous. "a desperate criminal" Similar: violent dangerous lawless reckless rash hasty impetuous foolhardy incautious death-or-glory do-or-die hazardous risky Phrases desperate diseases must have desperate remedies — extreme measures are justified as a response to a difficult or dangerous situation. "she resorted to even more desperate remedies" -------- WHY CAN THEY JUST NOT HAVE A DISCUSSION - THE PHRASE USED [ showing a deadly threat inside U.S. police departments. ] That is important right? [ mounting academic research, government audits and news reporting that demonstrates the pervasiveness of white supremacy in U.S. law enforcement, and a continuing series of incidents documenting the presence of extremist groups and views among law enforcement. ] That is important right? [ More and more, the evidence suggests the “white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement” that the FBI warned about back in 2006 is getting worse. ] That is important right? [ And it points to a desperate need for policies – departmental and legislative – to prohibit people who engage in racist conduct or join white supremacist groups from becoming police officers or remaining on the force. ] That is important right? Do we need to understand the word for DRASTIC and DESPERATE --- I think so.... we can not continue to know -- I AM DEMANDING THE ANSWER FOR MY APPEARANCE ON THIS COMMENT TO BE PUBLISHED INTO THE SAN BERNARDINO SUN NEWSPAPER! THE FACEBOOK POST - REFLECTING MY BLOCK - DOES NOT REPRESENT THE BEST OF TRUTHFULNESS AND THAT IS THE THEME OF THE COMMENTING - SO THEY CAN NOT JUST BLOCK THAT TRUTH FROM THE PUBLIC DISCOURSE - THEY SHOULD INDEED BE PENALIZED FOR CARRYING ON THIS SCHEME TO BLOCK THE TRUTH FROM BEING SHARED, FOCUSED AND DISCUSSED IN PUBLIC VIEW - IT IS EXTREME - AND THESE ARE HIGH IMPERATIVE TOPICS THAT CAN NOT JUST BE SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET -- IT STINKS HIGH! YOU TOO FACEBOOK STINK ALONG WITH IT! JUST THE SAME! Can you please help me facebook to that goal? Will you please help me facebook to that good world working goal? If not, where does that place your priorities in all of this? PRETTY SERIOUSLY CONFIRMS YOU'RE FUCKED UP HUMAN STRATEGY TO COLLAPSE THIS NATION FROM THE INSANITY OF IGNORING THE HUMANITY IN ALL THINGS TRUE - TECHNOLOGY MUST BE CAREFULLY WEIGHTED WITH THESE IDEALS OF TECHNOREALISM: TIME TO SET BACK THE INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES BEFORE Y2K WHEN ALL OF YOU WENT BERSERK! ----- http://memex.org/meme4-02.html MEME 4.02 In this issue of MEME: TECHNOREALISM Over the past few months, I participated in the creation of a set of principles called "technorealism." It's a set of declarations meant to go beyond the bi-polar visions of cyber-utopianism and neo-Luddism. In another age, this would be considered a manifesto. Now it is an open letter, a document which, through the Internet, takes on a fluid, dynamic form. Literally anyone can sign it, pass it on, and participate. Instructions on how to do this appear at the end of this message. If you like what you read, I urge you to forward it, to friends, colleagues, and other lists where appropriate. Without further delay, let me introduce you to Technorealism. David S. Bennahum, New York City, March 11, 1998. In this heady age of rapid technological change, we all struggle to maintain our bearings. The developments that unfold each day in communications and computing can be thrilling and disorienting. One understandable reaction is to wonder: Are these changes good or bad? Should we welcome or fear them? The answer is both. Technology is making life more convenient and enjoyable, and many of us healthier, wealthier, and wiser. But it is also affecting work, family, and the economy in unpredictable ways, introducing new forms of tension and distraction, and posing new threats to the cohesion of our physical communities. Despite the complicated and often contradictory implications of technology, the conventional wisdom is woefully simplistic. Pundits, politicians, and self-appointed visionaries do us a disservice when they try to reduce these complexities to breathless tales of either high-tech doom or cyber-elation. Such polarized thinking leads to dashed hopes and unnecessary anxiety, and prevents us from understanding our own culture. Over the past few years, even as the debate over technology has been dominated by the louder voices at the extremes, a new, more balanced consensus has quietly taken shape. This document seeks to articulate some of the shared beliefs behind that consensus, which we have come to call technorealism. Technorealism demands that we think critically about the role that tools and interfaces play in human evolution and everyday life. Integral to this perspective is our understanding that the current tide of technological transformation, while important and powerful, is actually a continuation of waves of change that have taken place throughout history. Looking, for example, at the history of the automobile, television, or the telephone -- not just the devices but the institutions they became -- we see profound benefits as well as substantial costs. Similarly, we anticipate mixed blessings from today's emerging technologies, and expect to forever be on guard for unexpected consequences -- which must be addressed by thoughtful design and appropriate use. As technorealists, we seek to expand the fertile middle ground between techno-utopianism and neo-Luddism. We are technology "critics" in the same way, and for the same reasons, that others are food critics, art critics, or literary critics. We can be passionately optimistic about some technologies, skeptical and disdainful of others. Still, our goal is neither to champion nor dismiss technology, but rather to understand it and apply it in a manner more consistent with basic human values. Below are some evolving basic principles that help explain technorealism. *** PRINCIPLES OF TECHNOREALISM 1. Technologies are not neutral. A great misconception of our time is the idea that technologies are completely free of bias -- that because they are inanimate artifacts, they don't promote certain kinds of behaviors over others. In truth, technologies come loaded with both intended and unintended social, political, and economic leanings. Every tool provides its users with a particular manner of seeing the world and specific ways of interacting with others. It is important for each of us to consider the biases of various technologies and to seek out those that reflect our values and aspirations. 2. The Internet is revolutionary, but not Utopian. The Net is an extraordinary communications tool that provides a range of new opportunities for people, communities, businesses, and government. Yet as cyberspace becomes more populated, it increasingly resembles society at large, in all its complexity. For every empowering or enlightening aspect of the wired life, there will also be dimensions that are malicious, perverse, or rather ordinary. 3. Government has an important role to play on the electronic frontier. Contrary to some claims, cyberspace is not formally a place or jurisdiction separate from Earth. While governments should respect the rules and customs that have arisen in cyberspace, and should not stifle this new world with inefficient regulation or censorship, it is foolish to say that the public has no sovereignty over what an errant citizen or fraudulent corporation does online. As the representative of the people and the guardian of democratic values, the state has the right and responsibility to help integrate cyberspace and conventional society. Technology standards and privacy issues, for example, are too important to be entrusted to the marketplace alone. Competing software firms have little interest in preserving the open standards that are essential to a fully functioning interactive network. Markets encourage innovation, but they do not necessarily insure the public interest. 4. Information is not knowledge. All around us, information is moving faster and becoming cheaper to acquire, and the benefits are manifest. That said, the proliferation of data is also a serious challenge, requiring new measures of human discipline and skepticism. We must not confuse the thrill of acquiring or distributing information quickly with the more daunting task of converting it into knowledge and wisdom. Regardless of how advanced our computers become, we should never use them as a substitute for our own basic cognitive skills of awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. 5. Wiring the schools will not save them. The problems with America's public schools -- disparate funding, social promotion, bloated class size, crumbling infrastructure, lack of standards -- have almost nothing to do with technology. Consequently, no amount of technology will lead to the educational revolution prophesied by President Clinton and others. The art of teaching cannot be replicated by computers, the Net, or by "distance learning." These tools can, of course, augment an already high-quality educational experience. But to rely on them as any sort of panacea would be a costly mistake. 6. Information wants to be protected. It's true that cyberspace and other recent developments are challenging our copyright laws and frameworks for protecting intellectual property. The answer, though, is not to scrap existing statutes and principles. Instead, we must update old laws and interpretations so that information receives roughly the same protection it did in the context of old media. The goal is the same: to give authors sufficient control over their work so that they have an incentive to create, while maintaining the right of the public to make fair use of that information. In neither context does information want "to be free." Rather, it needs to be protected. 7. The public owns the airwaves; the public should benefit from their use. The recent digital spectrum giveaway to broadcasters underscores the corrupt and inefficient misuse of public resources in the arena of technology. The citizenry should benefit and profit from the use of public frequencies, and should retain a portion of the spectrum for educational, cultural, and public access uses. We should demand more for private use of public property. 8. Understanding technology should be an essential component of global citizenship. In a world driven by the flow of information, the interfaces -- and the underlying code -- that make information visible are becoming enormously powerful social forces. Understanding their strengths and limitations, and even participating in the creation of better tools, should be an important part of being an involved citizen. These tools affect our lives as much as laws do, and we should subject them to a similar democratic scrutiny. Signed (in alphabetical order), DAVID S. BENNAHUM, New York, New York Editor, Meme Contributing Editor, Wired, Lingua Franca, I.D., and Spin magazines BROOKE SHELBY BIGGS, San Francisco, California Columnist, San Francisco Bay Guardian online Columnist, CMP's NetInsider PAULINA BORSOOK, San Francisco, California Author, "Cyberselfish: Technolibertarianism and the True Revenge of the Nerds" (forthcoming from Broadway books) MARISA BOWE, New York, New York Editor-in-Chief, Word Former Conference Manager, ECHO SIMSON GARFINKEL, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts Contributing Writer, Wired Columnist, The Boston Globe STEVEN JOHNSON, New York, New York Author, "Interface Culture: How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate" Editor-In-Chief, FEED DOUGLAS RUSHKOFF, New York, New York Author, "Cyberia," "Media Virus," "Playing the Future," and "Ecstasy Club." Columnist, New York Times Syndicate, Time Digital ANDREW L. SHAPIRO, Cambridge, Massachusetts Fellow, Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet & Society Contributing Editor, The Nation DAVID SHENK, Brooklyn, New York Author, "Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut" Commentator, National Public Radio STEVE SILBERMAN, San Francisco, California Senior Culture Writer, Wired News MARK STAHLMAN, New York, New York Author, "The Battle for Cyberspace" (forthcoming) Co-founder, New York New Media Association STEFANIE SYMAN, New York, New York Executive editor and co-founder, FEED JOIN US! Technorealism is by no means an exclusive club, but rather an attempt to spread what we think are powerful and important ideas. To that end, we are inviting anyone and everyone who agrees with this document to sign their own names to it by filling out this simple form. BROWSE an index of like-minded books, articles and essays. COMING ON THURSDAY, MARCH 12: A FEED discussion of technorealism. COMING ON THURSDAY, MARCH 19: A conference on technorealism at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet & Society. COPYRIGHT 1998, DAVID SHENK/ANDREW L. SHAPIRO/STEVEN JOHNSON Subscirbe to MEME via e-mail. Visit the MEME archive with issues 1.01 forward. Search the MEME archive for anything you want. MEME is published by David S. Bennahum. Duplication for non-commerical use is permitted. Contact me if you have questions. Direct comments, bugs and so on to me at davidsol@panix.com. ----
2022-05-16 08:50:06
https://www.facebook.com/support/?item_id=1401663813677711&ref_medium=graphql&ref=notif&notif_t=actor_feedback&notif_id=1652714033020578 I have to PROTEST to what level of flag my post is being identified as SPAM. As you can see very closely, I am tagging a very specific set of identities including the United States Department of Justice and the Office of Justice Programs. The Link that is provided is an ARCHIVE COPY of an EMAIL that has been sent to The State of California Auditors office and is indeed a complex and comprehensive matter that needs to be addressed and not dismissed. I am sure that the number of tags applied to its post is what flagged this as spam. It is not spam. In my own way, I am conducting a Reality Audit on my entire life circumstances involving my medical healthcare interfaces along with law enforcement and my social services that have been COMPLETELY detached from my life. ALL OF CIVIL SOCIETY BLOCKS MY MESSAGES TO COMMUNITY TO CORRECT SOMETHING OF EXTREME NEED - I am about to head to court if those who can not see the need to RESPOND to me -- like decent human beings - in all of this NIGHTMARE that the State of California recently AUDITED several police agencies in California including San Bernardino, which is my hometown. http://auditor.ca.gov/reports/2021-105/index.html Peace Officers—Hate Group Affiliations Law Enforcement Departments Have Not Adequately Guarded Against Biased Conduct I have been dealing with San Bernardino Police in very dysfunctional citizen-to-authority agency circumstances since July of 2017. In that dysfunctional disconnection, I have documented the involvement of what has happened which the State Auditor did not take into account. The email most likely will be taken and placed into the bit bucket. The Facebook online tagged reference to the content is the only thing that might keep it from being tossed. There is nothing in the content itself that should induce such action except that I represent the truth. The truth in the circumstances that in the email, I introduce as: Dear Social Media Staff At the State of California Auditor's Office, My name is James Martin Driskill. I am not like any other person that you have ever met. I am ANGRY! [😡]. I am justifiably angry! image.png To the human person who is reading this now, how can I be personally angry at you? But then again I am! Because pre-conclusively you too will just ignore me like everyone else! For no good reason, you will ignore me, even as I have attempted to compel the truth to come forward! For you too must intentionally ignore me, the only deductive reasoning would be that you do not believe in the truth. And that truth must not be told here. Would that be true? If not, prove it to me. Before you read anything further, respond to all, and say "Mr Driskill, I have your letter and I have not yet read it. But I promise it will be taken into proper care and concern. Signed: Your Personal Human Name" But you will not do that. What is it that stops you from doing that? You will have to CIRCLE THE WAGONS to TREAT ME AS SOME KIND OF THREAT TO YOUR EXISTENCE! BECAUSE I REPRESENT THE TRUTH AND IN THAT TRUTH, IT MUST BE IGNORED FOREVER! I obviously have no faith that you can do your job properly -- you will fail! Just like everyone else including my very own family! 🔮FAIL 🔮FAIL 🔮FAIL!🔮 That emoji has meaning and purpose. You will and must fail! -------------------------------------- Can you understand Facebook, this is a public agency and they should not be able to block out the opinions and comments of the public at will, and especially they should not be able to use the BLOCK FEATURE. Actually,l the BLOCK feature should be a RESTRICTIVE FEATURE from any and all public official accounts, but that is a discussion for a different time. PLEASE REVERSE YOUR DECISION SO THAT THE TAGGS THAT APPEAR ON MY POST ALERT THE ENTIRE SPECTRUM OF ASSOCIATED AGENCIES TO THIS MATTER OF PARAMOUNT CONCERN FOR OUR NATION. THIS IS A MATTER OF EXTREME PINPOINTED RELEVANCE OF NATIONAL SECURIT -- AND IT CAN NOT BE DEEMED SPAM! THE EXTERNAL LINK THAT REFERENCES THE ARCHIVE OF THE EMAIL HAS BEEN GIVEN [ ACCESSIBILITY ] BY HAVING AFFIXED SPOKEN VOICE NARRATIVE MEDIA ATTACHED. THIS IS A LONG ADDRESS -- THE AUDIO IS IN 8 DIFFERENT PARTS. ULTIMATELY, A FAMILY IS SHATTERED AND BROKEN! HOW IMPORTANT IS THIS --- I am going to give you a link to an REUTERS ARTICLE: https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/prevalence-white-supremacists-law-enforcement-demands-drastic-change-2022-05-12/ Prevalence of white supremacists in law enforcement demands drastic change By Hassan Kanu --- This discusses the matters of LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS - and I have encountered Mike 'iSocialCop' Bires, the FOUNDER of LAWENFORCEMENT.SOCIAL that I have high suspect is also included into the list of TRAINING PROGRAMS that are being identified in this article has been intentionally training law enforcement in being rasists! That is a fact! Tone detector How this may sound to readers: ✌️optimistic 🤗friendly 🤝confident ----- The last image that is shown in the attached files, has a real copy of my California ID that is showing that I am a REAL PERSON and this is a REAL POST and this a REAL ISSUE. Thank you. Tone detector How this may sound to readers: 👕informal 🤗friendly 🤝confident
2022-05-12 14:52:28
On Item, my mother is a redhead. She is almost but she has bee doing a very psychological abuse [ invalidation ] for all of my adult life. I am age 18. I am in very bad situation in my life -- I am a targeted individual on gangstalking where on the National Instities of Health reflects 3 separate research paper defines gangstalking as real -- This has lead my to attempt top correct this -- to NOT HAVE ANY TRUST OF MEDICAL CARE SINCE MARCH 2019 -- I am dying - the serverit f this matter is found at this line. My Last Assigned HIV DOCTOR [ http://doctor-sohanjeet-singh-bassi-md.muckeduphuman.net/ ] This is a SCREN CAPTURE REPORTING that I placed into view of my action BLOOD WORK that the doctor was intentionally not ordering the correct tests. VIDEO [ http://fuckeduphuman.life/Doctor-Sohanjeet-Singh-Bassi/My-Doctor-%20and-Social-Workers-Are-Actually-Conspiring-To-Kill-Me---HIVUntreatable---2022-04-05-17-46-34-15.html ] This video proves the doctor is working inverse --- and actually intended harm against me. THIS IS THE VERY VERY VERY MUCH WHERE WE ARE IN OUR SOCIETY -- AND IT HASH SOME HARSH TOUGH LOVE - MY MOM HAS NOT BEEN MOTHERLY BUT UNMOTHERLY TO ALLOW THIS SITUATION TO CARRY ON WITH NO HELP FROM FAMILY! http://realityaudit.life/Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/auditor.ca.gov/Gmail%20-%20%5b%20Invite%20To%20Zoom%20For%20A%20Meeting%20Tomorrow%20--%20Or%20At%20Least%20Notice%20Of%20Mental%20Health%20Council%20Meeting%20That%20I%20am%20Attending%20-%20Attitudes%20Must%20Change%20-%20Especially%20My%20Mother%20%5d.htm I NEED IMMEDIATELY HELP - KNOCKING ON MY DOOR HELP! TAKE ME OUT AND RELOCATE ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE IMMEDIATELY! I AM A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL OF GANGSTALKING AND THE FAMILY DOES NOT HELP ME CREATE THE NEED TO TERMINATE THIS NOW! QR CODE: http://realityaudit.life/Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/Attention-Driskill-Family.html IF YOU WOULD INVOLVE YOURSELF -- SHE CAN CONTINUE RECYING THE CRUELTY ONTO ME -- OVER AND AND OVER -- SHARE HER THIS SCREEN SHOT - IF SHE CONTINUES - SHE KILLS HER SON!
2021-12-03 05:47:09
What might seem strange --- "Social good"?? [ Gmail-FacebookFeedback-Williamson-County-Jail-Corrections ]: http://facebook.fuckeduphuman.net/Feedback-SomethingWrong/Gmail-FacebookFeedback-Williamson-County-Jail-Corrections.htm Ref: Previous Feedback -- Something Went Wrong --- Report of Interference filters linking across to my internet domains - possible from complaint/retaliation efforts of ] Williamson County, Tx Sheriff's Office ]. I have absolutely no question that it is possible and more likely probable that the efforts to hold onto this conspiracy in ways that one would not consider -- reaching out of the box to realize the technology dynamics here. That overreach by law enforcement to be using technology in ways that American's for the majority of us, reject and fear. Fear-based government is not the way of American Ideals. ----- In the effort that my urgency to find and hold onto to process an actual connective point of [ TRUE GRIT ], I question everyone's allegiance to following the laws of our country here in the United States of America. I realize Facebook is internationally placed -- but CENSORSHIP on this matter is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to CONTINUE. --- Consider This too --- Affixed onto the Facebook Profile [ Williamson County, Tx Sheriff's OFfice ] Background Image -- My Comments Have Been Placed -- They seem to remain there -- but the account has remembered to member restricted me from commenting further. **** NOTICE OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC ACCESSIBLE LINKING PLACEMENT OF FACEBOOK FEEDBACK **** Reading Prior Feedback, your allowance for this DOMAIN must be placed into ACTIVE VALID VERIFIED Information Society Usage on your site. Until these matters are placed into an understanding of human conditions of positive/negative social forces on what needs to be corrected -- verified, repaired, and fixed. Facebook Have Been Given A Store Diirectory here: HTTP://facebook.fuckeduphuman.net http://facebook.fuckeduphuman.net/Feedback-SomethingWrong/ http://facebook.fuckeduphuman.net/Feedback-SomethingWrong/Gmail%20-%20Facebook%20Feedback%20-%20Williamson%20Country%20Jail%20Corrections_files/ --- Violation of the United States First Amendment: This Facebook ID is for a public police force agency. It is an illegal act against me. Any action that restricts me from offering my opinions into the view of the government agency of [ authority ] is a violation of my first amendment rights. RECOMMENDED CHANGE ONTO FACEBOOK DATA PROCESSES: Blocking In any form is really not the option here, given all things unsettled. I realize that persons individually have the right to block. But For organized public agencies on the platform, they should have a 2nd tier level approach that does not allow them just to click BLOCK and forget it -- and our citizenry suffers from not bringing TRUTH into a discussion and making an actual corrective, adaptive decision. Your site confirms the government's lies, cheats, and steals into our society. We must change this equation. Beyond the facts of my need to report jailhouse irregularities in the changes that have been done to the Fire Protection system from its specification built-in in 2003, there is something to really consider as a global collective humanity of each and every one of us. But the jailhouse is one aspect of our society that can be identified as wrong and wrongdoing for sure. Therefore, as currently operating in modification of these standards would immediately FAIL INSPECTION. ----[ Facebook Background Profile Photo ] : Profound Thought of Who/What Is Out There Watching Us. This comment is OUT ON THE EDGE OF REALISM BENT -- BENT to know I am only expressing myself TRUTHFULLY. Care to also place your individual human involvement into this same consideration. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=161934659449196&set=a.161934652782530&comment_id=205147975127864 James M Driskill Grammarly Tone detector, How this may sound to readers: 🤗 friendly 🤝 confident 🙂 joyful 💥Are We Still In A Collision Against Our Good Nature To Unite Forces of Truth, Justice, and Peace Of All Things Possible💥 This video applies to the comments that I placed onto the Fax Cover of my invitation to begin a conversation given needs here. These needs are to apply back onto the Williamson County Jail in actions proud to have done there. This would be to reach up and out of the secrets being sold. ----- 70% puts this topic onto the motion of action forward on the fax sent to Williamson County Tx Sheriff's Office. This reaffirms and defines this discourse as mainstream. You all there at the Williamson County, TX, Sheriff's Office are part of the discourse that we must be applying to new thought processes to consider way new ideas of thought where we as humans stand as creatures good, bad, or evil. We must rethink ourselves in the view that GOD IS WATCHING US -- and GOD'S EYES SEES ALL SECRETS. To build new trust, the best thing we could do is find our need to resolve on to ourselves to reach upward to and for always honesty first. #UAPReport SHOCK POLL: OVERWHELMING Majority Say Gov't CONCEALING Info On UFOs, UAPs As Pentagon Report LOOMS 98,049 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80eLzHr5pss The Hill 1.39M subscribers On today's What America's Thinking, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds 70 percent of voters said the U.S. government has more information about UFOs/UAPs than it is currently telling the public. This survey was conducted online within the United States from June 17 - 18 among 942 registered voters by HarrisX. The sampling margin of error of this poll is plus or minus 3.19 percentage points. The results reflect a nationally representative sample of registered voters. Results were weighted for age, gender, region, race/ethnicity, income, political party, education, ideology and area type where necessary to align them with their actual proportions in the population. #UAPReport ------ From the Transcript: 04:57 [Music] "what i find fascinating about this entire ufo debate is that it's coming at a time where people don't trust the government already and it's fascinating to me that the government's being you know pushed out in the open with something they've tried to keep secret and being forced to answer questions about it you know and i actually think i have this theory that if they are honest with us about ufos this could go a long way in rebuilding trust in our institutions that might be a giant leap from ufos to trust in the institution but i do think it's a really sort of fascinating phenomenon outside of the extraterrestrial part for society" ----[ My Motives as A Peace Builder Is Quite Real Here ]----- Deal With It! SHOCK POLL: OVERWHELMING Majority Say Gov't CONCEALING Info On UFOs, UAPs As Pentagon Report LOOMS YOUTUBE.COM ------ YouTube Video Details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80eLzHr5pss #UAPReport SHOCK POLL: OVERWHELMING Majority Say Gov't CONCEALING Info On UFOs, UAPs As Pentagon Report LOOMS 98,068 views The Hill 1.4M subscribers On today's What America's Thinking, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds 70 percent of voters said the U.S. government has more information about UFOs/UAPs than it is currently telling the public. This survey was conducted online within the United States from June 17 - 18 among 942 registered voters by HarrisX. The sampling margin of error of this poll is plus or minus 3.19 percentage points. The results reflect a nationally representative sample of registered voters. Results were weighted for age, gender, region, race/ethnicity, income, political party, education, ideology and area type where necessary to align them with their actual proportions in the population. #UAPReport The U.S. government has encountered more than 140 of what it calls unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), more commonly known as UFOs, according to an unclassified intelligence report released Friday. Of the 144 such encounters, just one was identified with high confidence while the others remain a mystery, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said in a report sent to Congress. The report offered several possible explanations for the sightings, including airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, top secret U.S. government programs and foreign adversary systems. But it also left open the door to "other" explanations. The report offered a rare public accounting of what the government knows and what it doesn't in an area that has long captured the public imagination, particularly for those seeking signs of extraterrestrial life. You can read more here: https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/560326-us-intel-report-confirms-more-than-140-ufos
2021-12-03 01:17:25
Facebook, it is most unusual that somehow the internet domains that I have had active on the Informational Society for over 15 years -- now all of a sudden seem to be filtered from active URL linking previews when given URL in public commenting and in messenger. There is some kind of filter been placed into my way --- interference -- that is most offensive and abusive to me -- and the truth -- that must be set into a forward motion to correct. I don't question your capability of you all to put me as low as you can go -- CONTENT SUPPRESSION. 4 days ago, I posted this Facebook comment -- and the preview of the contained link was reached out to its the source and put into the commentary for the public. ABSOLUTELY, there is no malicious content of any kind -- the content safe -- on my domains. There is ABSOLUTELY NOW SOME KIND OF FILTERING -- I am not harassing anyone. The content that I have to offer on this platform may reflect details that should bring this action of filtering content from my internet domains into a review and understanding. It becomes obvious in the manner if what I suggest is true. A complaint was generated against me from the account ID of this comment, and that is flat-out wrong. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=161934659449196&set=a.161934652782530&comment_id=205147975127864 The Posting Account [ Williamson County, Tx, Sheriff's Office ] has restricted me from further commenting. That action is definitely showing holding against me --- issued from a public agency -- is a violation of my first amendment rights. That action is illegal. To the extend what I said in my post --- Holds True: "Please do not BLOCK MY ACCOUNT ACCESS to your PAGE and do not just ignore the content this is posted here. If either of those actions is set into motion, thus violating my 1st amendment rights to be present here, I will wholely hell complain to Facebook for your actions are ABSOLUTELY unprofessional of law enforcement to not engage a citizen here." ------ Dear Facebook, my domains should be returned back to active status and not be put into a black list for the actions that I am doing. Because the activity that I am calling into question is very serious and goes to matters that are of NATIONAL SECURITY imperatives. I have also contacted my LOCAL POLICE and have the same CONSIDERATIONS upon them as well to DENY MY RIGHTS OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT. I must bring these matters forward into view. I have CONTACTED the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE in view of these matters. Would you please OPEN YOURSELF to the CONTENT that has provided in view of these matters are located on the domain: [ @fuckeduphuman.net ] -- Appropriately defined. https://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/the-science-of-swearing Excerpt: "Therefore, instead of thinking of swearing as uniformly harmful or morally wrong, more meaningful information about swearing can be obtained by asking what communication goals swearing achieves. Swear words can achieve a number of outcomes, as when used positively for joking or storytelling, stress management, fitting in with the crowd, or as a substitute for physical aggression. Recent work by Stephens et al. even shows that swearing is associated with enhanced pain tolerance. This finding suggests swearing has a cathartic effect, which many of us may have personally experienced in frustration or in response to pain. Despite this empirical evidence, the positive consequences of swearing are commonly disregarded in the media. Here is an opportunity for psychological scientists to help inform the media and policymakers by clearly describing the range of outcomes of swearing, including the benefits." ----- https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/worried-about-your-foul-mouth-swearing-could-actually-be-good-for-you Worried About Swearing Too Much? Science Says You Shouldn't BePeople who swear like a sailor are more honest and more intelligent, studies show.By Alex OrlandoJan 14, 2020 6:00 AM Exceprt: "Damn Honest Beyond swearing's impacts on the body and mind, research has shown that cursing can influence our social dynamics, too. A 2012 study found that swearing can enhance the effectiveness and persuasiveness of an argument. In addition, cursing can also convey an emotional reaction to something without us resorting to physical violence. And while many might consider swearing less than savory, a recent study revealed that people who curse often actually lie less and have a higher degree of integrity. After the scientists surveyed how often participants use profanity, they conducted a series of tests to determine how truthful an individual was. The research team found a positive link between profanity and honesty. Cursing was associated with less deception on an interpersonal level, and higher levels of integrity overall:" ---- Now Facebook, you must get involved to REMOVE the FILTER that has been placed because of a complaint of a LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY to CALL OUT their WRONGDOING -- not mine. I am here in all full honesty. I am strictly here expressing THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. ---- I have a GOOGLE FEEDBACK in the view -- that I am relaying to you -- I am not asking GOOGLE to REMOVE FILTERING -- I am asking an ACTION to CORRECT the SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM of FACEBOOK that has NOW BEEN ALTERED because of retaliation in some form by NOW FILTERING my and classifying my content as NOT ACCEPTABLE for GENERAL USE on FACEBOOK. https://www.texasjailproject.org/complaints/ If someone has been threatened with retaliation, please describe that in your complaint. It’s rare to hear of retribution for complaints to the Jail Commission, probably because once a complaint is reported, the jail knows that eyes are watching. Almost everyone agrees that prisoners should speak up and report abuse or neglect or unsafe conditions. (If you believe that giving your loved one’s name could be risky for her or him, please email us and we’ll discuss that with you.) --------This is the GOOGLE FEEDBACK I have directed to their care of these matters: Feedback on Google Search [ Lyrics Bridge Over Troubled Water ]: --- Dear Google Feedback - This is the google search results page for the Lyrics of Bridge Over Troubled Water. This feedback is marked as [ Something is wrong ]. I have made this a snippet text onto an address upon LAW ENFORCEMENT that is of matters of NATIONAL SECURITY interest. There remains a silence everlasting tone of absolutely no response of the matters involved that I must place into the public discourse. In Facebook Messenger, I have opened and attempted a dual exchange conversation with law enforcement to the Williamson County, Tx, Sheriff's Office. The Lyrics In Full Was Pasted Into That Conversation Chat at the very opening introduction. Here is what I expressed -- and it applies the same to the reader of this Google Feedback [ human to human ]: ---- [ Metaphor ] We [ human to human ] are both are in the well pit --- devoid of any response from above -- both yelling for someone to to show up and rescue us from the troublewater we are in. A Bridge Over Troubled Water. ---- There has been no active participation in matters that are grave and severe to conclude as matters of NATIONAL SECURITY interests. I gave them the opening opportunity which so far they have failed to meet their duty of enforcement -[ officer ] of the law. I have had to place reference of this to the United States Department of Justice in the presence of what I discovered of conditions that have been done to the building specifications of a fire protection system that was originally installed in a new building facility in 2003. Google [ human to human ] - you are placed into reference as a holder to the ties of the truth. I have gone through the How To File A Complaint About a Jail from http://TexasJailProject.org -- That references the exact full detail of the discovery of what I found maladjusted to standard administration code. The underlying reason and purpose for these changes is sinister. I claim with the details I provide, There have been at least 24 individual jail cells to serve as some kind of isolated from the public view [ private space ] and used for human abuse as TORTURE CHAMBERS. This could or may be set into motion in this specification to serve those who would desire to overthrow our government -- such as what happened on January 6th, 2021 at the Federal Capitol Building. Considerations that if jail houses across this nation have had similar changes, these spaces in collective could be used and would be used to continue a power takeover of the full country of our nation. THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR A HOAX. I have placed the correspondence attempts to resolve these matters into a public access archive and they are designed to provide PUBLIC ACCESS to the PUBLIC INTEREST to know the truth to these concerns -- even if those who I have contacted remain silent to form a response of responsibility. PUBLIC ACCESS to --- Has Spoken Voice Narratives Audio Media Created For These Pages. An External Public Access Content Copy Archive of the Complaint - With Preappended Content Presented To The Public from: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>to: complaints@tcjs.state.tx.uscc: help@texasjailproject.orgdate: Dec 1, 2021, 1:28 AM subject: Notice of Fire Protection System Modifications - Against Fire Code -- Smoke Detectors Removed and Missing From Infirmary Individual Cells [ 24 Count ] - Seriously! Intentionally removed, an act sinister upon future purposes. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/texasjailproject.org/Gmail%20-%20TexasJailProject%20-%20Notice%20of%20Fire%20Protection%20System%20Modifications.htm 2021-12-01 19:05 46K --------An External Public Access Content Copy Archive Of Facebook Messenger Tool With the facebook account [ Williamson County, TX Sheriff's Office ] -- With Preappended Content Presented To The Public http://fuckeduphuman.space/Williamson-County-Texas-Jail/Messenger/If-You-Want%20To-Achieve-Respect-First-Define-It-With-Excellence!.htm 2021-11-30 16:50 267K ------- Please Respond --- Advise Me What Should I do in these regards to get the attention -- as a MATTER of NATIONAL SECURITY ??? Email: WilliamsonCountyTexasJail-Corrections@fuckeduphuman.net James Driskill 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA 92405 Home: 909-882-8759 Mobile: 516-406-4560 (Sms ok) I would welcome an in-person interview from any agency of resolve -- news reporters and/or law enforcement to include agents of honesty and integrity of the FBI. ----- Facebook, Do I have your cooperation?